
Four vol.3

[Weapon's Test Disengaged]

The corpses of the shadow wolves became dots of translucent particles, sprinkles of light which floated away, drifting across the arid landscape before dissipating like a mirage. Rose and Lilias, however, stared blankly at the sight of their friend still hugging the silver image of Wolf's Howl, staring at it passionately. They exchanged gazes with one another, then glanced back at the girl in question.

"If you don't let go of that weapon already, I'll kick you with my foot," Rose said.

"Wow. . .that's cold. . .too cold. . ."

Elsa Mont tched, but did as she was told. Tapping a screen, the weapon disappeared with a soft 'drats' coming off of her lips. She ruffled her hair while bringing up its shop listing, tapping at the floating display before her.

"Since that was so enjoyable to you, have you ever thought about trying a vr game?" Lilias Aunbren asked her at that moment.

"Hmm. . .nah," Elsa replied halfheartedly. She waved the idea away with one hand, her attention still on the screen. "I mean. . .we don't really have enough time to spend on that. Sure, it'll probably be fun, but we've already got so much shit we've gotta do in reality. Besides, I wanna be a Mage, not a gamer."

She paused, squinting her eyes.

"What the hell? This shit costs 90k lixels!"

"Yeah, that sounds about right," Rose muttered.

As always, everything begged for money. She had long since stopped being surprised. In fact, she was more surprised that the weapon didn't cost more. Though, she chalked it up to the fact that it was supposedly a weapon beginner dungeoneers used, and it was likely fashioned in such a way to cut corners where it mattered.

". . .I only have 64k lixels though. . ." Elsa muttered, ". . .I can't just go totally broke either, so the most I can spend is 60k. . ."

"How do you say we split the cost?" Lilias asked Rose.

"Hmm. . .let's see. . ."

Elsa's voice caught them off. "Wait, I didn't say I wanted to leech off of you guys!"

The dragonian and the homunculus glanced at her for only a moment, both thinking, 'What was this girl on about?' then returned their attention back to one another.

Rose shrugged. "As I wanted to say. I say the two of us pay 15k each, covering the remaining 30k lixels."

"Alright, that seems fine." Lilias nodded.

"Oi, did you two just ignore me?"

"You are poor. You. Have. No. Money," Lilias ruthlessly replied with a small scoff, "So what else do you suggest we do? Hmm?"

Elsa opened her lips. Racked her brain and found out she wasn't all that adept at the issues of money as she couldn't think of a different solution, short of possibly getting into debt with a bank. Then stopped, closing her lips, twisting them into a frown.

"Yeah, I've got nothing," She relented.

Rose nodded. "And neither do I."

She herself knew zilch when it came to finances. Sure, she could go about studying up on it, but what was the point of that when an obvious solution already presented itself? It wasn't as if her money was going into the void, either. As Lilias had put it, everything so far was an 'investment'.

"I thought as much." Lilias Aunbren sighed. She once again realized that her two companions didn't really know much about the world. Though she herself knew many other means to obtain lixels quickly, she didn't say them. To her, that would be a distraction from the dungeon. Her goal. "It needn't matter, anyhow. I chase something greater than wealth, so I hardly mind spending my money on you."

". . .why do you make me sound like an expensive hooker?"

"What's a hooker?"

". . ."

". . ."


The dragonian and tomboy both decided to keep quiet and ignored the question. Rose, however, frowned.

"Lilias, what's a—."

A cough rang.

"A-anyway, Elsa, right, I shall send the lixels over right now, buy the rifle, would you?"

"Right away!"

Rose eventually rolled her eyes and sent 15k over as well, giving up on the question.

"The weapon will be here by afternoon," Elsa muttered. "So, by tomorrow, we'll be good to tackle the dungeon again, right?"

Both she and Lilias stared at Rose, to which the homunculus tilted her head. She narrowed her eyes. "Why're you waiting for my words?" She asked.

They shrugged.

"You are, technically, the leader here. Elsa is already willing to listen to whatever you say, while I for one am mostly here for the ride." Lilias stated.

"Yup yup, oh leader, please tell us we can start kicking some ass again," Elsa teased.

Rose momentarily pursed her lips.

"I don't see why not."


