
Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child

# consort # food # therapeutic #hishighness # dramaqueen Yu Niaoniao transmigrated into ancient times and became the eldest daughter of an official’s family. Her father didn't love her mother? No matter. As long as he gave them basic necessities! Her younger siblings didn’t take her seriously? That’s fine. Brats who don’t listen will be beaten a couple of times. There was no stir-fry in ancient times that was edible? Don’t panic, she’s a chef. Suddenly, a shocking rumor burst out in the capital. It was said that the eldest daughter of the Yu family was privately involved with Duke Lang, and was even pregnant with his child! All of that was merely rumors! However, before she could come forward and clarify it, an imperial decree came, bestowing marriage upon her and Duke Lang! Yu Niaoniao felt like she had been struck by lightning, and her whole body was numb. Who was Duke Lang? He was like a living King of Hell who held great power and killed people without feeling! He was so fierce that children would stop crying in his presence, and the faces of all the officials would pale when his name was brought up. Faced with the dangerous man walking towards her slowly, Yu Niaoniao trembled in fear. “Sob, sob, sob… I was wrong! I’m not pregnant!” Only to hear Duke Lang say, “ That’s fine. It’s not too late to get pregnant now.” Yu Niaoniao was speechless!

Big Fruit Pellets · Général
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677 Chs


Translator: Atlas Studios Éditeur: Atlas Studios

Noticing Duke Lang's actions, alarm bells went off in her heart. Without thinking, she pounced on him and reached out her hands to stop his hand from pulling the sword out.

The two hands overlapped unexpectedly.

The atmosphere froze for a moment.

Yu Niaoniao reacted and wished she could chop off her hands on the spot.

This was the ruthless Duke Lang, the famous living King of Hell in the Imperial Capital!

How dare she touch his hand!

She would definitely be cut into pieces on the spot, right?!

Dang Gui was also stunned.

She had never expected her mistress to be so brazen as to touch the hand of the Prince of Lang.

Xiao Juan's eyes turned even colder, and his tone revealed some killing intent.

"Let go."

Yu Niaoniao trembled in fear.

But she knew she couldn't let him pull the sword out.

It was rumored that as long as the Sword of No Return was unsheathed, there would definitely be blood.

She didn't want to bleed on the spot!

Therefore, instead of letting go, she extended her other hand.

The two hands gripped the Prince of Lang's hand tightly.

She spoke with great sadness.

"Your Highness, let me explain! Those are all rumors. I'm not pregnant, much less taint your innocence."

Xiao Juan asked coldly, "Who spread the rumors?"

Yu Niaoniao felt guilty. "Anyway, it's not me."

However, he was not so easy to fool.

"I've sent someone to investigate. These rumors came from your Yu Residence."

Yu curled up and choked.

Her mind raced. So many thoughts came to her.

Finally, she took a deep breath, steeled her heart, and knelt down in front of Duke Lang.

She sobbed through her tears.

"To be honest, I've actually admired His Highness for a long time, but I've always been too embarrassed to say it.

Recently, someone had seen through my feelings for you and spread rumors about me and you.

'I'm sorry. I never thought it would come to this.'

Please believe me, I really don't know anything about this."

Even though she was crying, Xiao Juan was still unmoved. He was as cold as an iceberg that would never melt.

"These are your one-sided words. How can I believe you?"

Yu Niaoniao looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Since I like you, I naturally want you to be well. Why would I deliberately tarnish your reputation? I definitely wouldn't let myself be in such an embarrassing situation."

Xiao Juan was silent.

Beside him, Dang Gui hesitated.

Yu Niaoniao clasped her hands together. Her eyes were filled with tears, and her face was filled with pleading.

"Your Highness, please forgive me this time."

Xiao Juan asked in a deep voice, "What about the rumors between us?"

Ever since he returned to the city, almost everyone had looked at him dubiously. Even if he didn't care about what others thought, he didn't want to get into trouble for no reason.

Yu Niaoniao hurriedly wiped her tears and said quickly.

"Don't worry, the rumors stop at the wise. The truly smart people won't believe those rumors. Only fools will be misled by those rumors. Soon, this matter will slowly calm down."

Xiao Juan said, "Are you sure?"

Yu Niaoniao vowed, "I'm sure!"

But in the next moment.

An official rushed in and knelt in front of Duke Lang.

"Your Highness, the palace has sent someone to deliver the imperial edict for the marriage. Please receive it immediately!"

A betrothal?

Yu Qianqian's heart skipped a beat. She had a bad feeling.

Xiao Juan glanced at her before asking.

"Marry to whom?"