

"You may now kiss the bride." But no kiss ever came. I'm ripped from my wedding and thrown into a medieval fantasy world with game-like elements. It may seem like a game, but that doesn't matter to me, because this is my reality. The pain, the hunger, the cold, the fear, it's all real to me. Alone, without knowing why I'm here, in a world where I know nothing and nobody, I decide to buy a Blood Slave to have someone I can trust. She brings me comfort and so much more. She helps me raise my head high again and bravely move forward. Together, we'll grow stronger. Together, we're unbreakable. But she won't be the only one by my side. We need more than just each other, for I know that my purpose in this world can't be accomplished with only her help. Monsters and dungeons plague the land, forcing civilization to protect themselves from the hordes with tall walls and fierce determination. Killing monsters is a daily need, but they aren't the only enemy here. I have a powerful "Gift" that allows me to change my "skill points" at will, but if others were to know about it, there would be many that would try to use me by any means possible. Step by step, moment by moment, day by day, we keep moving forward, always aiming to improve our strength. One day, we'll meet our Fate, and we'll be ready for it. Swords held high, shields tightly strapped to our arms, wings spread apart, spells at the tip of our tongues, minds focused like blades, and our hearts hardened like steel. We'll take on whatever comes our way! --------------------------------------------- *Additional Tags*: Psychological, Romance, Magic, Male Lead, Portal Fantasy/Isekai/Transmigration, Polygamy, Slaves *Content Warning*: gore, profanity, sexual content (male/female, female/female, and human/non-human (*not for the faint of heart*)), traumatizing content *What to expect*: Slow story focused on the day-to-day life of a transmigrated man rather than on the plot. The plot exists but it *very slowly* becomes relevant. Also, *slow* character progress. It's a long journey, so don't expect a hero to grow in just a few chapters. Detailed environments and extensive world-building. Realistic and tactical combat instead of flashy. Protagonist with a cheat but far from overpowered. Lots of descriptive sex scenes, it is treated as just another part of life instead of merely fan-service. A harem where the members actually enjoy living with each other. Occasional weird wording and grammar, English isn't my first language. New chapters Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8PM US East. This story is also on Royal Road (*most sexual content censored*), Scribble Hub, Novel Updates, Hentai Foundry, MoonQuill, Archive of Our Own, and Literotica. 

Manasong · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
535 Chs

The Biggest Heart - Part 1

Now that their [Resistance to Absurdity] is high enough, they easily accept the rest of our story, which is perfectly fine because things take a turn when we begin the Legado Dungeon Arc.

But first, there's Yunia's parents' execution, and then she joins our harem.

"Compared to you, our situation seems insignificant," Mikuri sympathetically remarks to the elven Queen, and even Klasse seems solemn.

"Then don't compare it," Yunia almost flippantly replies, mildly offended that everyone's mood has gotten so moody even though her story is that of a glorious comeback.

And we chuckle at her bluntness while Mikuri struggles to not laugh, suddenly unsure how to politely resolve this situation.

"Okay…" she stiffly answers and looks at her husband for help.

But Ciel comes to her rescue. "Everyone's journey is their own. Nothing will change how much you suffered or how much you persevered."

"I also tell people not to compare themselves with me because it isn't fair," I chime in, giving Hermann a knowing glance since he knows what I'm talking about.

And Yunia holds back her elven pomp to make a more diplomatic statement, "Yes, if we're being fair, Wolfy fell in my lap, or rather, I fell in his" -she holds herself back from making a dirty joke- "and just followed along as he was already powerful and heroic. I wasn't there to see most of his growth like the rest of the harem were."

"I see it, now. Forgive my stupid comment," Mikuri replies in kind and respectfully lowers her head.

"It… wasn't stupid," Klasse quietly states, seemingly too dispirited to elaborate further.

"It's not stupid to look at the lives of others for inspiration," Ciel once again sagely states.

But Klasse slowly shakes his head as he finally explains himself, "I didn't mean it like that. We're truly lucky that we're commoners since we get mercy instead of being executed."

Then Yunia solemnly steals Ciel's opportunity to say something wise, "With greater responsibility comes greater rewards, but also greater punishment."

