
Ruling Hollywood

Timothe Elliott Austin-Quint suffering from DID or dissociative personality disorder. Currently, he has five distinct personalities each with their quirks and talents. 1st personality: "Let's evolve the music industry! I want to create classical music!" 2nd personality: "Timothe my hands their aching! I need to draw!! F'ck give me a pencil!" 3rd personality: "W-What do you f'cking mean that this world does not have any games?!" 4th personality: "Hmm I'm going to make a buffet for our guests to enjoy!" 5th personality: "I want to make movies! Come on Timothe I want to make sitcoms and series!" With five personalities and with their distinct talents how can Timothe manage them all? His first personality became a global singer who is titled the greatest musician of all time. His second personality is nicknamed the god of 'Comic Books, Manga, Anime?' His third personality is the genius creator of Resident Evil. The one who created Facebook?! The fourth personality with his cooking skills invented coke?! Timothe thought that was the end of it, till his fifth personality started to make sitcoms, movies, and series?! Now Timothe was currently holding the crown of Hollywood, now what should he do? [Ps. I update five chapters a day! I'm a newbie, and English is my second language. So if you read the synopsis, you can already imagine that there would be numerous cringe in the fan-fic. So if you don't want to get 'cringe' I advise you not to read this fan-fic.] [First of all, I will allow 'you' to pinpoint my mistakes, cause that would be helpful for me to furthermore learn and grow in my writing career. But if 'you' would read the fan-fic just to criticize, then please don't read any further.] [Now I'm starting this fan-fic cause I was inspired to do so, this fan-fic would be lengthy. I am aiming for this fan-fic to reach over 100+ or even more chapters! I'm getting tired of many authors just abandoning their fan fics especially if the story intrigued me. That's why I decided to create this fan-fic and I'm going to suck my brain dry, anyways before you read, really check the synopsis] [Ps. Additional tags: No-Harem! This story would be set in a modernized world, why would we create a harem for the mc? that's illegal and can get our mc in bars. Smut! Yes, there would be smut! I've been honing my writing skills especially if it's a sex scene and I'm going to put all my hard work into learning how to write sex scenes for a month here! Though having a smut scene will happen rarely.] [This world is set in a parallel world anyways I won't put the spoiler in the synopsis] Volume 1: Prologue: The personalities! This chapters would consist of our mc getting to know of his other personality and would dive down in his past! Volume 1:? Volume 2:? Volume 3:? Volume 4:? Volume 5:? Volume 6:?

ColinIvory · Célébrités
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21 Chs

Chapter 12: Prologue

Onishi was utterly confused looking at the dead body. It was him? Onishi couldn't comprehend what was currently happening. "Hmm I'm kind of curious" Onishi poked the dead body with his fingers.

"It's kind of soft" Onishi pulled his hand away from the corpse. "That was weird" Onishi peeked at the corpse, he felt a pulse from the dead body.


"What the? Did the corpse just talk?" Onishi who was creeped out, moved away from the body.

"You weren't supposed to see this!" The body distorted, it stood up, and his eyes were bloody red. "You weren't supposed to see this!"

"What the f'ck?" Onishi staggered to stand up, suddenly the corpse was in front of him. The corpse's hollow eyes came face to face. Onishi was scared, he wanted to run but the Corpse was gripping his face tightly he couldn't move.

"You weren't supposed to see this!" The corpse shrieked once again. Suddenly Onishi saw that the sky started to dim and with a shattering sound. Onishi noticed that the place started to crack just like a shattered mirror.

Onishi pushed the corpse away as he ran with all his might. Onishi figured that he wasn't back in his old world he was still stuck inside this place. He ran as hard as he could as he took a detour into an alley.

Onishi touched his head in confusion, he questioned himself about what just happened. Numerous thoughts filled his head. He had tons of questions. "Where am I? What is this place? Why did the corpse just talk? Why am I not back in my world? Why did that corpse look just like me?

Onishi staggered as he kept on running, this place he was in was cracking into numerous broken fragments. "What is happening?"

"Ugh," Onishi touched his head. His memories were being juggled up. Onishi noticed a small puddle created by the rain. He bent down and looked at himself at the reflection of the mirror. "Tim?"

"What the?" Onishi touched his face no it was Tim's face. His question was why he was inside the body of Tim.

"No, no" Onishi touched his head, he was confused maybe going insane as to why he was inside Tims's body. Why did that corpse look like him? Why was he inside Tim's body? Onishi held his head in fear and confusion.

Suddenly his eyes blacked out he fell to the ground as the rain drenched him. Onishi opened his eyes he was back inside the black abyss.

"I'm back?" Onishi asked as he looked around the black abyss and inspected his body. Onishi slumped down as he touched his head.

He was confused scared and anxious at what happened, "that was just a dream"

"You should have never seen that"

Onishi examined the place as a raspy voice sounded, he looked around the abyss if there was someone else with him. "Who?" Onishi who was kneeling on the ground darted at his surroundings and couldn't find anyone else.

"You should have never seen that"

The voice spoke again, Onishi looked at the distance a black figure stood. "Who are you?!" Onishi slowly stood up as he ran to the figure, he was strangely drawn to the enigmatic voice.

"Who are you?!" Onishi ran as he staggered a bit and continued to run to the black figure as the figure started getting close. "What are you?!"


The voice didn't answer which made Onishi confused and mad as he ran nonstop at the person suddenly when he was getting close he saw the familiar figure it was him.

"What the?" Onishi walked closer to the figure. "Me?" Onishi walked even closer suddenly there was a barrier separating him from getting close to the person.

Onishi hit the surface it seemed to be a mirror, he looked at the look-alike on the other side of the wall.

"You should have never seen that"

"What do you mean?" Onishi asked as he touched the wall separating him from the other person. "What are you?"

The figure on the wall smiled as he extended his hands and touched the wall. "Im you" With a smile the figure's body shifted into a familiar figure.

"Tim?" Onishi asked as he glanced at the smile Tim was making. Onishi felt a sudden headache as he touched his head while looking at the figure.

Onishi slumped to the floor as he huffed as a massive of unknown memories, it wasn't his that were entering his head. "What are these?" Onishi asked as he looked at Tim.

"This should have never happened," Tim said as he sat down on the floor looking at Onishi.

"Tim?" Onishi called out and soon Tim glanced at him with a small smile.

"This wasn't supposed to happen"

Onishi was more confused as to why Tim kept repeating the same thing.

"I'm so sorry Onishi you weren't supposed to see this. I thought that I could protect you but I couldn't our world will soon align I never want you and the others to know of this I'm so sorry." Tim in the wall started to sob as hard as he could.

"What do you mean?" Onishi asked as suddenly Tim on the other side of the wall started to stand up and began walking away from him. Onishi stood up and bashed on the wall as he looked at the leaving Tim "Explain to me what you mean?!"

"Tim tell me!!!!" Onishi shouted and banged on the wall as hard as he could. "What do you mean? Please tell me!" Onishi slumped to the floor as he faced the floor crying. "Tell me please"

Suddenly the scene shifted once again, Onishi looked at the blinding light in front of him as he saw another mirror. Onishi stood up and walked to the mirror.

"No way" Onishi touched his face, it wasn't his but Tim's on the mirror. "No no what is going on?" Onishi couldn't believe what was happening.

The mirror then started to crack, and in the cracks, Onishi could see his face. "No no" Onishi held his head he felt like something was amiss something from his memories didn't add up, some had loopholes, and there were also memories he didn't have.

Just a few more chapters and this will be done! We will then focus on the other Volumes! I wanted this volume solely focused on our Main Character's development!

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