Emerging from another nightmare, Bellona Finley, cursed with amnesia, decides to accept the system and begin her path to ascension. But something strange happens after taking her first step towards the divine. A ghost of herself appears and begins to haunt her... Join Bellona on her path to ascension, meet friends and foes alike, and be wary of The Mischievous Vestige's plots https://discord.gg/tp67DdhdVg
Bell picked her claymore up just as the scaled wyrm and injured man began their attack.
In a heartbeat, Bell's claymore blazed with the gray flames, Bell stepped to the side, allowing the wyrm and man to simply pass by. In the next instant, Bell's claymore found a weak point and was plunged into it, with the momentum of the wyrm, it slashed itself on Bell's claymore.
It, as well as the man, delved into the ground, and before her gray flames could be extinguished by the falling sand, she reactivated Ruination. As a result, the ground rumbled with what Bell could only assume was a great roar.
With the momentary distraction removed from the equation, Bell was able to see what was going on around her.
Bell, as well as two... no, three armies were standing at the sea floor, with a giant coral system extending up, and a crimson eclipse peering into a ginormous hole. It was as if someone were to make an entire underground city fly into the sky, collecting all of the material above it.
She looked around at the mayhem and tried to make sense of it.
There were large mythical beasts in the chaos of the battle, and it extended as far as Bell could see. Far in the distance, a typhoon was swirling, and there was a large number of spells and abilities being cast and used in that direction.
So, Bell took off in that direction.
'I'll find something to die to over there. It'll be glorious!' Bell said in her mind with sarcasm.
Not even a handful of moments later, Bell was knocked back by a large gust casted by some sort of mage. Bell quickly scanned the surroundings and used the direction of the gust to swiftly find the source of the gust.
It was a man in a robe, he had a fresh, youthful beard, and it was soon stained red by his own blood. Bell had launched herself towards the mage without him noticing and plunged her claymore into his chest. He coughed up blood, and then went slump quickly.
Bell continued forth, there wasn't time to waste!
'Despite the fact that I might actually want to sleep for a bit longer tonight...' Bell thought bitterly.
It was the larger battlefields such as the one in Bell's current nightmare that led to the most fortuitous amounts of sleep. However, it was at some point in the past thirty or so minutes that Bell realized that she had forgotten to do her General Class homework before heading to sleep.
It was then that Bell wanted to get this nightmare over with, but in a satisfactory way, such as dying to a higher-ranking demon or something in the manner.
The ground continually rumbled as Bell made her way closer to the typhoon, and at the last second, Bell leaped to the side as the wyrm and man from earlier emerged. His wounds were patched up and the wounds on the wyrm were closed as well.
Bell groaned at the sight, knowing how the fight was going to play out.
'I'm going to hurt them, they're going to flee, I'm going to have damage built up on me until I can't fight anymore...'
The man said something in that strange language once more before Bell ran towards him, sword set ablaze, all the while yelling profanities in a fit of rage. She didn't care if she was being wasteful with her resources, she needed the man and wyrm dead now, lest they be a continuous thorn in her side.
Bell began by making a mad dash forwards toward the man, then leaping into the air, slashing the scales of the wyrm as she ascended. Upon reaching the "rooftop" of the wyrm, Bell made another mad dash towards the man, who had reigns for the strange wyrm. He let go of them while the wyrm stood still, allowing a duel to take place.
Bell opened by slashing diagonally downwards against his chest and waist areas. The man's leather belt keeping his sheath attached to him was severed, and a large gash was opened in his flesh.
He roared, and the wyrm started to move once more, knocking the two off-balance momentarily.
In that spare moment, the man leaned forward due to the wyrm lurching, and then leapt forward in an attempt to bring Bell down. She let go of her claymore, Created two daggers, and leaned forward, nearly stabbing the man in his head. He turned at just the right moment to where his shoulders took the brunt of the damage.
Just as the wyrm entered the ground, Bell jumped off to the side of the wyrm, and she saw the man return one of her taunts.
Infuriated, Bell exclaimed, "I'll kill you! You bastard!"
It had been a long while since Bell was as worked up as she was now, but with a proper goal in place, she decided to continue heading towards the typhoon. It didn't seem too far away at this point, especially after the long trek she had made since seeing it.
Continuing forth, Bell entered a few more fights as she waited for the wyrm and its tamer to appear once more.
