
Run or Die Runner

In a world where it has been ravaged by an unknown catastrophe, humanity's only hope lies within a series of treacherous mazes Every week, over a thousand individuals are mysteriously teleported into an immense maze where survival is the ultimate test. Those who survive, maybe even conquer the maze and its monstrous inhabitants, earn their freedom and the title of Runner. However, the world outside is also under attack by the creatures inside the maze, finding ways out of them. One day, it was Kofi's turn. Waking up in the maze, he wasn't ready; he had nothing to survive with until a mysterious system granted him abilities to help on his journey through the mazes. "Run Or Die! Runner." Kofi commanded.

Danger_God · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Chapter-3 Babies Treasure Room

As Kofi and the other survivors who had just escaped the merry go round trap after he decide to follow them as there wasn't any other directions to go but also he could try to learn a couple thing from them.

Do I trust anyone in this maze?

Trust is a luxury I can't afford in this maze. because now my very nature of this place breeds suspicion and paranoia. Every face I see is a potential threat, every voice a potential betrayal.

But it's not just the other survivors I distrust; it's the maze itself. It's Brian's Playhouse, after all. Who's to say what's real and what's an illusion? Every step I take could lead me deeper into the maze's clutches or closer to freedom. I can't trust my senses, my instincts, or even my own thoughts.

How can I trust anyone when I can't even trust myself? Paranoia has become my constant companion.

So no, I don't trust anyone in this maze. Not the other survivors, not even my own reflection. In a place where danger lurks around every corner, trust is a luxury I can't afford.

But perhaps that's the ultimate test of survival in Brian's Playhouse: to navigate its treacherous depths alone, trusting no one but myself. And if that means embracing my isolation more, so be it. In the end, it may be the only thing keeping me alive.


Still cautiously moving forward, they explored the rooms and hallways, finding nothing but brightly more colored children's rooms. Kofi couldn't help but wonder who Brian really was why was there so much children like room and baby rooms why design your maze like this, still he decided to not dwell on it as it was important to escape right now he could find out later if he make it out, but he was relieved that they hadn't encountered any creepy toys along the way.

After a few minutes of walking, exhaustion and hunger began to set in among the survivors. Because there was a constant repetition of colorful rooms and hallways started to quickly wear down on them.

That even one survivor began to show signs of madness, shaking, smiling, whispering to himself Kofi reconsidered it as someone on the verge of breaking down. Finally they spotted something, although it wasn't cause for celebration cause it could be a trap. Nevertheless, they felt it was better than finding nothing at all because soon there will be demonic creature will find him and it was better because there Brian rules.

What are the consequences of failure in the maze? Of Course Death


Further behind Kofi and the other was a survivor named Lisa who kept constantly wandering aimlessly, because her nerves fraying with each passing momenta as she felt like they constant threat of death and the relentless maze of horrors that she even knew it begun to take their toll on her sanity.

At first, Lisa tried to keep a grip on reality, clinging to the hope of finding a way out of the maze to return to her family. But as the hours dragged on and the death around continued to rise, that hope began to fade, replaced by a creeping sense of despair as she ran into constant dead bodies.

With each new trap and each new death, Lisa's mind grows increasingly unhinged. She begins to see things like shadows lurking in the corners, whispers echoing through the darkness of the corridor that aren't there she struggled to discern what is real and what is merely a product of her fractured psyche.

As she wanders deeper into the maze, the walls seem to close in around her, suffocating her with their oppressive presence. Every creak of the floorboards, every rustle of fabric, sends her heart racing with fear.

"I-I have to g-get out of here," Lisa mutters to herself, her voice trembling with desperation. But no matter how fast she runs, no matter how hard she tries to escape, the maze seems to stretch out endlessly.

With each passing moment, Lisa's grip on reality slips further and further away. She begins to laugh wild, hysterical laughter that echoes through the corridors, bouncing off the walls in a mocking chorus of madness.

Tears stream down her cheeks as she stumbles forward, her mind consumed by fear and paranoia. She can't trust anyone, can't trust anything, not even her own senses.

And then, suddenly, she stops.

A strange calm washes over her, in that moment of clarity, Lisa realizes the truth: there is no escape from Brian's Playhouse, no way out of this hellish nightmare.

With a resigned sigh, she sinks to the ground, her laughter fading into quiet sobs. She knows she's lost her mind, knows she'll never leave this maze alive.

