
CHAPTER ONE: Curiosity Calls

Henry's POV

"Damn!" I screamed as I fell off my bed. Again.

These days I had been disturbed by these weird dreams. Dreams that I really don't understand.

"Henry! Henry! Get up and eat breakfast! You'll be late for school! Come on!" My mother knocking on my door, calling out on me outside. "Yeah. Coming!" I replied though I'm still not ready to go to school.

I lazily walked into the bathroom to take a shower, hoping it would ease this heavy feeling in me. I was about to step in the shower when my recurring dreams flashed back once again in my head.

It was night time in a dark alley with deafening silence when I saw a man in all black, vague face. Figures were all in silhouette but the whole place, clearly shown. He was holding a gun pointed towards another man that looks unconscious. His aura so dark, full of hatred and anger. He was muttering something as if an angel of death whispering curses and chants. I was in shock when a gunshot sounded all over the place then suddenly turned to me fiercely as a lion ready to devour its prey. Who might be actually him?

I just shrugged that thought off when i realized that there was school waiting for me. And It was all that I can remember so i didn't mind it anyway. Guess they're just random dreams that keeps playing on repeat.

I walked down the stairs with my stuffs completely packed inside my bag. Well, They're not that much. Just those really essential for the whole day and the subjects I needed to attend.

By the way, I am a Tourism student, now on my third year in West Pacific University, an exclusive school for people who can pay heaps of cash per semester. No, we're not that rich. It's just that my Dad holds a not-so-superior position as Chief Operating Officer in a famous company. We might have some luxuries like gadgets and clothing but our family's not that grandiose as you think. Just enough.

After eating breakfast, I and my little brother were dropped in school by our driver. There I saw my friends, Rick and Stacey waiting for me in front of our college building. Yeah, it's our friendly habits to go to the room together, well mostly anywhere. We go shopping, watch movies, hang out together and that's cool. What's not cool is this third-wheeling-at-its-finest feeling. Whether they admit it or not, I smell something about these two. Well, it's their thing anyway. We've just been together since freshmen days. Actually, it was at the orientation day me wet, talking about random things 'cause the orientation thingy bored us to death. And that's it, we're together since then.

Well, Rick was a varsity player back in his high school, I just have no idea of his plans of coming back now in college. Rick was 6 feet tall fit for his position point guard, has a fair skin, pointed nose and slightly buff build, where most girls admired him for and to which he didn't pay attention except Stacey. Speaking of, Stacey back in high was a cheerleader. Great combo aren't they? She was an honor student back then until now since we're all Dean's lister, perks of having a smart friend. Kidding, it's because of our support system. We always have each other's back at all times. Back to her, She has blonde hair, fair skin and a body to die for. Just kidding, again. I'm not really into her. But seriously, she has that body despite of her being a foodie. Unlike them, I only have fairly toned body from casual work out, white skin, and a pointed nose. And I just learned to be self-conscious when I entered tourism, 'cause we all know that we should always be presentable to people.

Good thing we arrived early in class, We got the perks to choose seats specifically in the middle rows, not too close and not too far to be noticed by the professor. Speaking of which, Mr. Patterson, our Basic Economics instructor walked in to the room and started discussing .

We're now here on the cafeteria to hang out and eat some snacks when Stacey suddenly breaks the silence. "You guys... do you have anything to do after class?" Stacey asked calmly, holding back her excitement about to burst, seems something is planned "Nothin', you both knew that home and school are the only places that I go to" I replied.

Honestly, It's tiring for me to wander off, going to places just for fun and leisure. I only go out on purpose, like buying something or taking an errand. And Yeah I do take an errand, especially from Dad who's a lot more strict than Mom, so there's no way you could say no. "Why? What's up?" I added.

They both looked at me, with a hint of excitement. Confirmed that they really planned something without me knowing and saying no is not on the choices. " We're going to watch a movie later!, The Last Goodbye, the movie i told you that was showing since last week?. No worries, I've already booked it and you can't say no my dear friend Henry" Stacy's lengthy litany. I sighed in surrender "It's romance, isn't it?" I said sternly. "of course! isn't it romantic to watch people falling in love?"She said with her eyes shaping like a heart.

"C'mon Henry, haven't you ever felt being loved?" she added. And that everyone, is an offensive question, just kidding, but hey it's true. I've never had any girlfriends or lovers since then. Guess I'm too lazy for everything, including looking for a lover. "Oh yeah, You haven't told us anything about your girlfriends before, care to share?"Rick suddenly butted in. "No, I have nothing to share anyway and fine. I'll go with you guys, just stop asking me stupid questions"I said to evade where the topic is leading.

"Let's go!" I said out of nowhere. "Uhm... The Movie's at six, remember? Aren't you that much excited?" Stacey curiously asked. "To our next class my dear friend, we're almost late!" I replied with a tone of sarcasm. We all got up and and went to our next subject. This will be another terrible 6 hours of my life.


At last! classes dismissed! how I waited for this time. I really meant it when I said terrible 6 hours of my life. The subjects were not really that boring. It just doesn't excite me.

We're now walking towards the exit to the campus to go to the cinema as planned earlier by my dear friends Rick and Stacey, note the sarcasm. We arrived at the mall after 30 minutes of travel. Yeah quite far, with some traffic effed up.

We're now at the department store looking for stuffs we could buy next time, since we came too early for the movie. I told Rick and Stacey I'll be heading out to the men's section, to look for new shirts and also to save my self from being a third wheel, again.

My phone suddenly rang in the middle of my aisle hopping. Sht! it was Dad! I forgot to tell them! I tapped the answer button with nervousness.

"Yes? Uhm Dad?" I initiated.

"Mr. Henry Taylor! Since when did you decided that our permission are no longer needed? Do you know what time is it already?"

Whoa, too much formality. Dad only uses that tone when someone broke his rules. "10 minutes before Seven?" I replied, hoping this would ease his seriousness. Bet it won't work.

"Joke all you want, but let's see if you still can if I ground you" He answered with threatening voice. "Come home as soon as you can if you want to sleep on your bed, other wise I'll tell them to prepare a rag outside you can sleep on" A beep intensified my anxiety as He ended the call without waiting for my answer.

I immediately called Stacey before dashing out the mall. "Stace, I need to go home,as in now!" I said panicking. "Why? actually, we're about to call you, it's already time for the movie" She answered. "how I really want to, but Dad called me just now, I forgot to tell them about this" I replied. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry I should've ask you first about the movie, Rick and I can go with you let's do this some other time" She said

apologetically. " No, no need I can manage I know how you really want that movie, just go with Rick, it's your lone time with him actually" I told her to relieve her remorse.

I rushed out to the mall exit to go home immediately, but out of luck, cabs are no longer passing on this route. Feeling upset, I walked over the sidewalks going to the nearest highway. Actually, the mall's location is two blocks away from the highway so taking a cab is a must if you don't wanna walk and transpos there are out the way of our house.

I stopped over near a narrow alley as I noticed my phone lit up with a message from Dad, confirming my obedience then resumed walking after replying. I suddenly stopped when i noticed something strange in the alley. Out of curiosity, I looked to what's happening without them knowing.

A Man in all black,face indisinct holding a gun pointed to another man lying on the floor. From the looks of it, he was unconscious. I was peeking from the piles of wood and cardboard stacked. He was babbling something that I can't understand from distant. His last words were the only thing that remarked in my mind. "You should've been very careful on who you messed up with, We already told yah, you can run but you can never hide..."

I was shocked as something flashed back.

Is this really happening?

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