
Russian Hunter's KING

I was a Hunter and honored the Codex. For my services to humanity and the "right" life, I was given a reward. A new life after death and a new World where I could have a well-deserved rest. But, something went wrong. I need to fight again. Unlike in my previous life, here I am confronted by Monsters that are much more terrifying than in the past. More cunning, cruel and unpredictable. And their name… The author of the work is not Me! Honest translation of MTL ! The cover is not mine! The characters aren 't mine either ! My native language is not English so I almost don 't understand you ! by posting this mtl here, I just want to introduce you to this book and perhaps motivate you to write your own fantasy fairy tale with anime / movie characters

HARDCORELOLIGANG · Livres et littérature
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42 Chs

Chapter 13

All this time I have been turning over in my head the task of Arkhip, or rather his mysterious customer. Judging by what Rafael unearthed, this piece of land was bought four years ago by Baron Ivanov, whom no one ever knew. Clearly, another figurehead. He got it for nothing less than twenty thousand, which, according to Raphael's definition, was at least ten times lower than the face value. Well, they actually squeezed out for debts, using loopholes in the law. The estates of the Galaktionovs have been pulled apart piece by piece for the last ten years. It was not a fast process, no one was in a particular hurry. There were about fifteen judgments in this area. No one wanted to overpay, but slowly and surely, five pieces of property went to different hands.

All the more strange was the proposal. The customer needed the heart of a giant snake, it was also called the Sapphire Serpent, which was found in this Rift. As far as Arkhip enlightened me and what I dug up in open sources of information, they made a kind of "elixir of youth" out of it. That is, most likely, the customer was either very old, or one of the relatives.

The rift was yellow, the 4th level of danger. There were not many of these snakes inside, but they were extremely strong. Also, as with the Anthill, no one reached the very bottom. Yes, in principle, no one tried. Still, this ingredient was very valuable. But again, according to Arkhip, something has gone wrong in the last few months. Periodically, twice a month, raid groups specially went to this place for this ingredient for rich aristos. And now for two months, and three missing groups - no one reached there. In ordinary times, ten to fifteen thousand rubles were given for this heart. How much it costs now is difficult to predict, given that these snakes were no longer in the vicinity.

Well, with something you need to start restoring the power of the Galaktionovs. It turned out funny - I got into this world by accident, not even by the fact of birth. But something was so nice and warm that it spread over my body every time I thought about the fact that the estate needed to be returned. Especially I did not listen to my feelings, but it was for a reason.

Okay, it's decided. I called a taxi to the Center, nodded to Karamelka, got ready and took with me the camp refrigerator that Arkhip had given me for this raid. The container was magical. It was called a refrigerator by analogy. It just performed a similar function, but with the help of magical enchantment.


Yes, I again used the services of the Center. Considering that the Rift was located thirty-two kilometers from the Perimeter, and the road there was not as well-trodden as to the Anthill, the non-negotiable condition for renting from the Center was two combat vehicles. Either that or not. I had to lay out two and a half thousand. I once again marveled at the local economy. Loot, of course, was worth it, but the Center clearly did not miss the opportunity to pinch off part of the profits from the poor Easts. They help, yes!

I sat down in a corner, and, as usual, dozed off, accumulating strength. The awakening was not very pleasant. The fire was blazing, a heavy machine gun was pounding, and hot shells were raining down from above. The car didn't stop.

— What is there?

— Wild! - threw the navigator.

Two shooters fired back through the loopholes. And finally, those same Wild Monsters, for the sake of which the entire Perimeter was built. Monsters from those Rifts that the Slayers either could not or did not want to reach, existing for many months, and possibly years, and periodically spitting "fresh" creatures into our reality.

I pulled back the armored shutters and cautiously peered outside. We were attacked by some kind of four-legged creatures, most likely from the same class of wolves. What can they do against armored vehicles? As soon as I had time to think about it, one of the "wolves" jumped towards us in a long jump, and its paw, breaking through the loophole, flew inside, and with one jerk tore off the head of the shooter.

- Your own mother! I managed to bark, and my body reacted even faster.

