
RSSG Fan Fiction

RSSG fan fiction. A man gets reincarnated in to an RSSG alternative universe. Watch him dominate both in real life in within the game.

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The very next day I started to train at our personal gym. I followed the directions in the manuals on how to train the basics and how to make the most solid foundation. It was tedious work; I trained every day until I was told by the system to stop. As the system can monitor my body better than any other machine, it helps me train while not overexerting myself and causing myself damage.

Two weeks later:

Today is the day after Reina's birthday. That means that she will be able to train from now on. We meet at the gym. "Reina, I have a present for you." I said.

"What is it? Give it to me!" She said with an excited look on her face.

"Here." I said while handing her the Feather Body Scripture. She looked at it for a few minutes, her face showed a surprised look.

"What do you think? The training manual is your birthday present."

"This is amazing! Where did you get it?"

"I got it from an old martial arts temple." I lead as I obviously couldn't tell her the truth. Maybe in the future he would tell her.

"Really? I need to tell my dad to start looking for those temples."

"Sure, go ahead. Let's go train now, we need to catch up we everyone in our generation, since they have been training since they were little.

2 Years Later:

I was at the gym when my father called me over. I walked into his study and saw 4 people standing to the side, they are only a few years older than me. "Hello Zion, I see that you are training hard." He said.

"Yeah, I want to be the strongest in my generation."

"I won't be long before you are. You are already at the Domain Realm, while you have just reached this level, it is still very impressive considering that you have only trained for about 2 years. Let's not talk about that for now. I called you here for something very important"

"What is so important dad?" I asked. My dad has never called me for anything important, this situation was completely new to me.

"I want to introduce to you your own personal bodyguards. They have been trained since young. They will be your shadow from now on. Their names are Tim, Sam, Sarah, and Ana. Each of the is trained in all types of fighting. They are also trained as assassins and are experts in counterespionage."

Well that was the day I got my lifelong companions and my lifelong best friends.

3 Months Before the Game Release:

I walk into my dad's office. "Hey dad, I want to talk to you about something."

"What is it son?" He asked.

"Have you heard of the game God's Domain?"

"I have."

"I want to start playing the game and become a professional gamer. I think it will be a great investment. Plus, I want to do something on my own, something not completely related to the family business."

"Son, I support you no matter what. Plus, I am still alive and able to take care of the family business for now."

"Thanks dad." I said very excited.

"What is your plan for this game. How do you plan of succeeding in the game?"

"First, I am going to hire management experts to help me manage the day to day stuff in the guild. Reina will probably take over management. You know how she is, she like to keep everything within her control."

"Every girl is like that son."

"Second, I plan on making gym. I want the gym fitted with the best equipment possible. By the way, can you please contact some of you Early Grandmaster friends? If I can get a few to work there, I can get a lot of people to join. While I recently reached Early Grandmaster Realm too, I am not good at training people. I might do more harm than good."

"I can do that. I can probably get you around 3-5 Grandmasters. I will also provide the Guild with nutrition elixirs."


"Where do you plan on building the gym?"

"Here on Sky-Heaven City. Since we have our own private flying island-city, I might as well monopolize the human resources here than try to compete somewhere else."

"Good. Your mom won't be mad about this."

"I'll help you hire people to manage the guild. I will also hire people to build a skyscraper for your gym. It is better to have extra space than to not have enough."

"Thanks dad"