
Chapter 39

Feeling Hopeless

Jacob's Point of View

Aliya's piercing scream echoed through the air, desperately calling out to Ethan. Jacob, startled by the commotion, rushed outside of the office only to be met with a horrifying sight. It was as if he had stumbled upon a scene straight out of a nightmare - Ethan lay lifeless on the ground, his body crushed. Jacob's heart sank as he tried to make his way towards Aliya, but in the blink of an eye, Lizzy appeared behind her and struck her forcefully from behind. Aliya vanished into thin air, leaving Jacob in a state of despair and disbelief.

Jacob couldn't trust his own eyes as he witnessed Aliya disappear into thin air. The shock of losing her was overwhelming, but his attention was quickly drawn to Ethan's lifeless form lying on the ground. With a sense of urgency, Jacob hurried to Ethan's side and knelt beside him. His trembling hands attempted to stem the flow of blood gushing from Ethan's chest, but it was futile. The atmosphere around them grew increasingly ominous, with thunder rumbling in the distance and the wind picking up. Jacob's heart raced, his palms becoming clammy. He felt utterly helpless, unsure of how to save Ethan's life.

He felt a surge of despair wash over him. Thunder clapped overhead like deafening explosions, and the wind howled like a banshee, its icy breath whipping through the desolate landscape. Fear gnawed at his insides as he scanned his surroundings. No one was in sight, and the only person he could think of who might help him was Chace, Ethan's closest ally.

With trembling hands, Jacob concentrated and projected his thoughts toward Chace. 'Chace, it is me, Jacob. I need your help. It's Ethan. He's being hurt badly.'

The air around him grew colder, and a scent of fear permeated the atmosphere. Jacob knew that Chace had received his message and was rushing to Ethan's aid.

'Jacob, what is your location? Stay with Ethan and do not leave his side,' Chace responded through the mind link, his voice filled with panic. Jacob firmly held Ethan's wound, determined not to leave him in his time of need.

As the storm intensified, the wind howled like a demon, tearing at the trees and sending debris flying through the air.


'Ethan, hold on. Chace is on his way,' Jacob whispered, his voice trembling. As the storm raged around them, they waited for Chace's arrival.

The anticipation was excruciating as he anxiously waited for Chace to locate them. Desperate to communicate with Aliya, he attempted a telepathic connection, desperately sending her a message, "Aliya, are you alright? Where are you?" However, it felt as though an impenetrable barrier stood between them, causing his words to ricochet back to him. All he could do was hope and pray that she was safe and unharmed.

Suddenly, Chace's voice reverberated through the air, calling out for Jacob, "Jacob, where are you?" He frantically scanned his surroundings, trying to pinpoint the source of the sound. "I'm here!" he shouted back, relief flooding his voice. Within seconds, Chace appeared by his side, accompanied by Ethan. The shock etched on Chace's face was evident as he knelt down beside Ethan, his voice trembling with disbelief, "What on earth happened here?"

Jacob wasted no time in explaining, his voice filled with urgency, "Lizzy did this." His eyes darted to the blackened blood staining Ethan's chest, a stark contrast to the crimson hue of normal blood. Chace's concern was palpable as he realized the severity of the situation, "We need to get him to the castle. Whatever Lizzy did is slowly killing him from within." Jacob nodded in agreement, his determination unwavering. Together, they mustered every ounce of strength they had to lift Ethan's lifeless body from the ground, their hearts heavy with the weight of the task at hand.

As the car pulled to a halt before the imposing stone facade of Ethan Castle, Chace, and Jacob leaped out, their hearts pounding with a mix of anxiety and urgency. Knights clad in gleaming armor emerged from the shadows; their swords unsheathed.

'Your Majesty is unwell,' Chace implored. 'We must convey him to his chambers.' With the knights' assistance, they carefully lifted Ethan from the car and carried him towards the castle's grand entrance. Jacob trailed behind, his eyes wide with amazement. He had never ventured this far into the castle, let alone the king's private sanctuary.

As they reached Ethan's opulent bedroom, Jacob watched in awe as the knights gently laid him down upon the silken sheets. Chace turned to him, his expression grave.

'We must contact Selene, the Moon Goddess,' he declared. 'She alone possesses the power to heal the King.' Jacob's jaw dropped. 'The Moon Goddess? But... she's just a legend.'

'She is real, Jacob,' Chace insisted. 'And she is our only hope.'

Jacob hesitated. 'But no wolf has ever seen Selene. How do we know she will come?'

'She will come because Ethan's life hangs in the balance,' Chace replied. 'She will not abandon her people in their time of need.' With a heavy heart, Jacob took a deep breath and called out to the celestial realm. 'O Great Selene, we beseech thee to come to our aid. Heal our King and restore his vitality.'

The room fell silent, broken only by the gentle crackling of the fireplace. Jacob held his breath, his eyes fixed on the closed curtains that separated them from the world outside.

