
Running from Lucifer

All it took was for her to kill Lucifer which she didn’t want to because he was her biggest nightmare. She was the abused demon girl, he was Lucifer whose very whisper of name was enough to put fear in the people’s mind. After Nina’s parents got killed by some demons, they took her away and trained her as a weapon to take down Lucifer. But her plan is quick to destroy when she was set up by the Elder demons to be Lucifer’s arranged bride. Chaos and challenges would arose as both persons are great rivals. ...Lucifer watched as Nina shook her body profusely on the bed. She has been unconscious for a month now and he was afraid that if he wake up her memory would wipe completely. The only people who could help her now was the Angels. Picking up the dagger from the table, he cut his palm open “I SACRIFICE MY BLOOD TO ANGELS UP IN THE SKY. I ASK TO SUMMON THE ANGEL, GABRIEL, IN HEAVEN. I CALL YE THEE NOW!” Immediately as the words left his mouth, wind swept passed them. It swirled faster and harder almost sweeping Lucifer from ground. After about five minutes later, Gabriel appeared. Standing in it’s place was the leader of Archangels, Gabriel. “How dare you try to summon me even after what happened between us years ago?” Gabriel was fuming with anger. “It’s my wife. She’s hurt and only you can help her.” Lucifer rushed to Nina’s side. “Why do you think I would help you. Do you think I would easily forget what happened between us years ago?” Gabriel closed the distance between them. “How you pushed me from heaven and took away my powers. Listen we can discuss that later but my wife is in danger.” Gabriel observed Nina carefully. “What happened to her?” “There is this man named Talon who has been trying to kill her. Even when I tried to kill him, he hid himself from me completely. Please help her.” Lucifer was surprised at himself that he was the one begging. He was always the prideful Angel. Gabriel studied her from head to toe. He closed his eyes and when he opened them it was completely white. His iris was gone. “The only way is either she kills him herself or, Kira, her daughter enters her mind and kill him completely” Gabriel declared.

Gift_candy · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Half demon

Nina teleported to the place where she had kept Hannah. It was an old room filled with old furniture that already had dust. Opening the door, she saw Hannah lying on the bed back facing her.

"Hannah?" She walked closer but there was no response from her. Seeing that Hannah was not waking up, Nina decided to allow her rest a while.

She took out a demonic book from the book shelf and went to sit down looking at Hannah's back while she slept.

"Ahh!" Hannah screamed in her sleep.

Nina looked at her for a while before turning her gaze back to the book.

Meanwhile in Hannah's dream, she saw herself in another land. She didn't know what she was doing here. There were dead dried plants lithered everywhere.

It felt real but she knew she was in a dream.

"Hannah." She heard a voice and Hannah snapped her head around in the direction of the voice. Hannah saw Talon walk out of a tomb which was not far from where she stood.

She caught sight of dead bodies trailing behind him.

"Talon...?" She paused before walking closer to him.

"I thought you were dead." She did not like the presence of the dead bodies around him.

"Why are the dead following you around?" Hannah asked.

"They're my people." He replied and in Hannah's ears it felt like two people was talking.

"What do you mean your people? Where is this place?" Hannah questioned.

"This is my land. I have been living here since I died." He muttered.

"So how did I get here?" Hannah asked looking everywhere.

"Good question." He smirked. Because side of his face was covered with his long hair, she could not see him clearly.

"You will be my first target to use." He said. He removed the hair covering his face and Hannah's eyes widened. His whole face was like raw flesh which was burnt down in fire.

"What is wrong with you?" Talon asked and the smile on his face disappeared.

"You see this." He pointed to his face. "Nina did this to me and I promise to take revenge on everyone of you."

"What are you talking about?" Hannah asked.

"I loved Nina with my whole body and soul but she betrayed me and married her own enemy. Do you think I would not take revenge?"

Hannah was getting scared with everything that was happening. The dead bodies behind Talon was slowly approaching her and she did not like it.

She turned to leave when she heard him ask. "Did I ask you to leave."

"I need to go back." She took a step backward.

Talon began to run towards her the dead bodies followed him. Hannah started to run also. The dead bodies was running with high speed that they caught her in time.

Before she knew what was happening, she was already on her knees facing Talon.

He drew closer to Hannah and made a small cut on her forehead with his fingernails.

"Ahhh!" Hannah screamed hoping she would wake up from the dream.


"Let me in! Let me in!" Nina heard Hannah said.

Hannah knelt down on the bed while facing Nina with her back.

"Let me in! Let me in! Let me in!" Hannah screamed. Her voice was more like a man.

"Hannah?" Nina stood up from the bed and walked closer. Hannah continued screaming with the words.

"Hannah!" Nina screamed and walked closer. As she was about to touch her shoulder, Hannah fell onto the ground.

Nina gasped and when she walked closer to Hannah, she saw her spit blood from her mouth. Blood was also oozing from her forehead.

She began to jerk on the ground.

"Shit!" Nina cursed. If she still had her powers she would have entered into Hannah's mind to see what was going on. But Lucifer took her powers away when she arrived here. He told her she would get her powers back when she become loyal to him.

'In your dreams.' She said in her head.

Hannah began to jerk while spitting more blood from her mouth. Her eyes was closed and she looked pale almost blue.

Nina thump her shoulder every passing second to wake her from the nightmare but nothing happened.

When Hannah opened her eyes, she looked at Nina from the corner of her eyes.

Before Nina knew it, Hannah grabbed her neck lifted her from the ground. With inhuman speed, she pulled the hair on Nina's head.

Her scalp was covered with so much blood and Hannah shoved the hair onto the ground. She could see her red skull which was covered with blood. There was no hair on her head.

Meanwhile, Lucifer who was walking down the corridor with the Elders trailing behind him, heard loud screams from a room.

"Check what is going on in there." He ordered one of the guards.

As the guard was about to open the door, the door opened and Nina came out. She shoved the guard to the ground with blood oozing from her head.

"What the fuck." The guard flinched when he saw her bald head.

Nina fell onto the ground gasping for air.

"What happened?" Lucifer asked as he looked down at her.

The door opened again and Hannah came out holding Nina's hair in her hand.

He studied her carefully and noticed that she was turned into an half demon. She was still in her human form but she had the blood of a demon running through her veins. Her body could not take the sudden shock of being turned into a demon so she hyped out.

"On your knees!" He ordered walking closer to her.

Hannah was struggling to fight back the powers forcing her to kneel. But seeing his eyes which had bled black, she knelt down at the end. As soon as her knees touched the ground, she became unconscious.

Nina fell unconscious too.