And the stubborn father suddenly becomes bitter again. "But I wasn't even allowed to fully receive my punishment before being rescued," he whines and frowns at his elder daughter.

"Who cares?" she bluntly replies with a dismissive shrug.

"I do! It's my duty!" Klasse shouts, suddenly incensed, though his voice still doesn't have much power behind it.

But now it's Hana's turn to show her anger. "Who says it's your duty?!" she shouts defiantly.

"The Gods!" Klasse immediately replies, still not intimidated. "It's the way things are! I must pay for my mistakes!"

He's starting to annoy me, so I imperiously roar, "Then serve us!" And I manage to freeze his anger for a moment, so I assume a calmer tone as I explain, "We've been chosen by the Gods and need useful allies. Your expertise in business will be a great help to us."

But his first reaction isn't positive, as he shakes his head, then looks away and bitterly confesses, "I… I don't have the will to work in the mercenary escort business anymore."

That suits us perfectly.

So I reassure him, "That's fine because we need someone to manage our businesses."

And Mimi suddenly pleads desperately, "Oh, please, accept the job, Dad! I need help keeping the Ryders from spending all the gold in the treasury!"

"D-don't be dramatic, sister," Hana awkwardly requests because we're kind of too embarrassed to properly retort.

But the slender beauty isn't done and gives us a bit of a lambasting, "Your projects are all very expensive, and we haven't even made a return yet. The gem refinery also can't operate fully when you keep sending the Winch's escorts away on other missions."

Well, that last one actually has a good reason that's easy to explain, so I immediately reply, "The Carrier has important business in the Sky Lands, and we have an imperial battle airship coming home soon to help the Floater. We'll also be building a chocolate and coffee shop that should get us a nice amount of income, not to mention when we start selling the Rakis."

"And that's all in the future, while you continue to drain the treasury," she smugly points out and stares challengingly, so I take this chance to unleash my [Sexual Charm] upon her, and she shows all the subtle signs of mild arousal, which I consider a victory.

Then Poosh loudly clears her throat and stares intently at Mimi, silently telling her to not push this further, and I just love how my sheep is becoming bolder.

"You and Istante will get some rest soon, don't worry," Yunia reassures her. She'd rather not interrupt my flirting, as it amuses her, but if she said nothing, the air would become awkward for everyone else.

And the dark-skinned beauty sighs as she turns her eyes away from mine, then gives her Dad a pointed look.

Klasse considers her words for a moment, but the stubborn man still has something to ask Ciel, "Is the job of creating wealth for a rich Lord enough to serve as penance for a criminal?"

"It will," Mikuri sternly interjects before she can answer. "You pious fool. Us being together is more important than anything."

"If I don't pay, Fate will have our family torn apart again," he replies in kind, a bit of tension starting to form between the couple.

And Ciel is actually inclined to agree with him. Rupegians believe that Fate is like Karma. Good follows good, bad follows bad, and everyone has a score that will be judged, which might even happen while they're still alive.

Since being stern isn't working, I decide to appeal to reason, "I'm not asking for a vow. See with your own eyes whether this job will be enough for you."

And that does it, as he hums thoughtfully, then nods. "Hm… very well."

Then Alissa's sadism is tickled by his stubbornness to not accept the "holiness" of working for us, so she gleefully suggests, "Seigneur Tranfkoever is asking to be worked like a slave, so Miss Mizushina should give him half her workload for now."

"I will," Mimi eagerly replies, looking quite appeased.

"Right, can we continue the story now?" Mikuri tiredly requests.

And we do.


We get through Legado's challenges, the Chimeras, the battle of fake elves versus orcs, then the individual trials, and finally, the mystery of my new race is explained.

"I'm actually jealous that you can transform into a dragon," Mikuri states.

"I'll basically transform into a dragon-like beast if I continue leveling my [Draconic Body]," Hana points out with a pout.

"But he's a Symbol of Might! He's got a legend behind his race," her mother cheerfully retorts.

"So we'll make our own!" Hana boldly declares.

And the two laugh loudly.

Next is our return to Escanso, and once we become Crown Lords, everything changes, so the Tranfkoevers have fewer comments to make due to their inexperience in this matter.