Pulling out the sword, I cut off the paw. The wolf, whimpering, fell off, and I picked up the dead man's rifle. I haven't shot in a while. The view from the loopholes was limited, but I still managed to chop one of the enemies that appeared in my field of vision.

The shots died down and the car drove on.

- Your mother, Petrov, how is it so ?! the second gunslinger bent over the headless body.

Hmmm, it looks like I got excited when I accused the Center of inflated prices. For example, this same Petrov does not care how much money I paid for the fare.

Then we got there quickly.

- We're here, sir! The navigator nodded to me.

I opened the landing hatch, and calmly went outside. Calm down, because Shnyrka has already looked around. There was no danger around. I turned to the navigator.

"I have four hours of paid waiting, right?

- Yes, sir!

"Alright guys, hold on.

- Be careful out there.

I took a step towards the Rift and then turned around.

"Listen, sergeant. From half a kilometer in that direction there are two creatures resembling moose, with the muzzle of a pig. And they're heading our way.

"How do you…" the military man began, but then he stopped. - Accepted, sir! These are the Yamans, we can handle them. But thanks for the warning.

"Come on," I waved, and walked towards the Rift, burning with yellow light.

I was about five minutes away from the Break. It was foolish to drive closer, and there was no road there.

While I was walking towards the Rift, Shnyrka scouted the whole area. It's good to have such a useful pet. He seems to have heard my thoughts. He does not like the word "little animal", and sometimes I tease him on purpose.

— N-n-n-nada? Shnyrka emerged, holding a dirty floorcloth in his hands.

Bitch! Offended, hike, and where only he found her. I suppose I took it out of my personal space. I would like to know one day what he has in there.

Of course, I have already thought about this more than once, but this is our taboo. He, of course, will not mind, but if I violate his comfort zone, he may be disappointed in me as a partner.

They are strange, but very loyal, if you always respect their quirks. Although I did not know who else was able to tame pets of the Shnyrka breed. Maybe it's just mine with the bells and whistles? Even though I have read this in books. What if it was Shnyrka, the bastard, and then he threw me the book he needed in the library when I was looking for at least some information about him? No, it can't be, bullshit! Or maybe?

I had to take the rag and wait until Shnyrka left. But he doesn't leave ... He runs beside me, looking at me in anticipation, and also blinks slyly. He understands, though.

- So ... Who does not work, he does not eat ice cream! reminded him, and he wondered what was more important to him.

The rag, su..., turned out to be more important, and he walked beside me for a couple of minutes and watched me hold it in my hands, trying not to let it touch my body more than two already dirty fingers.

When Shnyrka dumped, the rag instantly flew to the side. And I immediately burned it, to hell with it, so that this bastard would not pick it up again, and not make a trick on me.

By the way, before leaving he showed me an interesting picture. Not far from here, about a kilometer away, was a hefty wild wolf, much larger than its relatives. He was foaming at the mouth, and his eyes were bleeding, and he seemed to have rabies. There is a chance that he will devour my escort, he may not be killed with ordinary weapons, and then I will have to stomp my feet backwards.

Why should I waste my time? He summoned two wolves and sent them to investigate. And just in case, I added three more bats. So it will be more reliable.

He himself moved to the Rift, thinking along the way that three groups of Easts had disappeared without a trace lately, so the portal, and the color of the portal itself, hinted that the resistance there would be serious. Well, to be honest, I had no intention of exploring the entire location, much less shutting it down.

All I needed was a heart. One heart to deal with mystery shoppers. I suspect that in order to close this location, you need a normal raid group, which I did not have. And in the near future, most likely, it is also not expected. Whatever, I wasn't stupid. Fools rarely become Hunters. Well, those who become, thanks to some miracle, their career ends very quickly.

For some reason, in all worlds, the more mysterious the place, the more it attracts the attention of people. They themselves invent fairy tales for themselves that untold riches await them there.

