
Chapter 72

Awaken your past 

Aliya's Point of View

After a long day exploring with her grandmother, Selene, Aliya was utterly exhausted. The excitement of the day had taken a toll on her, leaving her feeling drained. Despite her weariness, Aliya managed to find her perfect dress and select a cake and food for the wedding ceremony. Now, as she sat in a plush chair by the dining table, waiting for Ethan to join her, a wave of exhaustion washed over her.

 She couldn't help but let out a tired yawn, wishing she could skip supper and head straight to bed. However, the thought of her growing baby in her tummy reminded her of her responsibilities. Suddenly, Aliya's attention snapped to the doorway as Ethan entered the room. A faint, tired smile graced her lips as she saw her husband, looking absolutely breathtaking with his charming smile. "Hello, my love," Ethan greeted warmly, leaning into place a tender kiss on Aliya's cheeks. Blushing, Aliya responded, "Hello, my husband."

 She watched as Ethan settled into the chair beside her, his presence bringing her comfort. He asked about her day, and she replied, "Very excited. We picked out the cake and the food for the wedding."

Another tired yawn escaped her lips, catching Ethan's attention. Concern filled his eyes as he remarked, "You look exhausted." Before Aliya could respond, another yawn overcame her. "I had a long day. I think it's just the excitement," she explained.

 Just then, the kitchen ladies arrived, placing their meals in front of them. As the silver lids were lifted, revealing the mouthwatering dishes, Aliya found herself staring at her food. She had lost her appetite amidst her exhaustion.

 Sensing her struggle, Ethan gently took her hand in his, his touch providing warmth and reassurance. "Try to eat a little, then we can go to bed, my love," he suggested, his voice filled with tenderness. Aliya nodded, making an effort to take a few bites of her food. However, her eyelids grew heavy with each chew. She knew that her wolf, Lilly, must have already succumbed to sleep, as her presence in Aliya's mind was quiet.

As Aliya sat at the table, she felt the weight of her responsibility to care for herself and her unborn child. The thought of going without food was unbearable. She took a bite of her steak, but before she could swallow, Ethan's voice interrupted her.

 She heard him mention his father's request for a dinner party, and her eyes widened in surprise. Ethan's parents wanted to meet her.

The realization hit her hard, and she swallowed her food with difficulty. The thought had never crossed her mind before. Panic started to creep in as she worried about how they would react to her young age and pregnancy. Would they be angry? Would they reject her? Her hand found solace in Ethan's warm grasp, and the tight squeeze brought her back to reality.

 She looked into his eyes, seeking reassurance. Ethan's comforting words eased her anxiety. His father already knew about the pregnancy and was accepting of it. They just wanted to meet her. A mixture of relief and nervousness flooded Aliya's expression as she gazed at Ethan.

 Meeting his parents was not something she had anticipated, but now it seemed inevitable since she was carrying their grandchild. Suddenly, her appetite vanished, and she looked at Ethan, realizing she no longer felt hungry. She mustered the courage to ask, "Can we go to bed now?"

"Are you feeling too tired, my love? Let me take you to bed," suggested Ethan to Aliya. As she rose from the chair, her legs felt heavy, causing her to instinctively place her hands on her lower abdomen and gently caress her belly.

"I've had such a long day, and I think everything has left me completely exhausted," explained Aliya, while Ethan got up from his chair. "Then let me take care of you, my love. A warm bed will do you good," said Ethan reassuringly. Aliya wholeheartedly agreed, longing for a restful night's sleep. They made their way to the bedroom, where they were greeted by the comforting warmth of a cozy fireplace.

 Aliya headed straight for her bed, not caring about her appearance, as fatigue consumed her. In an instant, Ethan was by her side, opening the blanket and inviting her to climb in. Aliya heard him say, "My love, let me help you change." With a flick of his finger, Ethan used his magic, and she saw herself wearing a soft, delicate nightdress.

 Aliya was pleasantly surprised by how beautiful and feminine the dress looked, recognizing Ethan's good taste. She nestled into bed as Ethan tucked her in, then joined her under the warm blankets.

Snuggling up to Ethan's side, Aliya rested her head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, which brought her a sense of calm and tranquility. "I love you," whispered Aliya, her eyelids growing heavy as she drifted into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Selene Point of View

Helping Aliya arrange the wedding makes Selene think of Jacob. Her thoughts drifted back to Jacob, her heart heavy with memories and unanswered questions. Selene stood on the deck outside Jacob's house, unable to go home.

 She couldn't shake the longing that had haunted her for years. She wondered what would have happened if she had gone through with their wedding all those years ago.

Guilt and regret washed over her as she realized that she had never truly forgotten Jacob. The bond they had shared was too profound, the love they had felt too real.

Unable to bear the weight of her emotions, Selene found herself drawn to the deck of the house where Jacob lived. Her heart pounded in her chest as she stood outside his window, watching him from afar.

He was still handsome, his features slightly matured but his playful eyes still twinkling with the same mischief that had once captivated her. A wave of nostalgia swept over her as she remembered the laughter, the stolen kisses, and the dreams they had shared.

'I will always love you,' she whispered softly, her voice barely a breath.

She knew that Jacob would never know her true feelings. She had made her choice years ago, and she had to live with it. But the love she had for him would always be a part of her, an eternal reminder of what could have been.

