
Chapter 87


Selene's Point of View

The sun reflected through the windows of her castle, casting a beautiful rainbow of colors on the white tiles. For the first time in a long while, Selene felt at peace, believing that everything would be okay. She stood at the window, gazing out at the stunning orange-pink clouds as the sun broke through the daylight.

Warm hands wrapped around her waist, making her heart leap. "I think you beat the sun this morning; there's nothing more beautiful than you," she heard Jacob say from behind her. His words warmed her heart and brought a smile to her lips.

"Good morning, Jacob," Selene said. His touch was warm as he hugged her from behind. She turned around in his embrace, and their eyes met. "I love you, Selene, and never forget how much you mean to me," Jacob said. His eyes were full of love as she looked into them. She felt like her younger self again, with butterflies in her stomach and her heart aglow.

She took Jacob's hands into hers and said, "I promise that no one will ever break us apart. This time, Selene didn't care what her father or Jacob's parents said—she loved Jacob, and she had seen firsthand how painful it could be to lose someone you love. She was determined that they would never be apart again. Stepping closer, she leaned in and kissed Jacob. Everything about their love felt so real and true. They were meant to be together.

Their kiss deepened as she continued to kiss him, his tongue tasting like honey and warmth in her mouth, making her legs feel weak. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Breaking the kiss slightly, she whispered, "Why don't you move in here with me?"

Her heart felt right, and after being apart for so long, she wanted to spend her life with Jacob, maybe even get married and build a family with him. "As long as you can keep up with my werewolf self and my snoring at night, I would love to move in with you," Jacob said warmly.

Selene's heart swelled with warmth. you've got me for a long time.". She leans in again and then kisses Jacob. He was her true love and she would do anything to be with him this time. She loved him and did not want to spend a day apart again.

Aliya's Point of View

After feeding and burping her daughter, Aliya walked over to the changing table to dress her for the day and change her wet nappy. Ethan was eager to help with their daughter, and Aliya enjoyed the fun of dressing their little one together.

Once they were finished, it was their turn to get dressed, taking turns so one could always stay with their daughter in the nursery.

After Aliya finished getting dressed, she returned to the nursery and found Ethan holding their newborn daughter, gently rocking her to sleep. Aliya paused in the doorway, smiling at the beautiful sight of the two of them. "You're really good at this," she said warmly.

Ethan noticed her by the door and smiled. "I couldn't have done this without you. I still need you," he said while rocking their daughter gently. Aliya felt her cheeks flush as he looked at her with his ocean-blue eyes. When their daughter finally fell asleep, Ethan carefully placed her in the crib.

Aliya walked over to the crib and stood next to Ethan, unable to take her eyes off their peacefully sleeping daughter. "She looks adorable. I can't believe she's ours," Aliya said softly, tears welling up in her eyes. Ethan's warm arms wrapped around her, his body a comforting presence. "I love you, Aliya," he whispered in her ear.

"I love you too, Ethan," she replied, leaning into his embrace as they watched their daughter sleep.

The room fell silent, and they could hear their daughter's gentle breathing as she slept. "You know, we could always have our breakfast here," Ethan said softly.

Aliya turned around in his embrace, frowning slightly. "Can we do that?" she asked.

A smile appeared on Ethan's lips. "My love, we can do anything we want. This is our castle, our home."

Just hearing him say that filled her heart with warmth. Everything felt perfect, and she wished this moment could last forever. Ethan's arms around her made her feel at home and safe. She leaned her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. "I would love to have breakfast with you here," said Aliya.

She felt Ethan's arms tighten around her. "Let me get us a blanket, and we can sit by the window and have our breakfast. I think it would do both of us good," he said.

It would be the first time she had breakfast in a long while. The last time she had breakfast was when she was still pregnant and with Chace. It felt like a lifetime ago, Aliya thought, as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Ethan's scent filled her nose, making her feel at home.

At that moment, Aliya heard a familiar voice in her head. "Aliya, we are home," said Lilly, her wolf.

Aliya smiled. She had wondered what had happened to her wolf. "Lilly, how are you and my little pup, Snow?" Aliya asked in her mind.

"She is well and keeps me busy all the time," said Lilly. It was so good to hear her wolf's voice again. Lilly was part of her, and she had become accustomed to her presence.

Aliya broke their hug and looked up at Ethan, cupping his face in her hands. "Thank you for not giving up on us and not giving up on me," she said.

Ethan looked into her eyes, his expression tender. "I could never give up on you, Aliya. You are my everything."

She felt tears of happiness welling up in her eyes as she leaned in to kiss him softly. "Let's have our breakfast by the window," she said, smiling through her tears.

Ethan nodded and gently wiped away her tears with his thumb. "I'll get the blanket," he said, and Aliya watched as he moved to gather their things, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and contentment.

Ethan's Point of View

As they sat on the cozy blanket by the window, the gentle morning sunlight streamed in, casting a warm glow on Ethan and Aliya. The aroma of their breakfast filled the air, mingling with the fresh scent of the outdoors. Ethan couldn't contain his excitement as he recounted the first time he had to change Violette's diaper, causing Aliya to burst into laughter. It was a moment he knew he had to share with her. They laughed and savored their meal, feeling a sense of relaxation wash over them.

Aliya's voice was filled with surprise as she asked, "Did you really bathe our daughter under the shower?"

Ethan's face lit up with a smile as he took a sip from his steaming cup of coffee. "I did, but I had no other choice," he replied. As he shared the story with Aliya, it sounded almost crazy to him. But despite the challenges, they both managed to get clean and get through the day.

The sunlight reflected off Aliya's features, making her look like an angel sitting there. Ethan's heart swelled with warmth, and he could almost hear his inner wolf wagging its tail and jumping with joy. He tried to push aside those feelings, focusing on the present moment.

Aliya's warm smile melted Ethan's heart even more as she said, "I still want to get married to you, if you would like to."

His heart skipped a beat at her words, and he felt a rush of warmth inside. "I would always want to marry you, Aliya. You are my everything," he replied with a sincere smile. Despite the challenges they faced, Ethan still wore his wedding ring, a symbol of his unwavering commitment to Aliya and their love.

Ethan took Aliya's hand in his, his eyes filled with love and determination. "I want to build a life with you. You and Violette are my everything."

Aliya nodded, her eyes shining with happiness. "You are the anchor to our family, Ethan. When things got bad, you were the only one who stayed strong and didn't give up."

Ethan let out a sigh and looked at Aliya. "I couldn't give up because our daughter still needed me, and so did you," he said warmly.

Aliya squeezed his hand, feeling the depth of his love and commitment. "I'm so grateful to have you, Ethan. Your strength has kept us together. I think we would be okay and all these things what happen just made us stronger as a family already"

 Ethan smiled, his heart swelling with emotion. "Yes, we will. Every moment with you and Violette is a treasure. I promise to always be here for both of you, no matter what."

They embraced, feeling the warmth and security of each other's presence. The morning light continued to bathe them in a golden glow, symbolizing the hope and happiness of their shared future.