

Ace Avalon, brother of Arya Avalon; yet he was somehow the least talked about person in her story. Like seriously, half the history books didn't even get his name right! And they were orphans so he raised the person who saved the world only for no one to even get his name right. Of course, most people don't care. But I kind of have to, I'm his son, Ash. Which most people think is a girls name; however most people also think Alexi is a boys name so my cousin and I have this issue in common. Alexi is the only child of the one and only savior, Arya Avalon. She hates it though, we have the exact same birthday down to the second and look like twins so on the day we went off to Supernatural Academy we decided to pretend to be each other. I wanted to not be bullied for once and she wanted to stay the hell out of the spotlight so, we made a deal. But now it's move in day and all our preparations won't be able to prepare for what's to come, Lex wants to go undercover to find out which of the generation she will be able to actually trust once she takes over her parents thrown. Luckily we were tied at birth and are both hybrids of dragon, wolf, eagle, vampire, and witch. The only two alive to have so many supernaturals. Arya was a elemental which we both also got but did not have supernaturals. Our elemental powers come from our supernaturals rather than hers that came from some unknown source. My dragon has the power of light and darkness which means it can heal but can also destroy, my wolf has earth power and my eagle has air powers, my vampire has fire powers making it one of the only three vampires immune to fire, and my warlock has water powers which also gives him powers in relation to a lot of magic stuff making him kinda overpowered.