
Death At The Morgue

Clown City's main Medical Examiner's office received 6 bodies on the very same night that required urgent analysis due to an ongoing investigation of gruesome murders. They hadn't discovered the mean lady's corpse that was probably at the lower depths of Clown City's sea bed keeping the fishes company.

Only 2 coroners were working late that night at the office and they had their work cut out for them. Chief Medical Examiner, Lilith Pettish and her assistant Dalton More were currently in an examination room poking around a corpse to determine his cause of death. During their final re-stitching of the body, they were interrupted by a porter who brought in another corpse wrapped in a body bag.

"Another one?" Lilith was baffled. "How many dead bodies are going to visit this place for one night?"

"Sorry for the intrusion." Said the porter as he pushed the stretcher further into the room.

"They just keep on piling up." Dalton was taken aback by the number of bodies they had in stock. He helped the porter position the body on a vacant counter. Afterwards, he asked if there were any more bodies outside to be brought in.

"No more than I'm aware of. This is the last one." The porter glanced at Lilith. "I was also instructed to inform you to take priority over this corpse. The cops believe that he might have been the one responsible for these nightly murders but they don't have any identification on him and they want to get this mystery solved as soon as possible."

"Alright, I'll see what I can do, but that will be the last body that I will be examining tonight." Lilith glanced at the clock on the wall that depicted 2:30 AM. "Usually this time I should be at home cuddling with my cats."

"I had no idea that you were a cat person, Ms Pettish." The porter seemed surprised.

"Sure I am. I have a Danish Prince, a British Shorthair, a Turkish Angora and a Wild Birman. They are my feline family." Lilith sounded proud as she said this.

"By the way, do you have any idea when will the surveillance system be repaired?" Inquired the porter.

"Soon I hope. The engineers are scheduled to arrive on Friday." Replied Lilith.

"Well, I'll be going now. See you both tomorrow." The porter left the room in a hurry. He had a nauseous expression on his face which meant he didn't like being around so many dead bodies.

"Dalton, help me get these in the freezer." Lilith requested assistance to move the other bodies that she wouldn't be attending to right now into the freezers.

"Wow, this one is heavy." After putting away the last body, Dalton helped Lilith get the high-priority corpse out of the body bag and onto the main operation table.

"Whew, this body really wreaks and we haven't cut it open yet." Dalton couldn't stand the smell of the corpse, he had to cover his nostrils and made an excuse to briefly step outside. "I'm going to use the bathroom and come back real quick."

"Go ahead and while you're at it bring me back a bottle of water."

"No problem." Dalton exited the examination room, leaving only Lilith inside with Chris Levinton's body lying on the operation table.

"I also need a breather from all this deadness."

Lilith looked over the corpse for a short period then went to the other side of the room where a small window was situated. She leaned back on the wall, took out a cigarette from her jacket and lit it up to calm her nerves.

"I can't believe how dangerous Clown City has become these days. Everywhere I turn somebody is getting killed. Since that new senator was elected I thought things would be different but everything just got worse. No one can even take a walk at night anymore without expecting to be robbed or killed. I came to this shithole hoping to sharpen my surgical skills and my God, I have. The amount of bodies that I've cut open in the past year has given me the experience that made me the number one coroner in Clown City. God help us all in these lawless times."

Lilith only took one puff of her cigarette before she put it out in a tray; opened the window and tossed it outside. "Time to get back to work. I hope Dalton gets back soon to help out."

Lilith put on a new pair of gloves as she moved back over to where Chris's body was supine on the operation table. Once there, she cut off his dirty clothing and tossed them aside.

"This body still looks lively." She admired Chris's physique briefly by perusing his every nook and cranny. He was like a doll subjected to the meticulous inspection of her medical expertise.

"His nails are weirdly protruded similarly to an animal's. This stuff underneath might be skin tissue with bits of sediment mixed in. He hasn't shaved in a while. Huh, how did this get here?" She picked up on vein residue from between his teeth as she examined his mouth.

"Traces of unusual amount of blood yet there is no gash or bruises to the mouth's interior. Weird, was this man a cannibal? He was definitely chewing on pieces of human flesh. The evidence should still be inside his stomach."

Lilith did a thorough analysis of the external portions of the body before she decided to cut it open for deeper inspection. Picking up a scalpel in her right hand, she commenced making a small incision to the centre of Chris's chest. Something unexpected happen when the scrapple reached below the sternum. It became stuck, moreover, a part of it was being absorbed by the flesh.

"What the heck..?" Lilith had no idea what she was witnessing. She tried applying force to withdraw the scalpel but it wouldn't budge a millimetre. Eventually, all of the scalpel was absorbed into Chris's chest.

"How can this be?" Lilith moved away from the body in a hurry with her back pressed against the wall. She was frightened by the inexplicable things happening before her very eyes. What blew her mind was when she started seeing a glowing red hue pulsating from Chris's chest.

"What sort of man is he?" As Lilith continued to observe the bizarre occurrence playing out before her, she witnessed the kick-starting of Chris's heart. It was pounding so erratically that it sounded like the base of a speaker. Moreover, a visible pulsation of blood started to flow to all corners of the body with such force that it caused Chris's manhood to stand firmly.

Earlier, Lilith asked what sort of man was lying supine on her operation table and now she knew the answer, he was a very virile man.

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