Bell had read somewhere that Challengers were supposed to gain some sort of "experience" as well as Marbles whenever they slay enemies in the Domains, but Bell's luck was especially horrible. She had never encountered a situation where she gained a Marble through killing her foes in the heat of battle.
She was almost at the typhoon, and the ground started rumbling again, this time, Bell leaped high into the air as the wyrm surfaced. This allowed Bell to simply land on the back of the beast as it headed directly towards the cyclone.
The man turned around and readied his zweihander, which he had managed to keep throughout all of the chaos. Somehow, he looked better than ever, while Bell was starting to feel the fatigue of constantly fighting and running.
'It was bound to happen sometime.' Bell thought to herself, doing a quick self-examination.
There was nothing wrong with her in the moment, but with the appearance of the wyrm tamer, Bell felt that either something very good was going to happen soon, or something astronomically awful.
Bell was leaning towards something astronomically awful deep within her mind.
The man launched himself forward with a horizontal slash. Bell ducked underneath, and with her own claymore, slashed at the kneecap armor that padded the man's legs. She made solid contact with one, which made him stumble and fall towards Bell. With hatred in his eyes, he roared once again, but Bell wasn't going to let him go this time.
'I'll kill you, even if it's the last thing I do in this hellhole.' Bell steeled her resolve.
Thus, the final showdown between the wyrm tamer and the girl who wielded black flames and an arsenal of various weapons.
Bell threw her claymore away and Created a long pike. The man stood up and ripped one of the giant scales off of the back of the wyrm, revealing a soft spot. The man then used whatever sinew was left underneath the scale and began wrapping it around his forearm. Bell didn't let him brandish his weapon and his shield, immediately using Dash once to appear before the man.
Her claymore was ready, and she swung it at a fatal angle, luckily for the man, his scale-shield was in the way perfectly. Of course, it was because the man had blocked, and nearly parried, Bell's attack.
This action only infuriated her more.
Bell's gray flames started to spread all around her, and the wyrm sounded like it was growing deeper in pain the longer that the flames persisted. The wyrm also saw that just ahead of it was a typhoon, and likely deduced that the water and wind in it would surely kill the girl and flames atop it.
But what could Bell say? She didn't read animals minds.
In any case, the man couldn't properly wield the zweihander with only one arm, so he tossed it and readied himself for a fist fought duel.
Bell respected the man's dedication to fight, so she Created a helmet in the shape that came most natural to her and placed it on her head. She dropped her claymore and engulfed her gauntlets and greaves in the gray flames of Ruination but was careful to not target them.
After a moment of silence, the two charged towards one another and began trading blows. The man was tall and strong, so he had more reach and his attacks landed harder, but Bell was swift and was a Challenger.
Any damage he dealt was swiftly healed through Second Wind, and Bell was slowly accumulating damage with the gray flames of Ruination.
At one point, the two were so in sync with their hand-to-hand combat that they traded a blow to the face at the same time. Of course, Bell's was more devastating, but she had also had the daylights almost knocked out of her.
Before the two could do anything else, and as they were recovering from the exchanges, the wyrm finally entered the typhoon.
Bell's flames felt a bit weaker, and the wyrm tamer in front of her looked as if he was taking the brunt of the storm.
That was because he was.
The storm graced Bell's back with the cool air of the typhoon, and her foe was sent to the face-first portion of the rain and turbulent winds. He struggled to take steps forward, and Bell struggled to keep her balance amongst herself.
In any case, the two began fighting in the darkness of the winds of a typhoon. It was dark, and only the occasional lightning bolt in the storm illuminated the two. Bell delivered a devastating uppercut to her opponent, but her opponent slammed her side, and Bell was winded momentarily.
The man took this moment of respite to catch his own breath and regain his own stamina. The two had probably come to an impasse at the idea after the long fight that had been raging for at least twenty to thirty minutes.
The wyrm reached the eye of the storm, and Bell wished it hadn't.
That was simply because there were three powerful-looking demons standing over mountains of corpses.
Bell, as well as the man's reaction was the same.
Utter shock and fear.
Their time had come, and several lightning bolts struck the two, but Bell was still alive after the first volley. So, one of the demons came to her personally and struck her unconscious.
During her momentary unconsciousness, Bell awoke, so the demon had probably killed her.
A bitter taste was left in Bell's mouth that she wasn't the one to kill the wyrm tamer.