
Hijacking A Speeding Train

"What the hell are you? Get the hell off me, man!" The addict was shocked by the appearance of a Smokepire, moreover, he struggled to free himself, thrashing and writhing in Armstrong's grip.

"Let me go, you bastards!" the man yelled, sweat pouring down his face as he tried to break free.

"Get your ass down there!" With his powerful strength of 10 bears combined, Armstrong spun around in the air briefly before he slammed the man into the ground. The asphalt split apart with numerous cracks to form a crater.

"Great job bro!" Shouted David from behind the wheel.

"Yeah, that was awesome!" Smoke Pac's crew were in a celebratory mood, high-fiving and cheering as they thought they had the man captured.

"We got him! We finally got the son of a bitch!" Rodent exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air. "The boss will be proud."

Nikurga joined in the celebrations, laughing and cackling as they watched the man struggle.