I remember the case when fate brought me to one "cave of death", as the locals called it. A black dragon wound up there, which ate everyone who wanted to kill him, and a lot of people went to him. In addition, there were rumors that the dragon was guarding a lamp with a genie that would grant three secret wishes. There were plenty of daredevils to change their lives. But in fact, it was a simple dragon who loved to sleep very much, and he was always interfered with. I did not kill him, but drove him away with kicks, before agreeing. If he wants to sleep, let him go to the mountains, he told him so. And yes, there was no magic lamp there at all.

I sent Shnyrka forward and looked through his eyes. This location existed for a long time, and there were some descriptions about it on the Center's website. I tried to study them all. The location was a piece of the jungle, on the tall trees of which the snakes I needed lived.

The strategy was simple - the people just came out of the Rift, and carefully walked in circles, waiting for the snake to rush from above on the group. Together they soaked it and went to look for the next one. Well, if the order was completed, then they went to the exit. Nothing complicated. That's just no one even close to imagine how far this location stretches, and what needs to be done to close it. Quite a farm. location with good useful ingredients.

Well, the portal was in a small clearing. Directly overhead was a luminous veil of the sky. It was from above that no one fell on the head, so I took the risk of going inside with Caramel, having previously pulled out the sword, and took the dagger in my other hand.

By the way, according to the terms of the duel, I took the sword from Drozdov. That's just, or he was smarter than I thought, or poorer. The fact was that his sword was as strong as mine. And given that the blade was narrow, and therefore more fragile, then this weapon in the Rifts would definitely not be useful to me.

I took him with me, counting on a ransom, but Drozdov's silence confirmed my first assumption. This particular sword had no value for his Family, and no one came for a ransom. Well, I'll take it to Arkhip, but for now, let it lie down with me. Basically, she's quite pretty. The coat of arms of the Drozdovs was absent on it, and in case of any next solemn need, I can attach it to my belt. And then I won't have to blush in front of Androsov and the others. And to deal with the Gifted, she will be enough with her head.

Shnyrka climbed into the very jungle in search of snakes. Still, my pet was incredible. I do not need to run and look for the enemy. Shnyrka himself will tell me where to go. At about this thought, the image suddenly disappeared.

- What the hell?! I frowned, starting, just in case, to saturate the spiritual armor.

— Sh-sh-shuk! Sh-sh-shvolosh-sh-sh! Sh-sh-sh-shkatina!!! - A wet, I would even say, sticky pet formed on my shoulder, which squealed and waved its paws indignantly.

- What's happened?

- Sh-sh-ate, sh-sh-shuk!!! - the little villain continued to be indignant, and at that moment a snake jumped at me from the foliage.

I was ready for this, understanding in which direction Shnyrka disappeared, so I immediately rolled to the side. The panther bounced off in the other direction.

- What the hell?! - that's all I could say.

This is not a Sapphire snake. Yes, and those snakes were also rather big, reaching a length of ten meters, and half a meter in diameter, but this one was a real monster!

Having jumped on us, her tail was still in the jungle, and her head was of such a size that it seemed that it could swallow whole not only Shnyrka, but also me.

One more throw. And once again, with difficulty, I stepped aside.

Lightning third throw. The third time I had time to think, and when the snake's head flew past me, I slashed it with a sword imbued with power.

But this is already bad! If I caused her any damage, then neither the snake nor I noticed it. And the worst thing was that the snake, having slowed down for a second, was equally between me and the open portal. There was nowhere to retreat. My weapon won't take it. This is very bad.

Well, the Hunter's reflexes have always been with me. Immediately in front of me, summoned green ants formed, which vying with each other began to spit in the snake's mug, trying to get into her eyes. Apparently, they did not cause any problems for her. But her tail appeared from the jungle, along the way catching Caramel so that the cat flew off to the side. She twisted in the air like a cat, and then landed on all four paws and hissed indignantly.

The big snake just waved its tail, crushing my ants.

I threw a couple of fireballs, which only pissed her off. What can kill her?

"Shhhh me!" Shnyrka hissed, and rushed forward somewhere.

The tail was already flying in my direction, forcing me to retreat. Well, actually, that's what I did. We ran deep into the jungle. I called for a panther. The only thing I did not forget was to randomly release all the souls that I had left from behind. Ants, goblins, flying mice all made it a bit difficult to follow us, otherwise in her element in the jungle, I think she would have devoured us in a few seconds. It's good that the locations are not very large, and it was not far to run.

