
Chapter 95

“When Mario told Alan that you spoke too perfect Spanish, it wasn’t hard to put two and two together.” Cam didn’t know why she was still talking.

“Well then, we’ll have to rectify that, won’t we, Jack? I wondered when someone would figure that out.” Palent smirked.” You have a good ear, Ms. Andrews. Jack, I’m afraid you willhave to take that vacation until I find out how much she’s told everyone. I’ll miss you, truly I will.”

“How did Bradford’s nephew get it? Didn’t you know he was doing it?”

Palent snorted. “Who do you think he got it from? That little dick was pouring all of his father’s money up his nose. It served him right. The family’s better off without him. Now Jim’s free to rant and rave about all the drug traffic going through this city. Clever, huh? Who’d believe that the number one opponent would be the number one PRO-ponent.” He chuckled. “I guess I shouldn’t brag but you’re not going to be able to tell anyone. You’ll have to indulge me.”