
ruli adventures.

Nices adventures of luri!

CreatorOfAus · Histoire
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1 Chs

Cap 1

Chap 1

Hello,my name is luri,I will show my adventure in this world.

I hope you like my story!


Thousands of years ago, a divine power was sealed, a god, this god ruled everything, he was a god of evil.

Have you finished your work?

N-No sir...

This god looked at him with a frown, then the being was disintegrated.

Please sir, I'm sorry!

Disintegrate, insect.

that was the god, one day a mysterious being appeared, the being was so strong that it took the power of this god as if it were papal and sealed him in a box.

Q- How did you do that? - said the god.

If you give answers you killed the god.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-shouted/searched the god.


Thousands of years later.

A 13 year old boy bumped into a drunk old man, a little crazy.

Hey kid, watch where you're going," said the old man.

I'm sorry," said the boy.

What an old fool," thought the boy.

The old man said, "I don't want to enslave everyone like in the old days.

What do you mean," thought the boy.

the old man leaves.

-He came home.

the boy kept thinking and thinking.

he thinks that just the guy was crazy

only he decided to research it

hours and hours of research and nothing.

the boy fell asleep.


dream of the boy:

where am i? -said the boy

the boy saw something giant in front of him, he froze.

the boy woke up in the middle of the night.


he decided to get up and eat and left the house, he met the old man again and this time he asked questions.

hello -said the boy

What do you want," said the old man.

You can tell me," said the boy.

The old man replied: What?

What did you say yesterday...-said the boy.

ah, hehe -said the old man

if you want to know then I will tell you

The old man told him everything.

He also said that he was the reincarnation of that god, only now he was a good person, and he also lost the power he had been sealing for thousands of years.

That must be a lie," said the boy.

You want me to prove it," said the old man.

beauty then," said the boy.

the old man said to follow him.

he took him far away.

he found a very, very small building.

Why did you take us here?" said a frightened boy.

Inside there is a box, inside is the power," said the old man.

That's obviously a lie," thought the boy.

But he entered the house, found the box, and locked it with material he had never seen before.

But what is this?

the old man said he forgot because it had been thousands of years.

The boy takes the box and throws it at the wall, breaking the box.

MORE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?-said the old man.

What else is there?

everything began to shake as if the entire universe was shaking.

Then a purple smoke came out and chased the two.

The two ran, but the old man stumbled.

The boy helped him, but then the old man made the boy fall and run.

The smoke was on him, and it started to grow, the boy fainted, and the smoke was getting smaller.

-next day-

an animal nearby made a noise.

h-here's another 5 minutes," said the boy.

only he feels a discomfort, and gets up at an unhuman speed.

He didn't notice, so he let it go.

he remembered everything that happened.

he went to take a step.

When he did, he ended up in another place in the world, another country, another continent.

He found himself as if he had flown over the water.

But what was that?" said the boy.

That was incredible," he shouted.

the neighbors saw it.

He took one small, frightened step, that was enough to change his country.

He kept doing this until he arrived in his home country.

After a long time of trying, he made it.

He doesn't really understand what is happening.

He was tired, so his speed slowed down.

Up ahead he saw a guy robbing a store.

he said: if I'm really not normal anymore, I have to know one way or another.

he went to the store, quickly a gun was pointed at him.

he disappeared from the bandit's eyes, without the boy even noticing, he was already behind the bandit.

the bandit shot him.

Only he stopped the bullets with his arm.

But what is this? said the bandit.

Quickly the boy went to the bandit, he punched him, the bandit went to the wall and broke it throwing him further away.

The boy seeing this went to him and said: Are you okay?

the bandit was fainted.

after a while he woke up and already remembered what had happened.

WHO ARE YOU?!" shouted the bandit.

you can call me LURI.

-end of chapter-