
Rubber Human in MHA

An orphan saves the lives of some children but gets killed in the process, as an act of pity towards him, one of the gods of the universe decides to have him reincarnate with two wishes. "I want to have the powers of the Gomu Gomu no mi!!" "We have a few problems with that wish but I can make it work" Follow the adventures of Tomomi Mizushima as she lives as she pleases in the world of MHA that surprisingly, has a lot more than what she bargained for. "Is it bad that I died before Wano ended?" Author's Note : This Fanfic is written how I think a reincarnation of this type would work, extremely slow and with a lot of slice-of-life elements before the events of the manga. Coupled with my interest in the exploration of the MHA world and my own obsession with the powers of rubber, it will take a long time before canon (I guess around chapter 40-ish). Also, this is technically my second time writing something and sticking with it for more than 20 chapters, so bear with the early chapters being small or badly written, I'll try to improve. Lastly, I am more of a One piece fan than an MHA fan but I'll try to make it as faithfully as possible to the source material (The MC hasn't read One piece past the middle of the third act of Wano, and 4th season of MHA) ---Warnings--- [Crossposting between Scribblehub and Webnovel] [I'm not very good at English so bear with me] [I don't own My Hero Academia or One piece, those works belong to Kohei Horikoshi and Eichiro Oda respectively] [No Harem]

BioedwinMX · Anime et Bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Rain and Understanding

"I don't know why I'm surprised"

It was truly pitiful to see the kids sniffling while holding back tears after absolutely destroying them in a simple game involving spinning tops, they were naive in their thinking. they truly thought that the game was just trying to get their spinning top to bump into each other.

Their dumbstruck faces when I slammed down my spinning top on top of theirs were priceless nonetheless, after basically winning the match against all of them at the same time I got my price in the form of their spinning tops.

"Well it will be a good lesson of how the ' Real-world ' is"

[Is it ironic since I'm in a fictional universe? well is it even fictional to begin with? ]

Although it was the carnage that I laid upon those children, I did, in the end, gave them their toys back since I didn't really need them, using spinning tops on the wooden floors of my house is just calling in a problem for the flooring. It's just better to get something similar, like a yoyo or something.

I started walking towards my parents, dad is sitting on a swing eating what it looks like a bento made of rice, tempura, and salad. Mom is trying to push the swing but he is not moving even an inch from place.

[That's actually quite impressive]

"Tomomi~ over here" Mom said while waving at me, I wasn't that far and there was no one else eating at the swings for obvious reasons, dad does give a very scary aura just for existing although I have already gotten used to it.

"I'm coming~" is shouted as I basically waddle my way over the swings and promptly sit in one, mom gave up on trying to move dad's swing and instead gently moved mine.

"Did you have fun?" My dad asks bluntly, he is staring at the place where I came from.

"Nn" I nod "I played with a spinning top with some kids" I add as mom hands me a small bento that contains the exact same lunch as my dad.

"You made friends on your first day! remember to invite them over" Mom said as she also sat down on the last swing, creating a bizarre view of a family eating on a swing.

"I don't know if they're my friends?" I said while thinking about how I bodied them in the game I made.

"Don't worry about it, just introduce them to us later, okay?" mom was insisting on presenting my friends, so I started to think about the reason why.

[It is normal for kids to have friends, I was dealt a bad hand in my previous life so I guess this is the norm? well those presenting those kids...]

"...uh" I said reflexible after noticing a problem with what mom said.

"Mhh?" My mon perked up and looked at me, I averted my eyes from her dumbfounded face as I'm too ashamed to admit something rather obvious.

Dad slightly pokes my cheeks and narrowed his eyes at me with suspicion, after a few seconds he widened his eyes in understanding and opened his mouth.

"You did not ask their names?" He says with complete confidence, my jaw drops for a few seconds as my blush gets a bit fiercer

"How did you know?"

"I would have done the same" He said with a straight face while my mom gave dad an extremely pained look as if she remembered something.

"Your attitude resembles your father a bit too well" My mom says in an exasperated way, she simply shakes her head and proceeds to eat her own bento.

[Well I guess I do remble him a lot]

I simply shrug my shoulders and continue my day as if nothing happened, can't blame myself too much since I really just remember important people and those kids would probably forget me a few years from now.

[Well they may not since kids are a bit too smart in this world... and I did give them a dose of reality]

Those kids did forget her face but they definitely did not forget the heavy dose of reality she instilled on their souls as their heavy aversion towards gambling could tell you.

It's raining again...

We were supposed to take another trip to the Park since I apparently need to remember the name of the kids I mingle with, it does make sense that mom wants me to make friends but why would she push too much for it? I really have not much of an idea, but today is not the day since it is raining.

I quickly darg along with one of the chairs from the living room and positioned it facing towards the window on the front of the house and I promptly sit on it to observe the rain.

I like the rain, it is quite serene and very much makes me want to keep observing it, it was the same in my old world and so in this world. The peacefulness I achieve by simply watching the way the water flows from the streets and accumulates slightly, how the droplets of water on the windows slowly descend downwards and fuse together with others.

Truly a chaotic experience that deserves some recognition, the only problem with rain is that it is a weather phenomenon that is annoying to a lot of people so wishing for it would be very selfish.

[But I'm not a Hero... I'm I a pirate?]

Pirates are quite selfish all things considered, they always want their way on things and they achieved it by force instead of diplomacy, this was no different from how Luffy acted in the series.

[Guess I'm not that different then]

After an entire hour of staring into the rain, my parents actually got a bit concerned for me since all I was doing was seeing the rain. I don't have the slightest clue if seeing the rain like this is really that uncommon for children but i simply say to them that I like seeing the rain which puzzles them a bit and eventually my dad says why I like it.

"It falls from the sky"


Definitely not a very common answer, but the simple explanation that if anything but water fell from the sky it would be amazing and cool it should mean that water falling from the sky is also amazing and cool. They had a bit of trouble seeing water as anything special but I didn't really mind this.

I simply consider the rain to be pretty.

"Are you happy that we aren't going to the park?" My mom says while looking a time straight in the eyes.

"...no?" I say while adverting my eyes from her vision.