
Running from Fumes

I open my eyes to the sun shining brightly through my cream colored curtains. I inhale deeply and stretch my body relishing the warmth of my king sized bed. "My empty bed." I think to myself chuckling as I throw my blankets off of me. Today is Sunday, family dinner. Regardless of what plans we have on Sundays, we cancel for dinner. Or bring the plans with us. Mama doesn't care too much for my flings coming to dinner with me so I've made it a point to never make plans on these Sundays. I do have a two hour drive to get to my parents home so I jump up to shower and get things ready to go. As I step into my warm shower letting the water flow over me I try to relax. It's been a tough few weeks and I missed the last family dinner. I'm ready to see my mom and dad. Today will be a day to refill my heart with love and joy. I start washing my hair and move onto shaving my legs as I let my deep conditioner sit for a few minutes. Humming to myself I stop as I hear a click. I live alone. There shouldn't be anyone here. No one else has a key. Was that the door? Suddenly I feel a whoosh of cold air and realize the air conditioner kicked on. I chuckle nervously as I realize I'm being jumpy still. Shaking my head I push the thought away. I had a few small things come up missing around the house. So small I could have easily misplaced them but a niggly feeling in the back of my mind tells me I'm not crazy. I've been extra careful about locking the windows and doors when I'm not home and even installed an extra dead bolt on my front and back doors so I've been feeling much better and more confident. I rinse the conditioner from my hair and lather up my loofah with my coconut & pear scented body wash. I scrub and exfoliate my whole body but linger between my legs. Biting my lip, I wonder if I have time for a quick orgasm while unconsciously my other hand finds my soapy breasts and tweaks my own nipple. Yup. I'll make time. I can't go on a date tonight anyways as I validate my own thoughts. I look down at my flat stomach as I drop my loofah and reach up to grab the shower head and bring it down to my body and adjusted the setting. Whoever made these has to know that no one showers with this setting. It's obviously meant for this. It's a long hard, powerful stream that would be very difficult to actually shower with. I shrug to myself as I feel the power of the stream hitting my stomach. I gently lower it to the aching part of me with one hand, and with the other I continue teasing my nipple. It's been a long time since I've had a release, so this one finds me quickly. In no time a moan escapes from my mouth and I gasp out. My legs feel wobbly and shakily I return the shower head to where it was. Completely unaware of the man who silently slipped out of the bathroom when he found his release as well.

anonymousauthork · Fantastique
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23 Chs

Chapter 20

Ezra checks himself into the same hotel Rose is in. Just to stay close to her he says to himself knowing his intentions aren't one hundred percent pure. He settled into his hotel room and makes a few phone calls to check on things back at The Basin. He'll have to go back there soon but hopes that Rose will accompany him.

He doesn't want to force her or scare her into anything, but he finds himself extremely irritated that the spell doesn't seem to be working on her. He's not known to be gentle or kind, or even caring at all, towards anyone. Period. No one. He never wanted a wife or a woman to be by his side and help him rule, until he was promised Rose. And he watched her, and loved her.

Based off what he knew, she was supposed to see him and jump on him and be so deeply in love that it hurt her physically to be away from him. She shouldn't be able to run from him. To reject him. He finds himself getting heated from anger and pours himself a glass of whiskey. He stares at the liquid in his glass as he swirls it around before swallowing it in one gulp. He slams it down on a nearby table. She was supposed to be the one person who wanted him and she's hiding from him in this random hotel in this random city.

He has no business being here, chasing this girl. "I should go in her room and snatch her out of there and carry her kicking and screaming back to The Basin with me and lock her up until she realizes she's an idiot and she loves me." He thinks to himself.

"I can't sit here all night and hope she makes a move. What would I even do if I ran into her." He laughs to himself. Shaking his head. "Wow. I've really lost it this time."

He pours himself another shot of whiskey and slams it down his throat. Enjoying the burn, he hisses out a breath of air. At that moment he decided he'd go to a pub nearby. Get a beer, maybe pick up a woman to get his mind off Rose.

He grabs his keys and walks out the door, immediately he slams into a small, soft body and grabs her arms to catch her before she falls.

Once she collects herself and looks up at him he realizes what a beautiful woman this is gazing back at him, seemingly admiring him too.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry. I'm so clumsy, I was lost in thought and didn't hear your door open." He watches her red lips as she talks and can't help but to lick his own. "As was I, I practically ran out and didn't look both ways before crossing." He winked at her.

She lets out a small laugh and clears her throat, "I'll make sure I don't stumble into anyone else tonight on my way to dinner, have a great night." She sweeps past him and continues down the hallway to exit the hotel. He watches her hips sway in her red dress, perfectly accentuated by the red high heels clicking farther and farther away.