Right out of the ground in front of me, entangled in vines, a stone structure grew up, going up, and it was not clear what it was. Old mossy stones, completely overgrown with local lush vegetation. The huge stone door was slightly ajar just enough for a man to run in.

Caramel was quicker, and on my orders, jumped in there first. I squeezed in after, and immediately the building shook with a heavy blow, when the big head of the snake tried at the last moment to grab my leg.

"Did you eat, you bastard?" I turned to the exit, poking my middle finger in there.

My heart was pounding like crazy, my adrenaline was surging. I haven't been in a rut like this in a long time. I took a deep breath and turned around. Strangely, the fur on the withers of the panther stood up, and he hissed angrily, looking somewhere into the darkness. A hiss echoed from the darkness. From there flashed two bluish lightning. And here are the Sapphire Serpents!

At least my sword took them. I found this out almost immediately. Yes, and the claws of Caramel worked well. During the battle, I also had to call in several ants, which distracted them, preventing them from rushing at me and Caramel. The fussy and tedious battle lasted about fifteen minutes. After all, the monsters were pretty strong.

But, in the end, two corpses of hefty snakes, one with a severed head, the other with a bitten off, lay next to me. By some miracle, I didn't lose the "refrigerator" that was strapped to my backpack at the back. War is war and work is work. I opened the body, and two hearts ended up in a magical vault. And two more orange jellies. Now we need to get out of here quickly. We killed two kites, but with great difficulty. After all, they were "orange" C-creatures. There were only two snakes, and I understood why people came here in raids. If there were at least three of them, or even four, I would have to strain a lot.

I sent Shnyrka outside. It looks like the little one didn't like being swallowed, so he appeared somewhere high, showing me the whole panorama. The snake sat on top of the entrance on the stone steps, or the temple, or, hell knows what, closing his eyes, and as if basking in the sun. However, I saw how one of her eyes opened for a second, making out Shnyrka, who was very far from her. It seems that this creature has a specific feel.

Checkmate, Mr. Galaktionov. Intelligence inside the temple revealed a large number of Sapphire Serpents. It seems that a healthy bastard ate all his relatives outside, and the survivors stupidly hid from her in this building. Where did this healthy creature come from? Yes, damn, what's the difference. I need to figure out how to get around it.

As time went. Shnyrka examined the tier of the stone structure. Karamelka and I held the defense near the entrance. During this time, another crazy snake tried, most likely, to get some fresh air, and ended up without a head, and I got one more heart and one more orange jelly.

I sorted through the souls inside my vault, wondering who could handle this huge snake. It turned out some kind of garbage. Either I didn't have enough strength right now, or I wasn't sure that the summoned monster could handle it. Or he doubted that I would later cope with the summoned monster, which would kill the snake and change its mind about leaving.

I would be a bad Hunter if I didn't know how to deal with the creatures. Yes, it was not always possible to kill the monster from the first attack, especially if it appeared unexpectedly, and I had no information about it. But I always came back. And as a rule, after the second meeting, the monster had no chance with me. In my current situation, there are two options - pump yourself or collect a full-fledged raid. But both of them looked unreal.

It's good to have a pet that goes through walls. In the depths, underground, at the very limit of my "control" and normal interaction with the pet, Shnyrka found a large stone door, lit by strange torches, burning with a bluish light. But it was an unusual fire. Either burning gas was knocked out of the ground, or it was some kind of magic.

The whole door was covered with incomprehensible hieroglyphs. Real adventurers should have solved the riddle, but Shnyrka ran inside without any fuss. A large stone pedestal was in the middle, and on it stood a small stone figure of an incomprehensible creature made of some kind of stone, casting a bluish light. I was about to tell Shnyrka to grab this thing, but my eyes were drawn to another corner, where I sent the guy.

In the corner there was a collapsed arch of the old one, which could not be held by three broken stone columns, which, either from time or from external forces, fell apart, and a manhole was visible going up, exactly the size of the monster that was sitting outside. It seems that she lived in this hall, guarding, and then got out, arranging genocide for her companions.