But in the darkness of Brian's Playhouse, amidst the screams of the dying and the whispers of the damned of other survivor's, Lisa finds a strange sort of peace a madness all her own.


Kofi who was in front felt a shiver down his spine after hearing the constant laughter he felt that someone finally went insane.

Will I also become insane?

Finally when Kofi enter encountered trap room, they found over a hundred people gathered in a circular space with four large doors. Each door held a group of survivors behind it, all waiting anxiously.

In front of them lay a new trap no one even knows about so they were all afraid to move forward.

The room was dimly lit, with nightlights casting starry patterns on the ceiling. Multiple baby cribs on the ground filling the room, no one could even see inside the cribs because it was hidden by a unknown darkness then in the center of the room, a faintly glowing black intricately crafted box caught their attention.

"It's a B-Rank Treasure Chest: Obsidian Chest!" someone exclaimed, dashing forward towards it.

One of the men behind one of the doors, with a better view than most of the survivors saw what the chest was first, instantly raced forward ahead of the rest. As he entered the room, an eerie lullaby began to play, coinciding with the rocking of the baby cribs. Barely visible in the dim light room.

Suddenly, the music stopped, and an unsettling silence fell over the room. Some who had heard about the treasure chest also moved forward. Then, multiple sounds of crying filled the air, and to everyone's horror, spectral blue glowing babies emerged from the cribs, crawling towards the people who had approached the chest.

To everyone's shock, as they kept watched the spectral babies climbed onto the survivors, who tried to run but found themselves unable to leave. It seemed as though an invisible barrier held them back, and when they attempted to remove the babies from there body, but no matter what their hands passed right through the spectral bodies. Slowly, the bodies of the survivors began to disappear into thin air, as if they were being sucked away into the cribs like a ghost being captured.

Then, as suddenly as it began, everything returned to normal. Kofi pondered the situation why are people willing to just ran without precaution for a chest, then he slowly had the realization of the significance of the B-rank treasure chest or any treasure chest. 'This rank B treasure chest is going to be tough to get. Everyone will want it for themselves, some might even soon start attacking each other, causing the babies to wake up. But that if someone does manage to get the chest, it'll make this maze a whole lot easier,' he thought


Kofi knew like others in the world when the survivors or runners come across the treasure chest for the first time, their immediate reactions always show why they're true colors. Some might dash towards the chest driven by greed, eager for the riches inside. Others might pause, torn between wanting wealth and worrying about potential risks.

Like one survivor it is all about greed, they see the chest as their ticket to a life of luxury, always convinced the treasures inside will secure their future once they escape the maze but there still can easily die trying and after.

There another survivor, facing financial struggles, views the chest as their shot at escaping poverty and supporting their family. They're even ready to gamble everything for a better life who won't but not without consequences.

For a survivor teetering on the edge, the chest represents their only hope to make it through. They believe the treasures inside will give them what they need to survive the maze's dangers and come out on top but there always a survivor with better loot gain or already entered with better loot.

Then there's the survivor haunted by the deaths of their friends, fearing they'll be next. To them, the chest is a lifeline, offering the strength and resilience to keep going and beat whatever lies ahead.

But there will always be repercussions of their greed and recklessness, the survivors' greed and recklessness lead to intense rivalry and betrayal among them as they compete for the treasure chest. Friends turn against each other, alliances crumble, and trust is shattered exposing who they really are when there something better than friendship in front of them which is understander you want something better but at what cost.

Those who prioritize obtaining the treasure chest over the safety of their companions find themselves ostracized and isolated from the rest of the group. They become pariahs, despised by their fellow survivors for their selfishness.

Some survivors' relentless pursuit of the treasure chest causes them to lose sight of their humanity, becoming consumed by greed and selfishness. They become willing to sacrifice anything and anyone to achieve their goals, disregarding the value of human life.

Some survivors who prioritize obtaining the treasure chest over their own safety and the safety of others suffer severe psychological trauma. The guilt and remorse of their actions haunt them, driving them to the brink of madness.

In the end, even those who succeed in obtaining the treasure chest find that their victory comes at a steep cost. The treasures within are tainted by the blood of their fellow survivors, leaving them with a hollow victory and a heavy burden of guilt.