Mizushina's reunion; the Lordship ceremony; our alliance with Confiel; our handling of the unruly Subordinate Lords; the peaceful visit to Lina's home; our very eventful visit to the Misty Low Forest; our deal with Cereleia; the Grosshils' scheme (which makes Ahren very embarrassed); the drama with Roxanne's mother; our insolent behavior towards the Elder Council; our surgical dismantling of Dawn of Fire; the birth of the Ryder Royal Research Institute; our quick visit to Gnomeria, and the gruesome battle against the bugs; our trip to the capital; our delve into the Great Labyrinth to Antreos Crea (which Mikuri greatly enjoys hearing about); the gathering of nobles at the Throne of Ascension, followed by our discovery below the Alkimenoids' mansion; our unveiling of Katasko's shady dealings; their assassination attempt in response; our better executed and actually successful assassination attempt; the Emperor's decision to extend the Sin of Sadistic Torture to also protect monsters; our second delve into the Great Labyrinth for Trox Mael; our joining of forces with the Misty Foxes and the two princesses; then the Purification and Reinhold's death, followed by the Emperor's Wrath.

And now our long, long tale finally reaches the present.


I calmly sip my coffee and finish my chocolate cake, our narration having gone way past lunchtime and taken up half our afternoon.

"What an amazing adventure you've all been through," Mikuri wistfully states and raises her cup of milk coffee to us in our honor.

"And now you're part of it, so they'll write about you too," Alissa gleefully replies.

"Oh no, that means me, too!" Nono suddenly whisper-shouts, looking a bit shocked.

Oh, Gods, she's such a refreshing kind of cute!

Lina feels a bit of rivalry as she's the reigning Queen of Cute, but she definitely can't mimic Nono's silliness, so I think she should stick to being gloomy and shy, as that's her strength.

"You'll be fine, Lady Nono," Poosh kindly reassures the white bunny, and the two share some quiet words.

Then Mikuri teasingly continues, "Thankfully, Hana hasn't fully matured, so I still have a job to do."

And I jump in, "You can start right now. I have some business to take care of, so I must take my leave."

"Perhaps we should leave the Tranfkoevers alone so that they may have some time in private," Ciel kindly suggests.

"Very well," Yunia promptly agrees, and the rest of the wives nod.

Then we all split up again, which is unfortunate because I was very comfy there, and the loss of Alissa's Blessing becomes more noticeable due to suddenly changing gears into work mode. But I've become somewhat used to it.


The first thing I do is pay Confiel a visit to see what he wants to talk to me about. He receives me in his familiar meeting room, which I've already visited before and is also mirrored in our own castle.

Anyway, neither Luz nor Lua are here, which is unfortunate since all I have to stare at is his annoyingly handsome and youthful face. But hopefully, this will be quick.

"Wolf, I want to talk about your 'healthcare,'" he calmly begins as I sit.

Or maybe it won't…

"What about it?" I hum back and smile politely.

"It's too popular. The commoners of my territory are already talking about it, asking for it to be implemented."

Well, I guess this talk was inevitable, so I get the wives to stroke my soul internally to give me the energy to activate [Acting] and begin the promotion of our multi-step plan, "Take my advice, as it comes from someone with a Blessing from the Goddess of Knowledge: do it, create your own ministry of health by mirroring mine."

But he becomes stern. "It's going to cost money, Wolf."

And my polite smile becomes wider as I smoothly explain, "It will, but consider this an investment in your people. Healthy workers mean productive workers, and that's what you need to make a lot of money. The Tribunal also costs us money, but it's become so important for elven life that it's been implemented everywhere, even in Elaria."

He sighs softly, seemingly accepting this initial proposal, but he still has another concern, "If the popularity of your 'healthcare' continues to grow, the other Crown Lords will also complain."

But I was waiting for exactly that, so I excitedly retort, "It won't be just Crown Lords; it'll be the entire Realm. We'll be the first to implement the change and push this empire further ahead of everyone else."

He becomes pensive as I've gracefully riposted his arguments, and though he doesn't show any indication of whether or not he's been convinced, I know he most likely is because he isn't arguing anymore.

"Can you tell me what else you have planned?" he calmly asks, sounding curious.

