
Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

She was a simple girl who was brought up in a simple household, or at least that was what others thought about her. She is full of mysteries and secrets but was always seen as naïve and innocent girl. Or, simply…it is more precise to tell that she keeps that facade for her own good. But why?? Only she knows the answer. However, unlike other girls of her age, who dreamt of getting married to rich and famous guys, she preferred to find someone who has simple life and easy going family. In short, she just wanted to lead a happy and ordinary life. However, she uses to believe that it would only be possible if her life partner was an common, uncomplicated guy. But why?? Was the reason behind her beliefs had something to do with her past? Or, was she vexed with her life to the extent of sticking by her self-made rules? On the other hand, he was the CEO of one of the most prestigious companies across the world. He was cold and aloof, someone who despised any sort of intimacy with women, be it physical or emotional. His world revolved around his work and his family business. Though he has complicated family, he love them to his core….and, apart from them and his friends , no one matter to him. But, for the first time in his life, he fell for a woman just with a glance. It all happened when she was turning down her Boss's love proposal. Despite of her simple attire, he found her enchantingly beautiful. He could tell that she had so much more to herself than she let others see. He wanted to be the only person before whom she could be her true self. The very moment he laid his eyes on her, he knew deep down in his heart that only she could be his soul mate. And, he was willing to go any lengths just to make her his. Even if it meant working as an employee in his own company. Just like he wanted, she fell for him. But would happen when she ends up catching his lies? Even if she agrees to accept him, what will be awaiting for her in the life she opted to live with him? Moreover, who exactly is she? Why does she prefer to be low-key? And why is she being so secretive about her past? What and all troubles she might have to face because of his complicated background? What would welcome her when she stumbles back into the very life she wanted to run away from? More importantly, will their love be strong enough to face all those odds that are waiting for them? ......... No misunderstandings between couple. Lovely and understanding couple with mature communication skills. ....... #Comedy #Love #Friendship #Mystery #Thriller #Family #Revenge This book is perfect blend of everything. I hope you will give it a try. ....... I am also author of Ms. attractive and inciting CEO The devil's little Villainess. Please do check out the books ..... Discord sever https://discord.gg/3CC6KgK Please feel free to contact me....

Har_V · Urbain
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408 Chs

Let's start with Nadia...

Meanwhile, Louis is in the same page as well.

'How should I make Nadia humiliate herself?' he started thinking.

His mind is no less devilish compared to Harry's.

That is the reason they would become best bickering brother-in-law's and the notorious crime partners. 

"As you all can see, Mr. Smith is here to find out more about the project. So, let's not waste any time and get started with the presentations you people already prepared." Louis announced. 

Meanwhile, Harry understood what Louis is doing here.

'Better not disappoint me, dear brother in law' Harry thought.

Anyone who would have keenly scrutinized Nadia's face would be able to read her thoughts.

She is like an open book. It is written all over her face that she badly wants Brina to humiliate herself in front of everyone in her new company.

'What a cheap slut' Harry and Louis thought when they saw a smug face of Nadia. 

She deserves the best humiliation in the world.

'As you are so excited to see what and how humiliation feels like, why don't I myself let you taste that all by yourself? Isn't it that fun?' Louis thought, smirking to himself.

Meanwhile Harry is in deep regret…..

'Where is my cheese popcorn and coke? Shit!! If I would have known that there would be a show here, I would have surely brought along my snacks. And damn too, I forgot this isn't my company otherwise Rhianna would have already got all of those things prepared for me' Harry thought. 

All the executives in S & S corporations are very well aware of this. If Harry brings popcorn and coke to the meeting room, they know someone is going to get kicked out of the company or gonna get beaten black and blue with humiliation.

If and only if Louis would have known what his brother-in-law was thinking, he surely would have puked blood. 

Harry is a weird CEO but besides being different, he is extremely dangerous and powerful.

 If this is his own company, he would have surely come in a simple t-shirt and jeans for a meeting. Not that he cares about what others think, he wants to be best in front of his sister.

"Let's begin our meeting, starting with the presentation from our new employee, Ms. Russell" Louis announced, making Nadia almost choke on her water she is drinking.

Nadia angrily looked at Louis, glaring daggers at him with her ominous eyes. 

'Damn this project manager!! Does he not know who I am?' she arrogantly thought. 

Nevertheless, who is Louis? He's the CEO of L & E, not just a project manager. 

If only Nadia knew whom she is facing, she wouldn't have thought, 'Poor guy wouldn't have known that I am the daughter of Carson Russell' she thought.

However, Harry, the famous CEO of S & S corporations is present here. So, she shouldn't embarrass herself. 

She can't act out of impulse and get herself a bad impression.

She actually has a deep crush on Harry Smith and this is the only chance for her to impress him. 

Unfortunately, she knows nothing about the project. For the gods sake. She just came here because of her father's force. It's not like she voluntarily came here to work by herself. 

'It's better to confess that I am not prepared, rather than getting myself humiliated. Right?' she thought.

If only she knew that her own plan would backfire on her, she wouldn't have joined this company.

"But, sir, I am new to this project" Nadia said.

"I am well aware of that, Ms. Nadia. But I have heard from the HR manager that you are very knowledgeable about this project. And that's the reason I have agreed to let  you join this prestigious project." Louis sternly said. 

His anger and dissatisfaction is clearly depicted on his face.

'You have dared trying to humiliate my baby girl right, I'll let you taste it first' Louis thought as he clenched his jaw. 

'Bravo!! You have earned 0.001 marks from me. For now, your total score is 4.001 out of 10' Harry chuckled inside.

Suddenly, all the color drained out from Nadia's face. 

'Knowledgeable? Who? Me? 

My ass!! I am only interested in seeing Brina humiliate herself'  Nadia thought while cursing her bad luck.

Damn this! She isn't here to get herself humiliated!

Stuttering, she said. "Y..y.. yes s.. s.. sir, of.. of course I am knowledgeable. It is just that I don't have a presentation to present right now" Nadia came up with an excuse.

"But, given with how knowledgeable you are, can't you just give us a brief explanation, Ms. Nadia? We already have the presentation that was prepared by the employee who was in your place before." Louis said.

"But sir-"  Nadia stuttered.

With a bam on the table Louis said with an annoyed face "This is the reason I don't encourage the recommended candidates like you to join my project. But, people in the HR department talked so highly of you." he scoffed.

"They  said that you know everything about this project. I wonder how much you paid those people to get into this project. What's your ulterior motive l, Mr. Russell?" Louis asked, however, pretending as if he is trying not to lash out on Nadia.

Faceslapping part 1.

It will be fun when Brina gets into the picture too.

What are your thoughts about Louis guys?? Isn't he hot right now??

And, guys... please don't forget to vote and review the book to. Help me in the boosting the rank.

Guy's... I have online internal exams... wuwuwu .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.

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