

Loud music could be heard over ten miles away from Miami's most elite nightclub. Clubspace.

A club where only the rich, famous and influential people could get in, the club with the best dancers and strippers in the state. Its wild performances and remarkably good DJ and booze made it the most packed and hard-to-get -in club in the city.

The crowd roared with excitement and cheers as the pole dancers gave an outstanding performance. Its red accent lighting above the stage gave a more sensual touch to their movements. But what everyone that attended clubspace knew was that the further the night went, the better each show gets.

Backstage, seven of the club's best dancers prepared to give their most arousing show yet. Every one of them worked hard to earn their spot but only two of them stood out amidst the seven;

Bella McCarthy and Maya Hudson.

Bella, being the lead dancer and what most people would consider the most beautiful among the others, stood ahead of the other girls as she revised their steps one last time before the show. Her low, sensual voice could be heard above the blasting music as she recited the steps, the others following her lead. "Then stop, drop and roll those hips babies," she ordered, whining her fully rounded hips in slow motion which the other girls repeated. All except one.

All except clubspace's second-best dancer, Maya.

Her fair skin glimmered under the bright task light backstage, and her waist-long pins and straight hair moved like a flag behind her as she moved to her beat. Her full blood red lips once again form that flirty smile that has brought hundreds of men to their knees. Her emerald green eyes were concealed beneath her eyelids as she hummed.

"Excuse you! I don't know if you read tonight's program but our group performance comes before your solo." Bella blasted her best friend, her hands on her large hips as she pushed her full chest forward.

Maya parted her eyelids to reveal her large, beady emeralds. She blinked rapidly as though she had just returned from another realm. "Oops," she laughed, biting her index finger with a naughty gleam in her eyes.

Bella rolled her amber eyes before shaking her head disapprovingly. "Foolish girl, stay focused! A lot of big shots will be present tonight, we can not afford to mess this up," she said before flipping her wavy red hair to her back.

Something about Bella reminded many people of the famous rapper, Nicki Minaj. Perhaps it was the similarities in their physical features and attitude.

"And remember," she added with a naughty smile playing on her pink lips, "we are to seize every opportunity we get once the show is over. Know what I mean?" She winked and the girls laughed. Except for Maya of course who was once again lost in her world. "Alright girls! From the top! Two steps left, three steps right, turn, then drop with a split. Let's go! Go!"

Meanwhile, Faiz parked his black Audi R8 at the club's parking lot. His ears were already ringing from the loud music that came from within the club. Times like these made him despise the difference between himself and his best friend. Never in Faiz's life would he have ever considered coming to a place like this. But since the universe was against him in this matter, the least he could do was honour his friend's invitation. Even if it was just for thirty minutes.

The main entrance to the club was packed with rampaging and possibly drunk teenagers but Faiz took the VIP entrance at the back. After showing the bulky and scary looking bouncers his ID, they granted him access. They opened the doors and Faiz took an involuntary step backwards as a wave of music, cheers and the scent of alcohol and drugs hit him like a bus.

He shook his head with disbelief before going down the dark passage that would lead to the VIP lounge. The lounge was decorated with dark purple ambient lights making it hard to see anything but silhouettes. The lounge was a demarcated area from the general club, with a series of booths and tables hosting some of the richest high ranking individuals in the city.

Faiz spotted his short friend in a white t-shirt and black jeans, the familiar golden crest that he never took off dangling around his neck. The two embraced each other in a tight hug, "You made it, Holy man!" Blake yelled above the deafening music.

Faiz rolled his eyes at the nickname he had forcefully given him and took a step back to analyse his friend's condition. It was beyond obvious that the shorter man was drunk beyond belief. His thin lips were in a lopsided grin as an occasional chuckle would escape them, his usual gentle chocolate eyes had dark rims encircling them and not to mention the mopy brown mess atop his head that couldn't even be considered to be the hair of a human being.

Faiz's fingers unconsciously went to his dark goatee, "You're a mess."

"Awen, thank you." Blake chuckled drunkenly. The two joined Blake's other friends at a booth located at the far end. Faiz sat beside his friend at the edge.

"Why in the world would you have your celebration party at a place like this?" Faiz whispered to the drunk human beside him, his eyes looking around with disdain.

"Yo yo! I'm not like you that would host some boring dinner at a fancy restaurant. You know I prefer to let loose and have the time of my life, you should too!" Blake nudged him with his elbow, "And besides, it's not every day I get to sign an eight hundred million dollar contract with the department of energy!" He said loud enough for his other friends to hear and they cheered in response.

"Yeah, I get that. But do you have to drink so much? You're going to regret this in the morning," Faiz stated, worry evident in his tone. Unfortunately, Blake did not hear it.

"Aye aye! Stop! I didn't invite you here just so you could piss on my fun!" Blake snapped.

"Yeah, man. You need to chill, have a whiskey," one of Blake's friends whose features were hard to see through the dim lighting.

Faiz remained silent, counting the minutes he had left until he would take his leave. The crowd went silent as the music stopped.

"ALRIGHT, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! IT'S THE SHOW YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! GIVE IT UP FOR THE SUGAR QUEENS!!!" The crowd ahead went wild as the red curtains raised to reveal seven gorgeous ladies in black lingerie and thigh-high leather boots. They all had their hands on their hips as they stared down at the crowd daringly.