 Suddenly, a soft glow emanated from the curtains, casting an ethereal light upon the room. They slowly parted, revealing a figure of breathtaking beauty. Selene, the Moon Goddess, stood before them. Her silver hair cascaded over her shoulders like a shimmering waterfall, and her eyes sparkled like celestial fire. A gentle smile played upon her lips.

The moon goddess Selene

Selene felt a sudden stirring in her senses as she was unexpectedly summoned. As she emerged into the physical domain, her gaze fell upon the familiar confines of Ethan's room. A peculiar sight greeted her emerald eyes. Chace and Jacob stood frozen in astonished silence, their mouths agape. 'Jacob,' Selene inquired, her voice soft as the summer breeze, 'you summoned me.'

The room held its breath as the two young men stared at her, their expressions mirroring the utter disbelief that gripped their souls. Selene's gaze then shifted to the lifeless form lying on the bed. Her heart shattered into a thousand pieces as she witnessed Ethan's pale and lifeless countenance, his vibrant skin now resembling parchment.

'What has befallen him?' she cried, her voice trembling with anguish. 'Lizzy bested him,' Jacob whispered, his voice barely above a murmur. 'I was powerless to intervene.'

Selene's gaze lingered on the wound that marred Ethan's chest, a sinister darkness seeping forth from its depths. 'He has been afflicted by the insidious taint of darkness,' she uttered in horror. Chace approached her, his blue eyes shimmering with a mixture of fear and desperation. 'Can you save him, Selene? We cannot bear to lose Ethan.'

Selene's gaze met Chace's, and in his eyes, she saw the weight of their collective despair. 'I will do everything in my power,' she vowed.

Just then, the silence was shattered by a deafening crash. The window flew open with a violent force, sending a torrent of icy wind into the room. Selene instinctively recoiled as the temperature plummeted and the darkness intensified. Jacob rushed to the window, his eyes widening in horror. 'Chace!' he exclaimed. 'Come look!'

As Selene watched, Chace moved towards the window, his expression hardening as he witnessed the sight that had so horrified Jacob.

The once-familiar surroundings had been transformed into a realm of shadows, and clouds was cover in darkness. The thunder storm was out of hand and every were it strikes make it the ground under them rumble.

Selene felt the agony coursing through Ethan's veins, the darkness spreading its icy embrace throughout his body. A coldness settled within her as she realized the desperate battle that lay ahead. With every beat of Ethan's weakening heart, the darkness threatened to consume him entirely.

She must think of a plan, and quickly, because the supernatural world was descending into chaos for the King, and if Ethan died, so would everyone in the supernatural world along with him. A king in the supernatural world held immense importance. "Chace and Jacob, I am going to need your help," said Selene, her gaze shifting towards the two of them. They nodded in response and made their way back to the bedside. "We are here, what should we do?" asked Jacob. Selene took a deep breath, her voice

steady as she explained her plan to them. "I am going to harness my power to draw the darkness out of him, but I will need your assistance in holding him down, as things might get ugly." Saving Ethan meant drawing out the darkness that was slowly killing him and destroying it. Selene watched as Chace and Jacob firmly grasped Ethan's arms, preparing to restrain him. It was time for Selene to unleash her magic. She closed her eyes, focusing on the ancient spell her mother had taught her.

Placing her hand on the open wound on Ethan's chest, she began reciting the incantation, the words flowing from her lips with purpose. "Vezmite túto krv zla, vytiahnite ju a nechajte ju preč." The room suddenly filled with a bright light, illuminating every corner, while Ethan's body convulsed under Selene's touch, as she struggled to draw out the darkness. It took every ounce of her energy to maintain her grip on him and extract the malevolent force. "Come on," Selene whispered, determination in her voice, as she tried again to speak the magic words.

 As if in response, the windows flew open, a gust of cold air sweeping through the room, causing the lights to shatter into countless fragments. Selene was on the verge of exhaustion, but she could see how Chace and Jacob were giving their all, desperately holding Ethan's body down on the bed, as she worked tirelessly to rid him of the darkness. Gradually, the color returned to his skin and cheeks, the wound on his chest slowly closing as Selene repeated the ancient incantation. With every passing moment, the remnants of darkness were drawn out, until Selene finally felt it release its hold on her. A smile formed on her lips as she heard Ethan's heartbeat, now beating normally.

A gasp of air escaped Ethan's lips as life surged back into his body. Jacob and Chace instantly released their grip on him, and Selene could see the relief etched across their faces. The moment Ethan opened his eyes, everything transformed. The raging storm outside subsided, replaced by a radiant sun.

'Ethan, you're back!' Chace exclaimed in astonishment. Selene locked eyes with Ethan as he struggled to speak. 'What happened?'

Jacob answered grimly, 'Lizzy used darkness to kill you.'

The words hung in the air like a heavy weight as Selene watched Ethan's expression shift to one of deep concern. Ethan's voice trembled as he asked, "How?" The room fell into a heavy silence, leaving everyone unable to respond to Ethan's question. Selene cleared her throat, breaking the tension, and began to speak softly, "It's crucial that you're here with us, alive and well."

