
Chapter 4- Run and Don’t Look Back

" AND THE WINNER IS KILLER SHADOW" the announcer brought me back to my sense and my wolf Mia gave me back control.

The arena screamed the nickname I so much despised. I snarled at them as I looked beneath me and saw a wolf covered in blood lifelessly.

'150 wolves dead under my hand'

Been here for at least a year and the motto kill or be killed is true, everyone needs to kill each other for survival.

' I hate that name. It makes me sound like a wanted killer' I groan

' we are killers..'

' shut up Mia' I mutter to her

I walked towards a worker here as a wolf bese me tried to get attention from me but I completely ignored it.

I took a glance and saw the wolf grunting and walking away. It's rude but I don't trust no one for nothing not even to talk. Expect one wolf she is small and can barely do anything so, all she does is heal the hurt wolves that won the fight since she is to weak.

I take the beating for her  because I know she won't be able to take it so I do as she watches.

We barely eat and we are all in some way weak but at the same time we are strong. The winner gets to eat food and water but it's all nasty but I take what I can get.

I was then escorted out of the arena to the outside. The snow crunches from every step I take to where I stay.

'The snow falls so freely I wonder what would it be like to feel like that....'

" can you move faster you dog it's cold out here" the man said I did as I was told and quickened my pase to my spot where they chain me to a silver chain.

You are probably thinking why haven't I tried to escape trust me I have but they always end up catching me. They beat you till you almost die it's cruel and right now I see wolves trying to run from them but since we are kinda weak they end up catching us.

At this point in life I don't fight back I don't try to escape even the people who work here let me walk to my spot by myself.

I gave up no use in running no more if they keep catching you.

I sit there looking up to the sky seeing how bright the moon shines down on us. The small stars scattered along the night sky. It looked beautiful.

'The land looks so peaceful I would love to run into those woods enjoys the sky's beauty and the soil under my paws while feeling the wind pass by me.' I thought

I smiled at the thought and laid my head down as my smile slowly faded knowing it would never be able to happen due to me having to stay in this place of hell. I look at the moon one more time and saw it grow a little lighter or am I imagining things?

'I know Hazel, I know' Mia said

' I just want to stretch my legs run till I get tired , howl to the moon , sing with the other wolves from how much pain we have been....Mia what did we do to deserve this' I said feeling hurt

' I don't know Hazel I wish I knew so I could plead for forgiveness' 

' Me too ,Mia'

' let's go to sleep I'm tired Rose' ( Hazels last name)





" but what about the WOLVES WE NEED THEM"



' let me sleep Mia'

'NO WE NEED TO GO NOW THE PLACE IS ON FIRE' when Mia said that I jolted up and searched for the fire...it was massive I could feel the heat from where I laid.

It was coming at a very fast pase and the fact that it's winter like HOW???

'Hazel we gotta break the chains now' Mia practically screamed in my head

' don't gotta tell me twice'  I tried my hardest to pull off the chain but since it was silver it was harder because it weakened your wolf and strength.

' PULL HARDER'  Mia said


I was starting to get frantic as I heard wolves start howling in pain,screaming, crying for help, I couldn't take all the death I had to leave now.

I pulled and pulled the fire getting closer ' clink' it broke it finally broke. I bolted away from the fire but I hade to look back. I stood there frozen as it kept consuming wolves and the snow melting under the touch of the fire.

Other wolves managed to escape seeing them scatter and disappear behind the many trees. A couple looked my way and started running to me making me a little tense when they lowered their heads as I relaxed then.

' let's get out of this place' one of them said as I just simply looked at the large fire

They started to run as I ran after the few wolves feeling the snow under paws and the wind flowing through my fur.

For a minute back there it reminded me of how I was back there who ever I touch would die instantly.


I obeyed and did the only thing I could do was run to safety away from the pain away from all those horrible memories.

Freedom at last.