But I let out a long internal groan because this will definitely be a long conversation.


Intermission – Whakan


I get advance notice that both Her Highness Lina and Her Highness Aoi are coming to visit the lab, and that triggers a storm.

"YOU DON'T GET IT! SHE'S A DRAGON!" a frightened little rabbit Chimera screams at me, then runs away before I can calm him down.

He wasn't going to be present for the visit, but still…

Then a big bear Chimera starts to shout, "OH MY GOD, QUEEN LINA IS GOING TO V-V-VISIT-…" but she suddenly faints, likely from overexcitement.

"AAAHH…!" another worshiper screams as she imagines Queen Aoi's awe-inspiring form.

"I DIDN'T BRING ANY CLOTHES!" a horse Chimera shouts, his long penis swinging wildly, and I'm actually a bit sorry for him because everyone knows what King Wolf is like in regards to other men.

But they're all missing a critical piece of information. "NONE OF YOU ARE GOING TO TALK TO THE ROYALS!" I roar, and everyone freezes at the same time.

The frightened rabbit suddenly pops out from under a table and hums, "Oh… okay, that's great."

And the cowards all happily hum in agreement while the perverts show anguished expressions of despair.

"NOW GET OUT OF HERE!" I quickly follow up before my energy can run out.

Then I watch them all orderly obey, but I avoid any and all eye contact with the royal messenger because I can just feel her vexing grin upon my oily skin.


I hear the Royals before I see them, as Her Highness Aoi's footsteps are heavy enough to create waves in my tea. I definitely won't be serving this cheap stuff to them, so I quickly empty my cup into the nearby sink and then get back to my seat.

Then a soldier opens the sliding door to the lab and comes in, followed by the royals, and it tickles my funny organ to see Queen Lina riding on Queen Aoi's back, but I shall never call Queen Aoi a "mount." I should force myself to see this scene as if it were a kind elder giving their young child a shoulder ride… though Queen Lina definitely isn't a child.

But I stop pondering upon things before the soldier or the messenger can stab me in the back and politely greet them, "Welcome, Your Highnesses, to our humble lab. I've had it cleared so that we may talk because the researchers can be a bit loud."

"Oh, you didn't have to. It'd be interesting to see them work," Queen Lina quietly replies as she dism-… gets off Queen Aoi's shoulders. Her voice is barely audible, making me thankful for the absolute silence in the lab.

And I reassure her, "Believe me, they'd disrupt our conversation while also being unable to get anything done on their side due to their fanatical worship of Your Highnesses."

Let's not even mention the cowards that would urinate themselves.

"I'd be more worried about some of them pissing themselves with me here," Queen Aoi remarks with her deep, powerful, and intimidating voice, making my mind go blank for a second in awe.

Or maybe let's…

"Yes, that… is a legitimate concern," I composedly reply, silently thanking my parents for the [Acting] training they gave me. The royals have stronger auras than the Celestial Horns, whom I trained to resist intimidation from, but this pressure isn't strong enough to break my composure, though I believe I'd become a quivering mess if I ever made any of them angry.

"Thank you for clearing the lab, then," Queen Lina softly replies and nods, her droopy eyes staring into my soul with such intensity that I feel my heart beat like the flutter of wings. If this didn't also happen with King Wolf, I would think I had fallen in love with her, but I'm very sure of my exclusive attraction to women… though I don't think I'd be able to resist him if he were to seduce me, so what does that say about my "exclusivity"? Thankfully, everyone knows that King Wolf is extremely not gay.

Divines, guide me! I need to focus!

But the two royals haven't said a thing as I dove into my own mind, and instead, they've split off to observe the lab. Queen Lina is now staring at the board where the mathematicians are attempting to come up with predictive calculations about the Raki's capabilities, as King Wolf had instructed us to do. There are also two other boards with cost and construction calculations, but Queen Lina focuses only on the one about predictions. Meanwhile, Queen Aoi is scanning the schematics area with all our ideas for prototypes along with the precise drawings for each individual part, again another thing that King Wolf instructed us to do.

Divines! They're inspecting us!

