
CHAPTER 10 "Awakening of Phoenix"

"You may be immortal, but I have something you don't: the will to fight until my last breath."


As my eyes gradually opened, I found myself enveloped in a slow haze of consciousness. An intense pain throbbed in my back, causing me to wince. Summoning my strength, I gingerly rose to my feet, a wave of dizziness washing over me. The room, expansive and shrouded in darkness, seemed to swallow any traces of normality in the air. It was an oppressive atmosphere that clung to my lungs, making each breath a struggle.


As I scanned my surroundings, the obscurity played tricks on my senses. Anxiety crept in, and I felt an urgent need for fresh air. The very atmosphere seemed to constrict around me, making it harder to breathe. The weight of an unseen force pressed down, suffocating me. Desperation fueled my actions, and without a second thought, I broke into an erratic run, as if fleeing from the oppressive shadows that danced in the dimness.


My cries for help erupted from deep within as I sprinted through the murky expanse. In the distance, a flicker of light emerged, slowly advancing towards me. As it drew nearer, I discerned the silhouette of a person.

"My Lord … we all thought you died." He sobbed and hugged me. "We have been tortured all along these years and some of us thought you died and some of us kept on hoping for your arrival. You must save us."

"Ok but first I need some air I can't breathe…" I exclaimed while coughing blood.

"It is due to the high pressure in this area. We are currently above the core of the planet. You will adapt soon but for now, we have no cure for this. Oh, by the way, I am Ezekiel. I am a master of sorcery. You might have not heard about me…" he replied. 

"Yes, I have heard about you. People kept telling stories about you all around the village. But how come you are here? You could've defeated that immortal guy…" I asked.

" His name is Lucius. He was my disciple and my partner in crime. We have travelled to different worlds and learned their magic. At one point, there was no magic left to learn for us. But he once meets a sorcerer from another world who tells him about the most powerful magic he can get and after that, he will become immortal. He then starts to find that; he starts to study about it. One day, he left without any notice. He left a letter on his bed where he wrote he was going to acquire one of the three Box of Trinity. And now he arrives at the village and kills the Council and captivates us here." Ezekiel mentioned.


"The Box of Trinity is that powerful, huh?" I inquired.

"You will learn about it all. But where have you been all these years?" He bugged.

"Well I am currently the 6th King of a planet, technically I am going to be. Now I need your help learning magic so that I can beat Lucius." I answered

"Sure, my Lord…but anyone from your bloodline must be a God to be more powerful than. But we can do the alternative way. I will teach something that takes away the immortality of the person. I will teach you the magic of Asesino." Ezekiel interrupted.

"I have heard that name I think but anyways … let's bounce…" I declared. 

Thus began my arduous training, fueled by a desire to surpass the limitations of immortality, to attain a state of existence beyond comprehension. Each step, each exertion, brought me closer to a realm of boundless potential, a destiny beyond the confines of mortality's grasp.




It might have been almost 56 years or more… I have grown a beard while. I still sometimes cough blood. I have been training for these years and now I am finally prepared to conquer immortality. I have finally become the Phoenix. We have planned our escape plan all these years. I couldn't wait anymore for the revenge… Ezekiel took others out of the castle as I made way for them. I requested Ezekiel to open a portal to the Wardranet. I headed towards the room where I met Lucius last time. He was sitting alone in his chair watching the sun rise.

"What a view to see, the Moon eating the Sun, raining of flaming stones and finally the triumph of victory…only for the strong ones. So round 2 it is. Shall we dance?"


Lucius and I stood locked in combat. The air crackled with the intensity of our clash, the sound of steel meeting sorcery echoing across the desolate landscape. Dark clouds gathered overhead, casting ominous shadows that danced with the flickering flames of our duel.


Lucius, his immortal form a testament to ages past, emanated an aura of unyielding strength. His eyes, ablaze with determination, met mine with an intensity matched only by the flames that wreathed my sword. Each movement he made seemed calculated, every strike aimed with deadly precision.


In contrast, I stood poised and resolute, flames dancing along the length of my blade as I summoned the power of sorcery to aid me. With every swing, sparks flew, illuminating the darkness with bursts of fiery light. The ground trembled beneath us, bearing witness to the ferocity of our clash.As the battle raged on, the air grew thick with the scent of smoke and sulfur, mingling with the metallic tang of blood. With each passing moment, the struggle intensified, the line between victory and defeat growing ever thinner.

And then, in a final surge of magic, I unleashed a torrent of flames that engulfed Lucius, consuming him in a blaze of triumphant glory. As the flames subsided, leaving nothing but smoldering embers in their wake, I stood victorious, the battleground silent save for the sound of my ragged breaths and the crackle of dying flames.

With Lucius's half-burned head clutched tightly in my grasp, I sprinted towards the portal with all the speed I could muster. As I emerged on the other side, a crowd of eager faces awaited my return. Displaying the grisly trophy, cheers erupted, and hands lifted me in triumph.

Among the throng stood Ezekiel, his eyes glistening with tears of relief and pride. With a humble bow, I approached him, offering my respects. "Bow to your new king, King Ezekiel," I declared, and the crowd followed suit, paying homage to their new ruler.

Handing Lucius's severed head to Ezekiel, I offered a final wave to the gathered crowd before stepping through the portal, leaving behind a kingdom transformed and a new era dawning.