- So, Shnyrka, bring this thing here! I mentally said.

Shnyrka grabbed the figurine and disappeared there, only to appear here immediately. And here something went wrong. A mournful howl resounded throughout the pyramid when Shnyrka dropped a small figurine into my hand. Well, like a small one... It was about half a meter in size, made of a luminous blue stone, and from it a pearl with such specific force that, to be honest, I even grimaced a little.

Outside, they began to knock unceremoniously and loudly. Shnyrka, who was sent there, showed that the healthy snake had gone mad, and was banging its head against the door, trying to break through it. And all the small snakes from below flocked here.

"Looks like we're fucked up!" For some reason, I said out loud.

A slow-witted hunter is usually a dead hunter. Yes, I've been dumb sometimes. But never in these situations.

"Hold it," I shoved the figurine to Shnyrka, and mentally gave the order.

Small understood everything, and ran through the shadow to the far side of the location. While he was in the shadows, all the snakes froze, starting to rush left and right. But as soon as he appeared, it seems that the creatures sensed him, because a huge snake rushed forward, and Caramelka and me were almost swept away by a stream of Sapphire snakes, which, paying no attention to us, rushed in a crowd towards the little asshole.

I started counting mechanically. Around the fifth decade, I lost my way. A few more crawled past, though it didn't matter anymore. There are about fifty of them. But Caramel and I ran out after them.

Shnyrka galloped like a hare along the perimeter of the location, first dodging the leader of the snakes, and then from her minions who came to the rescue. Kara and I rushed to the Rift. Once near him, I gave the small order. He immediately appeared, threw a figurine into my hands and we fell out. Angry, but very pleased with themselves.

- What the hell, I wonder, did I pull it out? I looked down at my empty hands.

How so?! Why... empty hands?

I immediately sent Shnyrka inside. So it is, the blue god simply "did not pass" through the Rift, but was lying on the other side. And right now, a hefty snake gently grabbed him with his teeth, and instantly disappeared with her into the jungle. It seems that this figurine could not be taken outside until the Rift was completely closed. I once read about this, and now I'm convinced myself.

- Here's the bastard! I screamed in my heart.

Nothing frustrates a Hunter more than losing or taking legitimate loot.

- Well, nothing, I'll be back! I shook my fist in the direction of the orange haze. "It's just going to take a little getting used to.

Imperial Military Hospital


Department for aristocrats

A little pale, but it looked like a healthy young man, limping slightly, in a gray hospital gown, was walking along the corridor. At the end, near the solitary ward, there were two corporals in military uniform, but with the coat of arms of a noble Family on their sleeves, lazily looking at the nurses passing by.

The man lost his stride, and froze in indecision. He seemed to be contemplating whether to run away from here or it was already too late. The gaze of one of the warriors caught on the young man, and did not come off. Late!

The staff captain of the Life Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, Artyom Drozdov, on stiff legs, entered the ward, where, leaning on his knee, an elderly general from infantry was sitting in the pose of Rodin's "Thinker".

— Hello, father! - the cavalier of the imperial military order trembled noticeably voice.

The general looked up with a heavy gaze, and his bushy brows drew together dangerously.

- Close the door behind you! he ordered.

Artyom followed the order and came closer, involuntarily standing at attention.

Duke Nikolai Fedorovich Drozdov sighed heavily.

— How could you, Artyom?

Drozdov Jr., knowing his father well, was silent, waiting for the continuation.

How could you dishonor our name like that? And, most importantly, why?!

"Father…" the young man began.

- SHUT UP!!! shouted the general, and jumped to his feet. His face turned purple with anger, he began to pace back and forth across the ward, hands clasped behind his back. "The doctors reported to me about your condition after the duel. By the way, the doctors cost me a tidy sum! Otherwise, you had to wallow here for several months, and go under yourself! How? Tell me, how could the boy baron butcher you? And why did you go to him?

"Father…" Artyom began again.

- Shut up! the general said more quietly. "Have you offered a ransom for the family weapon yet?"

"No..." Drozdov Jr. said in a barely audible voice.