What do lovers do? Rose had been pondering this question for a while now, gnawing at her thoughts. It wasn't as if she didn't know the general idea. Lover's loved each other and spent time with each other, that much she understood, but anything beyond that was flying above her radar. So, of course, she eventually simply just searched it up. As well as what exactly hookers were. Both results left her more confused than anything, so she took only what mattered to her.

"Elsa, Let's cuddle," She said, standing before the green couch.

Elsa Mont took a moment's glance from her studies, the holographic projection of her pad hanging in the air. She blinked her eyes. Then tilted her head. 'Yeah I definitely didn't hear that right,' She thought.

"Say what now?" She asked.

"Let's cuddle," Rose restated, "Isn't that what lovers do?"

". . .haaa. . ." 'Who the fuck corrupted my Rose?!' The girl thought.

She coughed.

"Well, yeah, I guess," She murmured, "But, like, don't you need more tact for something like that? Set the mood and all?"

Rose tilted her head. Then sighed in disappointment. "Really? And here I just wanted to cuddle."

"Goddammit! Wait, no, come back!"

Elsa couldn't find the strength to say no. Assuming she even would. And so, it was with those series of events that Elsa laid down and Rose set herself in her arms.

Time ticked silently and the homunculus closed her eyes. 'So this is cuddling,' She thought. It felt nice to be held by something so warm. Safe, even. It was as if her worries had simply melted away.

". . .umm. . ."

On the other hand, Elsa was anything but calm and relaxed, having no clue where exactly she was supposed to place her hands. She silently cursed herself for thinking other-than-innocent thoughts but, really, she couldn't help it. Who wouldn't? Absolutely without a clue as to her lover's state of mind, however, Rose relaxed further into her.

"Rose," Elsa seriously stated, "This is kinda dangerous."


The homunculus was only half paying attention, completely lost to bliss.

". . .you should probably get up. . ." Elsa muttered.

"I like it here, though?"


Rose simply stayed cozy in Elsa's embrace, refusing to move. In the end, Elsa groaned a resignation and slowly caressed her hair, allowing her to stay in place. 'How the hell am I supposed to win against her playing cute?' The girl thought.

"You're so simple, Elsa," Rose muttered.

"What the hell? Is that a compliment or an insult?"

The homunculus chuckled, hugging her closer, shifting in place until her face was right atop her lover's. She smiled.

"Either way," She said, drawing closer, "That's one of the things I love about you."

Their lips met.

The doorbell rang.

Rose frowned and Elsa's pad blinked.

". . .that must be the weapon. . .you know?" The girl said, ". . .I have to get it."

Rose was now utterly sick of hearing the ringing of their doorbell. Sighing, she realized she hadn't even reached the next part of what lover's did, having been completely lost in the bliss of a cuddle.

"Oh oh!"

The excited Elsa picked up a black package and scurried quickly to her room, her eyes shining. Watching that, Rose could only shrug.

"Oh well," She muttered, and turned her attention to training her elements.

She folded her legs and listened to the world's mana, drawing upon it until it danced in her hands. First came the burning ember of fire. Then the crackle of lightning. And, finally, a gentle breeze blew.

She glanced at the chaos of elements floating above her palm. Lightning crackled around a burning, crimson flame, as the wind surrounded the two, keeping them together even as they wished to diverge. Though her past becoming her present had allowed Rose to learn from the version of her her creator wanted so badly—learning how best to control all three elements at once—the pressure it had on her mind was so great that this was the best she could currently do. A small combination of elements, smaller than even her hand, and any attempt to fling it was currently out of the question.

It was a far cry from the memory she had. The memory of Rose Igris Blake, slaughtering all in her way with the swing of a weapon enhanced by fire, lightning, and wind.

'I'll reach that strength one day,' Rose thought, crushing the elements in her hand, a spark of blue dissipating into the world.

You won’t believe it. I had to go back and check how much money the characters had to see if they could even afford Wolf’s Howl. I was sweating bullets, wondering what would happen if it turned out my past self had planned things shittily and they couldn’t afford it.

After this and the vr helmet’s purchase though, Lilias still remains the ‘richest’ of the trio at a more-than-solid 93k Lixels. Rose the second at a respectable 50k Lixels. And, Elsa, broke as all heck at 4k Lixels; really living the stereotype of a girl from the slums.

Welp, anyway, back to the dungeon we go next chapter! Woohoo!

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