Blake found himself releasing a sharp whistle as his eyes roamed up and down Maya's body.

But Faiz's heart had practically stopped at the sight of her. Although he had lived in Miami for over five years and was well aware of the different lifestyle from his hometown, he had never seen a woman so exposed. But his eyes remained solely on Maya's body in particular. His deep blue eyes swallowed every inch, every curve and edge of her body till his eyes met her green ones. She had caught him staring. His cheeks heated up with embarrassment forcing him to look away.

"Goddamn, look at that ass," Blake's raspy voice was filled with awe as he fingered the collar of his shirt. Faiz rolled his eyes at his words before they eventually went back to the stage, to Maya.

So this was what haram felt like, such a bittersweet poison.

The music started and the girls started to move their bodies in sync, but only Maya and Bella got the most attention. Not only because their movements were the most natural but also because their bodies were the most tempting. The two had the most ideal body majority of the female population wished for. A nice, firm round butt, rounded hips and a small waist. The only difference between the two was that Maya had smaller boobs than Bella.

The two girls' eyes sparkled with mischief as they moved their bodies to the rhythm, neither one of them taking their eyes off the crowd.

By the time they were done Faiz could have sworn some members of the crowd began to cry. They wanted more.

The girls waved, some blew kisses and Bella slapped her ass before exiting the stage earning a series of howls, whistles and groans. But Maya stayed back.

Standing tall in the middle of the stage looking at every member of the crowd, pinning them down with her lustful gaze. She dropped to a squat not too far off the edge and reached her hand out, taunting the crowd. Both male and female struggled to get a touch of her lush fingertips. But once the music restarted, she withdrew her hand earning a few whines from the crowd.

She began to dance again, only this time with a pole that had been situated at the side of the stage. The spotlight was hers and hers only. She began to twirl, twist and grind against the pole, occasionally treating the object as though it was her dance partner.

If Faiz thought the crowd had lost it before, they were beyond insane now. He had even caught sight of a man ripping his shirt apart and twirling it in the air as he praised her. Not to mention his best friend that had been drooling throughout her performance.

Faiz's brow hiked as she completely turned herself upside down, her hair sweeping the floor as she opened her legs to the crowd. Her hands were the only thing holding her in place. Soon, hundred dollar bills were thrown at her and she dropped slowly to the floor and started to twerk. At this point, Faiz looked away.

He had heard of women like her and wanted nothing to do with such people. At the end of her performance, Maya had packed every dollar into her small fists, blowing a kiss to the crowd and thanking them before disappearing backstage. Normal music blasted from the speakers and the crowd went back to dancing among themselves.

Blake sat back in his seat and blew a long whistle, "Well, damn. That was something, huh?"

"Mhm," was Faiz's only response as he searched their table for anything that wouldn't intoxicate him.

"Oh please, don't pretend like you didn't enjoy it," Blake slurred.

"If you think I did then I guess you don't know me as well as I thought you did," his words snapped Blake's mouth shut, his eyes dropping to the drink in his hands.

"I'm sorry bro, you're right. I know all this must be uncomfortable for you and I feel bad for dragging you out here. As your friend, I am to respect your belief and way of life, forgive me?" That was what Faiz appreciated most about his best friend. Even though he was extremely reckless and wayward at times, there were other times he was understanding and mature. Blake knew when and how to quit.

It was probably the only reason his industry, TechMake hadn't collapsed to the ground yet.

"Hey, you guys, check it." One of Blake's friend's cats called as Maya walked up to their booth. She stood in front of their table in the same outfit as before, only this time it was accompanied by a dark robe.

"Hey, boys," came her sweet velvety voice. "Enjoyed the show?"

"Yes, momma," Blake answered, earning a disapproving glare from Faiz. His other friends answered as well;

"You bet!"

"Give us a private show please!"

Maya paid no attention to their responses, her eyes remained focused on Faiz who looked at everything except her. Something about him indicated that he wasn't from around here. She wasn't sure if it was the paleness of his skin, the fullness of his dark hair and goatee, the straightness of his nose or the shallowness in his cheeks.

Since Faiz sat at the edge of the booth it made him an easy target. She tilted her back forward and placed her hands above her knees. Her hair fell at her sides, highlighting her slim face and leaving her boobs on full display to him.

"And you?" She asked, her eyes searching every inch of his face. He was beyond attractive, she was not going to lie. "Did you enjoy the show?"

This time, he met her eyes and a spark shot between them that neither of them could deny. But it failed to change the harshness of his tone.

"No."His Arabian accent filled her ears and she knew he was from somewhere in the middle east.

Her brows shot with surprise but she quickly recovered, "Well, perhaps I could give you a private show. One I'm certain you'll enjoy." Her hands went to his firm chest as she went to sit on his thigh.

But then, something that she never once imagined in her life happened. The man threw her harshly off his lap and quickly and unto the floor. She gasped with surprise as her hands shot out quickly to protect her face from smashing against the floor.

"Faiz!" Blake snapped and his friend quickly got up.

"I'm sorry, Blake. I can't do this any longer," Were his last words before exiting the club with Maya's hate-filled eyes staring at his retreating back.

Well ouch Maya, you can’t seduce a prince that easily. Or can you? Let me know what you think loves:(

Sam_Deracreators' thoughts