But it's a very quick inspection, for they soon eerily turn to me at the same time. Then they approach, and the soldier pulls out a tray of good tea with beautiful glass cups for us. Just this tea is enough to make any meeting with the royals worth it because they have such an excellent taste for it, unlike the researchers addicted to cheap but strong garbage.

Then Queen Lina quietly begins, "King Wolf said that you had problems with the Raki's construction? The plane is tearing itself apart in tight turns?"

I hum and professionally answer, "Exactly. We don't want to use [Reinforce] to not drive up the costs, but we also don't want to lower its speed because that's the main advantage of the Raki."

The two royals slowly turn to each other and stare for an oddly long time, almost as if they're talking to each other without words… but maybe they actually are talking without words.

I'm before a former monster dragon and a young girl less than half my age while I wait for them to give me scholarly advice. If that "Intervention" (as the land-dwellers call it) didn't happen during the Lordship Ceremony and scarred my mind with awe, I wouldn't think this was possible, but it's the Royal Ryders that we're talking about…

Then their moment suddenly ends, and Queen Lina continues, "Can you tell us which parts are breaking and the amount of force they're being put under?"

And it finally dawns on me. This is exactly what King Wolf has been preparing us for. We have a wealth of types and amounts of materials to choose from, along with an assortment of production techniques we can use, while our goal is to create the cheapest plane possible so that they can be amassed in great numbers. With the gem being so simplified to the extreme, the cost of construction is what matters, and every single little part that we can cut costs on is an improvement because armor is meaningless for the Raki.

But testing every possible arrangement of parts is simply too costly, even for royalty, so this is where all these predictions and calculations come in. Shape, material, weight, speed, and wind direction. With every possible situation accounted for, we don't even need to build a prototype to know whether it'll work; we can just calculate everything!

I'd better start learning [Math].


Intermission end.


Poosh shows the Tranfkoevers to their rooms in the castle, then takes them shopping for clothes, but Hana remains at home, suddenly twice as motivated to train as usual. But she's surprised by Caterina, who comes to visit her.

They meet at the castle's main hall, and the Punisher milf has an uncharacteristic worried look in her sharp eyes. "Are you alright? I heard that your father was almost starving himself in his cell," she concernedly questions.

Hana nods with a grin and immediately replies, "Of course, I am." But then she stops in realization and smirks teasingly. "Awn… are you worried about me?"

Caterina's concern hides under her skin again as she breathes in deeply, then lets out a long sigh and impassively nods. "Yes, I am."

Hana narrows her eyes and crosses her arms, bunching up her balloon tits alluringly, momentarily attracting Caterina's gaze. "Why was it so hard to admit that?" the dragonkin sassily asks, definitely not missing Caterina's brief slip up.

But the Templar freezes in place, and her demeanor stiffens greatly. Then it seems like it takes her a lot of effort to admit, "I… I'm just used to… hiding my true feelings. It's a bad idea to make friends with people outside the Punishers."

"Diamond dragon scales! She's actually opening up!" Hana triumphantly exclaims through [Bind]. "Well, I'll take the Title of 'Caterina's Friend' and wear it with pride, though I do want more."

"You'll take what I'll give," the Punisher sternly states, fully recomposed again.

"And I'll ask for more," Hana daringly replies and takes a step closer.

And Caterina seems to struggle as she tries to keep staring her in the eye. "Asking is all you'll get."

But then Hana advances menacingly and grabs Caterina's chin as she huskily declares, "If you don't give, then I'll take."

"How barbarous," Caterina sarcastically whispers back.

And Hana smirks handsomely. "Well, I am a dragonkin." Then she steals a kiss, and their lips linger against one another, but Hana is feeling a bit sadistic (definitely inspired by our examples) and pulls back, leaving Caterina hanging. "But right now, I need to train, so why don't you join me?"

Then Hana walks away, and the mature elf seems very tempted to storm out in frustration, but she decides to follow after swallowing her pride.



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince Definitely not Dio.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Mike Bartter.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord Ddraig Wynn.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord Placid.

Lord Caden Dinkel.

Lord McMax.

Lord LiuAnshan.

Lord Asaadullah Lassiter.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Brandon.

Noble Tony Starrk.

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Take a look over my blog where all information about the world of Rupegia will be posted: manasongwriting.wordpress.com

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