

1792, Cornwall, England

Evangeline Barrow sat in the corner of her barely lit chamber, clutching her precious book to her chest. The tears wouldn't stop falling, for the things she had lost and for the things she knew too well would never be. In her youth, because that was the only way the period when she had still been innocent of the cruel reality could be called, she had had dreams. Dreams of a loving and understanding man, of children and a home. Now, barely two and twenty years of age and everything was just that. A dream. Everything had been destroyed that night five years ago. Everything, including her soul. She raised her head slightly, hearing footsteps. Panic rose in her bosom. Something had to be wrong. No one visited her at this hour, no one. Even her maids were wary of the person behind the closed doors, the person they had rarely seen. They usually let a tray with food on her doorstep and drew her bath only when she was not in sight. But never at this hour. She quickly hid the book under her mattress and prepared herself for the intruder.

The lock clicked and the door creaked open. She quickly tried to regain her composure but at the sight of her father she couldn't hide her disdain. The person who had been supposed to protect and love her, at the first chance had abandoned and disowned her. To the outside world and especially to the ton his daughter Eva was somewhere in Europe. She was a shame to her family and for one moment of stupidity, she was still paying to this day. She wondered what he was doing here, in Cornwall, since he had never visited her once in five years. She rose to greet her father, her head down.

''Evangeline" her father's harsh voice echoed inside the room.

''Yes father." she replied, her voice submissive, as she had learnt over the years.

''I bear important news…"' he continued, his posture stiff, as if being in her presence was something abominable.

''And what would that be?"'

"You are getting married. I have accepted an offer in your name, and a marquis nonetheless "' She didn't bother to hide her gasp. This was the last thing she would have ever expected.

"I expect you know your duty. You'd better not shame me again" She met his gaze and it said it all. Whore. Tramp. As if she wasn't inured to these unspoken words. It was all she'd ever gotten since that night.

"'As you wish father.''

''I procured a special license and you shall be married in three days. I expect you to be ready by that time.''

''Yes father.''

He turned on his heels and left. Not much paternal love, but even before the incident, he had been a model of indifference. Always within an arm distance, it was like talking to a stranger. For him his status and image was all that mattered, and she had endangered both.

She sighed as she allowed herself to think about her imminent future. Maybe it wasn't so bad after all. Maybe she'd finally get what she'd always wanted. A family, children. Maybe, just maybe.