
Chapter 8:vol 1

As I quickly ranned towards my tribe headquarters I could see it in sight, just you wait father, I'll show you what a true lizardmen can actually do.

After arriving at my tribe headquarters I quickly went to go greet my father, g-gabiru! I'm surprised that you came back early, the lizardmen leader quickly regained himself.

Father I have come to defeat the orc lord, and I have come to get soilders, this sudden announcement shocked gabiru's father, how can his son defeat the orc lord, he doesn't even have enough skill and magical energy to even contend with one of the generals of the orc lord. You are foolish gabiru not even the might of our clan combined can contend with even one of the orc generals. No you are wrong father, I have been named and I'm sure with the combined might of me and the lizardmen we will surely win against the orcs! As gabiru's father was going to say something, before he could get a mutter out gabiru quickly called out his soilders, it seems before he got here he convinced the soilders to be on his side, so they would help him fight the orc army, g-gabiru what are you doing, something you should've done father, gabiru quickly moved and tied up his father, g-gabiru, wait! But before he could stop his son his mouth was quickly covered up, before he could say anything else, gabiru then took the great lizardmen spirit vortex whirl spear, it was a powerful spear wielded by the greatest and chieftains of the lizard tribe and was its most powerful and prized possession, and was stated to be wielded by the great supreme spirit lizard cheiftan himself. Legends say he was the originator and greatest hero of the lizardmen tribe but nobody has ever seen him, we've only heard of him in stories,rumors, and legends. I'm sorry father, but this is for the pride of our clan, after taking the spear, I then walked away with my soilders to go fight the orcs that were steadily approaching us, and we're gonna be here soon.

As gabiru walked away you could here his father crying out for him to stop, but not for the reason you would probably think of.

Woah, I never thought the previous but now evolved ogre's could look so good in their new outfits, benimaru and souei look hot while hakurou looks menacing but still looks very good, kurobe looks good to but not as good as souei and benimaru, shuna and shion also looked good but unfortunately for them I look boys alot, like really really alot.

Alright guys are you ready? Yes, great rowin! After that I commanded my subordinates on the evolved direwolves to go out and fight the orc army and I told the evolved majin to do whatever they want with the orc army, and I was going to go meet this so called majin, o believe he was called gelmud? Yeah I'm gonna go meet him.

Yes, those stupid lizardmen have made their move and now all I have to do is wait. Hey! I tuned around to see a strange short boy, he was wearing thin black short pants that reached his on his upper legs slightly below his knee's, and he wore cute small black slides that fitted perfectly with his feet, and he was wearing a white tunic with black decorations on it and has black small bands on his wrists and ankles and neck and is wearing a black cloak with a hood attached to it, and the hood is over his head. W-who are you, from what I know nobody knows it's me so how did he find me out? Hello, my name is Rowin tempest and I'm here to stop your evil deeds, his magical energy output doesn't seem to be high, it's only b minus rank, fool, you dare try to challenge me, the great gelmud! My power is A rank and far exceeds yours! Gelmud began laughing as he thought I was seriously weak but honestly I'm weakening and suppressing my power as far as I can right now, he keeps on taunting me so I quickly jab him in his face and it cracks his mask. Y-you mongrel! He yelled out, I'll teach you the difference in our power! He then began charging up magnets colored energy or aura balls, I don't know which as I'm still a newbie when it comes to this stuff. As he shot the balls of energy at me, I quickly deflected them and jabbed him in his stomach making him get blown back through several trees. Y-you brat! Next time I'll get rid of you , after he says that he quickly causes a pink explosion and disappears, I could easily follow but I don't think it's worth the trouble as I know he's coming back due to me reading his mind, it seems like my mind reading is very good as he has layered immunity to mind control but I still read it, after that I quickly went towards where the battle was happening and observed what the others were doing.

In the battlefield you could see the majin easily slaughtering the orcs in their path.

"I-I did not expect the majin to be this powerful." I was very surprised at how powerful they are.

Shion benimaru and hakourou are very powerful as there easily going through the orc army.

"Take this orcs!" Shion unleashed an violent slashing wave which destroys all bonds and it quickly sliced through the orc army forming an massive rift in the heavens and earth.

Shion laughed and started smiling.

"Great Rowin did. Did you like my attack!" Shion said with joy and happiness.

Rowin sighed in exasperation at shions lack of her surroundings and carelessness as she could be easily hit with an attack she couldn't take.

Shion was careless as usual and was her usual self.

Benimaru sighed at shions careless but smiled that she was still her same self even after her evolution.

benimaru then began preparing his attack now.

He summoned an wisp of dark flames in his right hand and shot it through the orc army.

"Hell flare!" He shouted out and the wisp turned into an large dome hundreds of meters in size and covered thousands of orcs.