As Ethan processed the revelation, Selene felt a surge of both joy and trepidation. He was alive, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. She haven't see Aliya . Her heart start to race in panic .'Lizzy is still out there and she got Aliya ,'Jacob said, his eyes burning with determination. 'We have to find her.'

Ethan Point of view

Jacob's words were like a sharp sword, piercing through Ethan's heart. The memory of what happened played in his mind like a haunting movie. He could still feel the weight of his actions, on the edge of taking Lizzy's life before something struck him from behind. The image of trying desperately to reach Aliya before everything turned dark was etched in his mind. A bitter-sweet, sour taste crawled up his throat, making him feel sick with the thought of losing Aliya. A mournful howl echoed in Ethan's thoughts as his wolf grieved the loss of their mate.

 Desperation filled his voice as he slid his hands through his thick hair, "We have to find Aliya," he said, his tone low and filled with worry. The room seemed to thicken with fear as Ethan glanced at them and then heard Selene's request, "Jacob, Chace, would you give me a moment alone with Ethan, please?" They hesitated at first but eventually left the room, closing the door behind them. Ethan's gaze was fixed on Selene as she moved to the side of the bed, her face transitioning from softness to seriousness. "Ethan," Selene began, her voice filled with concern, "Something feels off about this whole situation." Ethan's spine tingled with fear as he straightened his body, meeting Selene's eyes.

"I know," he replied, his voice laced with anguish, "I can't feel Aliya's presence." The thought of Aliya caused his heart to ache, and he desperately tried to establish a mental link with her, but there was a dense barrier separating them, as if she no longer existed. Ethan despised this feeling and stood up, his legs unsteady at first, but finding their balance.

He walked towards the tall window, overlooking the enchanting garden Aliya adored. Tears welled in his eyes as the overwhelming longing for Aliya consumed him. "I will gather my knights to search for Aliya," Ethan declared, his voice bitter. Selene chimed in, suggesting, "What about Aliya's father, Alex? His guards could also help." A sudden realization struck Ethan, causing him to turn to Selene in shock. "Her father never came back; he's still in the world Aliya created," Ethan revealed.

 If Aliya's father was still there, it meant that Aliya was alive and well. Relief washed over Ethan as he formulated a plan.

He watches as Selene's eyes widen, their emerald green orbs reflecting shock. The room is silent, except for the soft hum of anticipation that fills the air. "You mean Alex's is still in Aliya's world? How is it possible?" asks Selene, her voice laced with disbelief. Ethan walks up to her, his footsteps echoing softly on the polished wooden floor, and stands in front of her.

 He locks eyes with Selene, his gaze filled with determination. "I think I know how to bring Aliya back," he says, his voice steady and resolute. The room feels charged with energy, as if the very walls are holding their breath. "It's going to be risky, but it's what I'm willing to do. I'll use all my power and strength to bring the woman I love back," Ethan declares.

 He crosses his arms around his chest, feeling the weight of his decision settle upon him. As he does, he notices a lingering tenderness in his chest, a reminder of the battle he fought. A small twinge of pain accompanies the touch, but he pays it no mind. "Tell me what to do, I want to help," Selene says, her voice filled with determination. He closes his eyes briefly, taking a moment to steady himself.

He opens them to find Selene standing beside him, her presence a comforting anchor. "Gather all my knights and let them search for Aliya in the woods," Ethan instructs. With purposeful strides, he walks over to his dresser and opens it, revealing a neatly folded shirt that Aliya had left behind.

 As he takes it in his hands, he is immediately enveloped in a wave of nostalgia. The shirt carries the scent of Aliya, a delicate blend of sweet peas and lavender, mingling with the faint traces of her perspiration. Tears well up in Ethan's eyes as he brings the shirt to his nose, inhaling deeply, allowing the scent to fill his senses. "It's okay, Ethan. We will find her, I promise you," Selene reassures him, her voice filled with unwavering determination. Ethan gives her a small, grateful smile, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

With a deep breath, he turns around and presents the shirt to Selene. "They can use her scent to track her," Ethan explains, his voice tinged with sorrow. As Selene takes the shirt from him, Ethan's heart shatters into a million pieces. "I will start the search instantly. Please let me know if you find anything or Aliya," Selene says, her voice filled with determination.

Ethan musters a small smile, his eyes filled with a mix of hope and desperation. "I will, and the same goes for you. Please, bring my queen back to me," he pleads. Selene nods, her promise unwavering, before she leaves the room. As the door closes, Ethan finds himself alone in his room. Tears stream down his face, his grief too overwhelming to contain.

 But he knows he must hold it together, for he has a plan to execute, a plan to find Aliya. He decides to change his shirt before embarking on his journey. The fabric clings to his skin, a reminder of the battles fought, the sacrifices made. With purpose, he walks over to his dresser and retrieves a clean shirt. As he changes, he can feel the fresh fabric against his skin, a comforting sensation amidst the chaos. When he is finally ready, he takes a moment to steady himself, his magic swirling around him. With a flick of his wrist, he disappears, leaving behind his empty room, his determination guiding him back to Aliya's world.