As darkness enveloped the sky, Selene turned away from the window and made her way home. Her heart was filled with a bittersweet longing that would never fully fade. Jacob would always have a place in her heart, a symbol of both the love she had lost and the love she would always cherish.

As Selene returned back home, she couldn't help but notice how empty and silent her castle was. The beautiful white furniture gave the room a royal and expensive look, but there was something missing. The air was devoid of life, with no laughter of children running around or the comforting smell of home-cooked meals.

 Selene's heart felt heavy as she realized her life had no meaning. Despite her power and magical abilities, she had nothing to show for it. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she tightly grasped her necklace, contemplating the decision she had to make.

It was time to give Jacob his wolf silver back. Selene knew it was the right thing to do, even if it meant staying away from him forever. With a heavy heart, she removed the moon necklace from her neck, her vision blurred with tears. This broken charm would serve as a reminder. "This is for you, Jacob," Selene whispered. "I wish we could turn back time and be together."

 With a trembling hand, she broke the charm into two halves, releasing a warm breeze that transformed into a majestic white wolf with enchanting rainbow eyes. Selene felt an immediate connection. Standing beside the white wolf was a large male wolf with beautiful silver fur and eyes as blue as the ocean.

 It was Jacob's wolf, Silver, carrying his scent. Selene took a deep breath, her legs growing numb as she faced the two wolves before her.

"Selene, why did you do it?" Silver spoke up, questioning her actions. Selene knew she had to take full responsibility for her choices. "I had no choice back then. My parents wanted me to become the moon goddess, and if I ran away with Jacob, I would lose my heritage, something passed down through generations in my family," she explained, her voice trembling with vulnerability.

She could feel the disappointment in their eyes, the weight of it pressing down on her. The room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the trembling in Taila's voice and the soft sound of tears falling from her rainbow-colored eyes.

 The air was thick with the hurt of her wolf heart, a pain she knew she had caused. Tears streamed down Selene's cheeks as she looked up at her wolf companion, Tiala, and spoke from the depths of her heart. "I love Jacob more than anything in this world. But I had no choice back then."

She was chosen by her father Titan god to be the moon goddess, even if her heart and soul longed for Jacob. Along of her family was it her responsibility to be the moon goddess when her sibling already has a big role in the supernatural world. The deep timbre of Silver's voice made her gaze lift to meet his eyes. "Selene, what you did was unfathomable. I don't understand why you did it when you could have been a moon goddess beside Jacob."

His words hung in the air, heavy and sharp, like a blade slicing through her heart. "How could it be different when a moon goddess is not meant to love and must sacrifice her life for the world?" Selene's voice trembled as she spoke, the weight of her decision weighing heavily upon her.

Because of her immense sense of responsibility, she could not bear to let her father or her family down. Her duty always took precedence over her personal life.

"Jacob Endymion is the sun of Zeus, making him a prince and loyal," Silver uttered. Selene froze, her ears captivated by Silver's words. Suddenly, she remembered her father's past business dealings with Zeus and how, during their travels together, she had met Jacob.

Why hadn't she seen it before? But she was young then, naively believing in her father's words and burdened by her responsibilities.

"You mean Jacob is royal?" Selene managed to say, her voice trembling. Her heart skipped a beat as Silver confirmed her suspicions. All those years, she had been running away, oblivious to the fact that they could have been together.

 "Then let me return you to your mortal human," Selene declared. She owed it to Jacob to reunite him with his wolf and give him what was rightfully his. Approaching Silver, Selene knelt down, her hands brushing against his majestic fur. The softness of his coat sent shivers down her spine, and the scent of Jacob lingered, evoking a bittersweet longing within her. Closing her eyes, she delved deep into her mind, focusing on Jacob's essence - the piercing gaze of his brown eyes that could see into her very soul, his every feature, every detail.

Selene whispered to her wolf companion, Talia, that she would return soon before teleporting herself and Silver to Jacob's room. Upon arrival, she found him peacefully asleep, cuddling his pillow and mumbling in his sleep.

The sight melted her heart, and she felt a heaviness inside. Kneeling beside Silver, she placed her hand gently on his side and pleaded, "Please, don't tell Jacob about this. I can't bear the thought of him hating me forever because of my past mistakes." Selene locked eyes with Silver, his deep blue eyes resembling an ocean.

 "Jacob and you are meant to be together, but if you think it's best, I won't reveal this secret to anyone." Promised Silver.

The weight of her hidden secrets weighed heavily on her conscience. If it was true that Jacob was Zeus' son, she would be in serious trouble if Zeus discovered her actions, and her father would be furious with her.

"If I return you to him, will Jacob regain his memories and remember his true identity?" Selene questioned, speaking from the depths of her heart.

 Silver responded, "I believe it's time for Jacob to know who he truly is. It's been long overdue." With a heavy heart, Selene stood up, her eyes filled with tears, as she gazed at Jacob, still sound asleep.

 "Then I shall no longer keep you from your mortal human," she said softly. "You are free to go back." Watching as Silver ran up to the bed and his soul merged back into Jacob, Selene knew she could no longer hide his wolf form from him. Jacob was a prince, a member of royalty.

 It was time for him to discover his true identity. She looked back at Jacob one last time, a mixture of longing and sorrow in her gaze. She wished she had never met him, for his kindness, sweet smile, and captivating looks had captured her heart. She could never love any man but him. "Goodbye, Jacob," Selene whispered through her tears, using her magic to teleport herself away before he woke up.