It instantly wiped them out erasing them from existence leaving no trace of them, the heat in the dome exceeded hundreds upon hundreds of millions of degrees celcius, it also warps everything inside it and also uses the life and death energy and force of the anything inside it to further empower it.

Hakurou was also just as good slicing through hundreds of of ogres per second moving many times the speed of sound.

"Wow, the ogres seem to be very powerful after their naming and I'm glad there doing ok.

Also the lizardmen were supposed to be here, I'm gonna go see how they're doing.

In the battlefield you could see an lizardmen and an orc fighting fiercely.

"Take this! Vortex crash! Gabiru yelled out and an wave of energetic tidal water forces shot from the spear enveloping Gabiru and it clashed with the orc's own wave of power, they waves of energy were even but it soon exploded and converged into an lightning bolt towards the sky causing an storm over the entire forest of jura darkening the sky even more.

Gwah! Gabor's yelled out as he was knocked back several meters from the orc general.

Gabiru was slowly beginning to realize why his father wanted to retreat, the orcs are just to strong and his own army of his people are getting severely overwhelmed by the orcs and soon they are going to lose.

"You must be the orc lord then." Gabiru said to the orc who was bigger than the rest with dark steel armor and a big broad sword.

"Hehehehe. Hahahahah! It's funny to watch you think I'm the orc lord."

"Hahahah, I'm merely an orc general of this army."

"W-w-what!!! Gabiru was in complete shock, the orc general was extremely powerful and he could only imagine how much more stronger the orc lord was."

Gabiru in his shock was caught off guard by the orc general and he swung his cleaver down to finally end Gabiru.

"Take this lizard and die!"

Gabiru looked around before closing his eyes for his approaching death.

"I-I'm sorry guys, especially you three."

As he was awaiting his death he felt nothing.

"M-maybe death is silent?" Gabiru wondered but he was wrong.

It was gobta who came to save him along with his fellow people.

"Hey you ok!?" Gobta's voice carried out an feeling of relief and hope throught the people and especially Gabiru.

Gabiru wiped away his tears.

"Thank you so much! Gabiru thought, he Will surely repay him after all of this is over.

"Ehhh! H-how can a mere goblin deflect my attack!?" The orc general quickly jumped back.

After that gobta quickly ran away.

"Alright guys have fun, ranga you defeat him!" Gobta said while his voice got more distant as he ran away from the orc general.

Gobta wasn't an coward or anything he just did not want to fight such an powerful foe and he typically leaves them to the more stronger opponents whenever he can.

Rowin huffed, he expected Gobta's to do something like this but he could t just be disappointed whenever it happened.

Gobta felt like someone was disappointed with him but it was probably just the wind.

As ranga stepped up to confront the orc general he was happy and his tail was wagging, the thought of proving himself to his lord was very tempting and so he was very happy.

"An dog, an pathetic dog like you won't ever defeat me along with that useless lord of yours!

The orc general made a huge mistake, he thought gobta was the lord since he deflected his attack but it was actually Rowin and he unknowingly disrespected Rowin.

Ranga's mood quickly changed and he grew larger and summoned an massive energetic superstorm over the entire area.

He was deeply growling and preparing his attack.

"Ha! What can a mutt like you do to me- h-huh."

As he looked up he saw hundreds of tornadoes sweeping through the orc army and saw an huge dark, black lighting bolt strike down from the blackened sky and before he could react he was eviscerating and yelled out in pain before his final breath.

The power of ranga's attack was too top tier and had enough power to wipe out countries and large islands. It was so strong it annihilates everything even resistances and can negate any and all durabillities. It was ranga's attack.

'Heralding dark tempest'

It seems that everyone is finished with their opponents and the lizardmen are saved, now all there's left is the orc lord.

I flew down to go confront the orc lord but as soon as I stopped infront of him gelmud appeared.

"Alright geld he's here! Kill that insignificant boy now!"

Held just stood their not doing anything.

"Can you not hear! I said kill that boy now!!!"

Geld did the exact opposite.

Geld quickly grabbed gelmud and before gelmud could even react he was eaten by geld.

Geld already had an enormous amount of power before to the point I was wary of him but now he super evolved and his threat level rose by several orders of magnitude.

"Ohh man, he's radiating with energy.

His body also changed from an orc to an extremely handsome man in his early years, about 19 years old?

Notice, individual held has attained an greater level of power surpassing yours and more than likely achieved an supreme skill, an skill that surpasses the unique level.

E-ehhhhh!! This means his power and skills are way better than mine.

I gulped down hoping to calm my anxiousness but it didn't work.

Awww man why did it have to be me to face him. Rowin groaned in annoyance and anxiousness.

Well I guess I'd better get to it then.

The orc lord readied himself for his final battle, and so did Rowin.