
Chapter 5:vol 1

After seeing shizu and the others adventuring I decided I could give it a try so I became an adventurer.

I decided to go to the most famous and biggest head guild association I know, the freed association.

There appears to be a long line to the entrance of the freed association,*sigh* welp I better prepare myself for a long wait.

After waiting in line for what seemed like forever I finally was able to reach the main desk.

Hey how are you! Hello I am Rowin tempest and I am here to sign up to become a adventurer.

Alright, go to the right hall to sign up and do the adventurer test, ok, thanks for the help.

After signing up I took the adventurer test, and it comes in a variety of different test applications that you have to do.

There is also a universal adventurer ranking system, it goes from, F-E-D-C-B-A-S-EX, and it goes for montsers as well, but the human and monster systems are different as an A ranked monster is different from An A ranked adventurer.

First there is an magic aptitude test.

Alright, place your hand on the crystal ball and it will measure how much mana you have.

As I placed my hand on the crystal ball, great sage suggested I heavily suppress and weaken my power so it doesn't blow everything up causing a nuclear holocaust.

So I put my hand on the crystal and it released waves of pressure and flowed purplish white.

Wow! Said a test instructor, we rarely ever get these types of readings, I-is this bad? I asked with a worried tone, oh, not at all, it's just that we rarely see people with these types of readings, your mana quality and quantity is both B rank, alright then let's test your mana accuracy,efficiency, and lastly your mana control.

After doing all of those I scored perfectly B rank on all of them, and then I had to take intelligence test's and battle test's, and I scored B rank on all of them except, intelligence as I was below average in that department due to my lack of knowledge on this world, great sage says I could've scored at a level higher than the best geniuses of this world if I used the skill, but I couldn't as I wanted to prove my own self without any external forces.

I then got my guild card badge and after becoming a full fledge adventurer I took my first mission, it was an B ranked mission and I had to explore a secret cavern.

After exploring the cavern for a few hours I still couldn't find the object that the mission was talking about.

I was searching for a red crystal rock, it was said to contain some valuable properties that can help the guild.

So after searching I discovered this door, and it seems to have ancient markings on it, i tried to open the door and surprisingly it opened without any difficulty.

As I explored the passageway I saw a ancient book with a pink crystal above it shining mildly on the book.

So I began to walk towards it, and I grabbed it and stored it in my stomach, but as soon as I grabbed it the light above grew even dimmer and the book shined lightly.

After absorbing it I told great sage to begin analyzing it.

After exploring around I then found another passageway but it was marble pristine white in color and in textur.

It also had supreme white pillars holding up the grand place.

I began walking through it and sensed some type of energy that felt almost godly.

I walked through the hall to a area that looked the same but had black colorings to it.

I saw a 2 large beautiful white wings in floating above the center of the area, the wings also seem to be covering somebody inside of them based on how they are positioned.

After taking a few steps towards the person in the middle the wings surrounding them suddenly unraveled.

A beautiful boy with long golden hair and amber golden eyes flowed down from out of the air and landed in the middle of the area.

He looks like a supreme warrior that's very beautiful, and I've also heard of races with those types of wings he has.

Are you the one who awakened me? Asked the angelic golden haired beauty.

Uhh, I guess I did, so yeah.

Hmph well prepare yourself to see if you are worthy of being my new master.

H-huh, w-wait what!? The angel then summoned 2 weapons that seemed to be a mixture of a sword a spear and a staff put primarily a spear.

Notice, the individual has killing intent towards my host, I suggest preparing for a battle immediately.

As the angel prepared himself he then immediately rushed towards me, so I began getting ready for a battle and set up my defensive barriers.

I blocked the first hit with my defensive barrier but the angel easily went through it, but it gave me enough time to flip back and gain distance away from him.

I can sense an overwhelming amount of energy coming from him, not to mention him easily breaking through my barrier.

My barrier is very good, it manipulates physical and spiritual phenomena to form a barrier, I made this with the help of great sage, and crafted a barrier good enough to block and nullify the destruction of planets and even space time quakes which literally destroy space and time, but anything that's A ranked can do the same with ease but mine is countless times more superior since I'm a special anomalous abnormal existence and I'm more powerful.

It's also a passive barrier and has all of my resistances on it as well, it also heals itself as well and it rivals if not even exceeds the power of a top class unique skill.

I pulled out my sword and began attacking and countering the angel.