Still Treasure chests in mazes were always sought after, each ranked from E to S and containing increasingly valuable loot. Kofi remembered the hierarchy:

- E-Rank Treasure Chest: Rusty Chest (Gray) - Basic loot such as minor potions, low-value gems, and scraps of equipment.

- D-Rank Treasure Chest: Weathered Wooden Chest (Brown) - Moderately valuable loot such as healing potions, crafting materials, and common magical items.

- C-Rank Treasure Chest: Gilded Guardian Chest (Gold) - Valuable loot such as enchanted weapons, rare artifacts, and substantial quantities of gold.

- B-Rank Treasure Chest: Obsidian Chest (Black) - Powerful loot such as enchanted armor, legendary artifacts, and rare magical items.

Each chest was guarded by traps and creatures, with B-Rank chests being the most heavily fortified and sought after.

But with the knowledge of the treasure chest's value and the potential dangers it still posed, they are still survivors who cautiously moved forward, managed to stay quiet and avoid waking the babies. Kofi, as always, chose to separate himself from the others, carefully navigating between the cribs and observing the still-sleeping babies passing by angle where he won't be easily spotted but still quietly.

"I need this treasure chest," whispered a short, skinny man, his voice was heard despite his attempts at secrecy.

"No, I deserve it. It belongs in my hands," asserted a tall, strong man, flexing his muscles.

"Idiots," Kofi muttered under his breath 'They rush headlong into danger without considering the consequences. But not me. I will not be another casualty in maze.' shaking his head. 'How can you claim the treasure chest if you're dead?' he thought to himself.

As Kofi had anticipated, there was someone who closing in on the treasure chest. then a man who was behind him without hesitation, strongly he pushed the man, causing him to lose his balance but also scream and triggering the music to stop. Then like before the spectral babies emerged and absorbed the man, much to the amusement of the other survivors who was filled with smiles and smirks. This action sparked ideas among them, and soon, people began pushing each other down making way towards the chest, but also because they idea it resulted in chaos and a frenzy of bodies being absorbed. by the spectral babies.

'This can be used as an opportunity for me,' Kofi thought excitedly amidst the chaos, As he still cautiously navigates the dimly lit room filled with baby cribs and spectral babies, he managed to overhears snippets of conversation among the other survivors. 

"I'm telling you, we need to stick together," a young woman whispers urgently to her companions, her voice tinged with fear. "There's safety in numbers."

Her words are met with skepticism from a burly man nearby, who scoffs and replies gruffly, "Safety? Ha! Ain't no safety in this maze. We're on our own, and that's that."

Nearby, two survivors also engage in a heated debate over the treasure chest, their voices rising in frustration despite knowing what will happen if the spectral babies awaken.

"I saw it first! It's mine!" one man insists, his eyes flashing with greed as he lunges for the chest.

His rival, a wiry woman with a determined expression, pushes him back and retorts, "Like hell it is! We all have an equal right to it. Don't be so selfish!"

While the other survivors still fought and pushed each other for the possibility of getting closer to the treasure chest by removing the competition. Kofi silently made his way towards the treasure chest, moving quickly but still cautiously to avoid drawing any attention. However he suddenly sensed someone behind him preparing to push him spotting a woman over his shoulder at the last second. Acting swiftly he dropped into a push up position, narrowly avoiding the push his hands didn't make a sound but the woman behind him lost her balance and fell, screaming, attracting the attention of the spectral babies.

To Kofi's relief, they ignored him and focused on absorbing the fallen woman.

With a sigh of relief, Kofi still continued towards the treasure chest, with a wide grin on his face. Still the there was thoughts racing through his mind of what treasures might lie within the chest perhaps a weapon or shield to help even stand a chance against the survivors and demonic creature in a chance for his own survival.

Finally reaching the treasure chest he slowly reaching out to open the chest, at the same time he felt a sudden impact on his head, and everything went dark before he could comprehend what just happened. He collapsed to the ground and everything went dark, his last conscious thought was a desperate scream of "No!"

As Kofi layed on the ground unconscious around him the other survivors continued their frantic struggle for survival but slowly most of them died out and some just decided to leave because there come to the realization they are not willing to die for a treasure chest as there a possibility they run into another chest.


[Maze: Brian Playhouse]

[Death Count: 399]

[Time Limit: 1 hours, 59 minutes, 30 seconds]