
Rose Williams[Main female lead] Glenn David[Main male lead] Liza James

Two opposite people get stuck in paranormal activity. Both hate each other but destiny brings them together to fight the evil. Will they be able to do it?? Read my novel to find it out!!

Riddhi_Chauhan_1319 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


Rose's POV:

"Is there someone here...Hello!!" I could not see anything in the dark. I didn't know where I was, it was all dark. Suddenly, I heard a voice from behind. When I turned to see who was there, I saw a woman in white, her hair messy, her nails long and dirty and she was smiling at me. I got scared of her presence. Then, she lifted her hand, waving to call me near her. My feet were frozen and I could not think of anything at that moment.

I started going back slowly. That scary woman also started coming toward me with a creepy smile saying, "Come, come..." with a horrified voice. "Go away, don't come near me...Go away!!", I started shouting but she didn't stop. I was so damn scared. There was no way out that I could see. I felt like I would die today. "Hey, wake up Ro...What's wrong, wake up", I heard and suddenly my eyes shut open.

I realized that it was all a dream and I was safe. I took a deep breath. "What's wrong Ro, a bad dream??", Liza asked. "Yes...Saw a weird lady, well she was really scary, but I am glad that it was just a dream, nothing else.", I replied. "Yeah, come on, let us get ready, we gotta go for the interview", Liza said and went out of my room. I and Liza are besties since childhood. She is kind and sweet and...a little bit creepy too!! But, I love her a lot. We have been living together in one house since we started going to college. Our graduation was done a week ago and now we were planning to apply for a job. Well, today we are gonna go to the 'David's Company Of Architect And Designing' for our first interview.