I also infused the sword with my aura.

Using aura is very efficient as it can interact with non corporeal beings and can even interact with the spiritual being.

The spiritual being is both existing and non existing at the same time and they are made out of infinitesimally quantum particles that have zero mass and are fundamental and they are complete platonically conceptual and abstract in nature and they are completely conceptual and spiritual, they can also travel anywhere across timelines,dimensions,universes and send anything there as well, via portals or through sheer speed as their own speed transcends the concepts of distance time motion and directions, making them able to travel infinite distances and through time by just moving, and they exist in different types of logical states such as being o in existence and -0 in nonexistence and 1 in existence and -1 in nonexistence, and to even control it you have to have soul manipulation and much more.

And all aura has all of these properties as well.

Aura can create life and create death and even can kill things that are immune to life and death powers it can also purify things heal things interact with souls cause,radiation, poison,acid,madness,pain,corruption,fear, create plasma,energy, effects, can even affect space and time and can disintegrate things that are weak enough and erase things from existence and even create and destroy things, I also learned that aura can interfere with data technology and even information itself and can mind control people and can cause charisma, aura has alot of uses that makes it a perfect covering for my blade and other uses in battles.

I quickly begin dodging and moving away, as I think im doing pretty good but im limited because great sage is focusing on the book i absorbed.

I began running and dodging some of the attacks the angel through at me, he through light beams of holy light and they complete erase and disintegrate everything the come into contact with and even erasing them from nonexistence.

I realized that if I got hit by a concentrated attack of that light I'll be disintegrated, so I came up with a plan to distract him and try to subdue him.

Hmph pathetic weakling your days end here, I began charging up my power, and shot 100 light beams at the black haired boy, who surprisingly was very beautiful.

As I fired the beams he surprisingly did something that caught me off guard.

As the angel fired his beams I converged my barrier, which is called, ranged barrier, and it's an intrinsic power skill, and I changed its properties to the reflective type. It can reflect and deflect almost any phenomena with greater strength accuracy and efficiency.

All the 100 beams converted in one point and it hit my shield it then destroyed my barrier and reflected back towards the angel and i transformed the beams into a sealing barrier and successfully captured the prison, i could manipulated anything and everything even dimensions energy and laws inside the prison and much more, and aura can do that was well but I decided this was much more sufficient.

After trapping the angel he admitted defeat and I began a conversation with him to see why he attacked me.

After settling him down and talking to him he told me why he attacked me and more information that would probably be helpful but right I had no use for it.

So do you have a name, I asked. No, I don't have a name as I have forgotten it long ago.

I see, can I give you a new name then? R-really!? For me, I tried attacking -no scratch that I tried killing you, but you're offering me a name! I giggled softly, no hard feelings I get why you tried killing me, after a long history of people trying to control me and use me for their own gain I'm sure I'd do the same thing if a wondered walked in as well.

W-well I thank you for your kindness. Hmmm what name should I think of, zel-no no,zail? Oh I got it! How about Zailio? T-t-that name is perfect! Zailio shouted out, I then felt a sudden transfer of my existence force towards Zailio and built a connection towards him, and I suddenly fell asleep.

I woke up feeling something soft on my cheek, I look up and see a divine beauty with golden hair, I touched their cheek and I finally fully awoke from my daze, I then saw the cheek I was touching was Zailio's, I began to blush, u-umm, good morning Zailio, I said flustered.

I began blushing when my new master touched my face, h-hello master, are you awake now?

I quickly retracted my hand from zailio's face and regained myself, ahem- yes Zailio is me awake now.

What has happened?

When you named me you suddenly when asleep and I became very worried so I waited a few hours and you finally awoke and I'm so happy you did! As Zailio said that he suddenly hugged me tightly, as if he was genuinely worried he was going to lose me, it's ok, as long as I live I'll never leave you Zailio, I said trying to comfort him, r-really, he said teary eyed, yes really, I then planted a kiss on his forehead and he went off of me.

Ok now I still want to find out why I fell asleep.

It was due to essence exhaustion as your essence goes into other beings when you name them and Zailio is a very powerful angel and so it took alot of power to name him so your body forcefully shut down in order to regain power back more efficiently and effectively.

O-oh, well that makes more sense now.

Alright Zailio, do you wanna come to my villiage with me? Of course master, as anywhere you go I follow, I said with delight.

Alright then let's go, I then took off with Zailio, back to my villiage.