What, no money again? The general smiled ruefully.

"No, I didn't fight with the family weapon…" the young duke said very quietly again.

- Why is this? said the old general.

The son lowered his head and remained silent.

- I'm asking! Why?!

I lost the blade...

- WHAT?!!

- I lost the blade at cards... And the condition for the return was to cripple Baron Galaktionov. Better yet, kill...

The old man sighed noisily, his jaws began to play on his face, and suddenly, without warning, his big fist crashed into the unlucky offspring in the jaw, throwing him back against the wall of the ward.

"You are a shame on my gray head…" panting heavily, the general stood over his son, who was curled up in pain. So, listen here, Tom...

Without incident, I was taken to the Center. From there, I already took an ordinary pickup truck, and taking pity on the owner of the taxi, I got into the trunk with Caramel. We looked dirty and smelly, as we always do these days. But in the "refrigerator" I had three hearts, and in my soul a quiet rage was ripening at the nasty snake. I carefully moved it to one of the shelves of my soul, where it will mature and intensify for some time. And I will release it when I return to this Rift. And I will definitely go back there.

Seeing the slightly ajar door to my apartment, I grunted and sent Shnyrka forward. Well, yes, that's what I thought. I went in and saw a corpse lying next to the bedroom. Middle-aged man, no blood, and no external manifestations. I just know for sure that his brain was whipped, as if with a mixer. Nearby, out of nowhere, a small red-haired monkey with wings appeared. We called him "Oblizyan" - a rare, but very dangerous creature.

After I caught him in a past life, this little furry fluffy man managed to lay down half of the castle of the noble knights. I was not a fool and went on a raid for hearts specifically to vacate the apartment for this "guest". And I drew at least two Shnyrks this morning. After Arkhip told about serious people from St. Petersburg, Shnyrka worked non-stop in alarm mode.

- Why didn't you drop it? I squinted at Oblizyan, and, just in case, put my hand on the sword.

Fuck knows, maybe he is too strong for today's me, and will not want to run away. It was this being that I summoned due to the fact that it was at the limit of my current capabilities. In which case, I can handle it, but I have to try very hard.

Oblizyan humanly shrugged his shoulders and vanished. Except he didn't fly off to his monkey paradise. I felt his soul dive into my vault and settle on the surface next to the pink ant. Yes, what kind of chaos is this! All my knowledge from the past world is flying through the female genital organ. I categorically refuse to understand anything. Okay, Kern resisted, this is understandable, but what do they need ?!

He shook his head and sat down beside him, quickly searching the corpse. Of course I didn't find anything. He didn't even have a weapon. Well, this is understandable, he clearly did not come to kill me. Considering that I was grazed, it was a kind of intelligence. And that's what I was thinking about, wondering if I should just let them look around at my place. Clearly, the alarm was turned off by them. Or still resist? In the end, I decided that I needed to show my teeth.

There was nothing but a small cell. Well, yes, the comrades assumed that the first messenger would merge, but they received partial information. I looked at the camera - a one-way camera, without memory, transmitted information to someone on a gadget. There was even nothing to decipher, like on that phone of my first killer, where, by the way, there was no useful information. Well, as if nothing ... Arkhip knew some contacts and confirmed that yes, those people acted on the order of the King. These same ... Well, we will assume that these are St. Petersburg.

Call the police or play a little? I smiled. Well... I guess I'll play. It's time to show your teeth.

After dragging the corpse into the bathroom, I tossed it into the first apartment purchase I had when I moved in here. I remember how the concierge looked at me indignantly and incomprehensibly at that moment when the movers were pulling a real cast-iron bath to the room where there was a modern Jacuzzi. Well, I knew what I was doing.

The corpse was thrown into the bath, and then called my "jelly friend." By the way, I have very few left. For a couple of seconds, I watched the body begin to envelop the translucent jelly of the slug, and then it disappeared right before my eyes. He went outside, closed the door and turned on the ventilation. The smell will not be very pleasant.

I put the apartment on an alarm system, including the Shnyrkina, I washed myself and went to bed. The morning is wiser than the evening.