
Rooted Desires

What do you desire? Money? Fame? Power? The world is yours now, chase your desires.

CeezyAmaury · Action
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

[What do you desire most?]

feeling compelled to answer the mysterious angelic-looking being, the two boys said:

"I want to restore my world…"

"I want to purify my world…"

[Then so be it.]



'What is this? Why does everything hurt?'

A young man with messy dark brown hair and a very tired look on his face was curled up on the floor in his room from pain all over his body.

'What was that dream and then that pain right after?'

While trapped in his thoughts Anastatius suddenly heard 2 terrible screams from downstairs and rushed towards them.

As soon as he reached the bottom step there were both of his friends on the floor with pained faces.

"Guys, what happened? Are you two okay?"

A brown teenager with beautiful blue eyes and braids tied up tried to stand up but fell on one knee and then said:

"No not at all."

He sighed and then added:

"Doesn't seem as bad as him though…"

He pointed at his friend lying on his stomach passed out on the floor.

He had passed out from the pain.

Anastatius bent down over him and rolled him over revealing black curls down to his cheekbones and his eyelids red as if he was crying from the pain.

Anastatius shook him a bit.

"Shiva, can you hear me?"

He shook him a bit more but no response.

He looked at Proteus.

"He passed out. Help me put him on the couch."

Proteus still recovering shook his body a bit then pushed himself off the floor with a little grunt.

They grabbed Shiva by the arms and legs and then all of a sudden Shiva woke up gasping for air looking all around him in a panic.


The three boys sat on the couch trying to calm down and recollect their minds.

Then Shiva spoke, his voice still a bit rough from the screaming.

"Did you guys see it?"

He stood up to face the boys.

"That dream."

Anastatius was the first to answer.

"I saw something that looked like an angel but I can't remember what it said…"

Proteus took his turn to speak.

"It asked me what I desired the most and I felt like I had to answer."

Shiva sat back down looking at the ceiling:

"Did your house always look like this Anastatius?"

Anastatius looked up to see what Shiva was looking at then noticed His house looked a little overgrown with vines and a little moss here and there.

Proteus then looked around the living room realizing that they hadn't had time to look at their surroundings while recovering from the pain.

"Your house looks… Overgrown?"

Anastasius stood up:

"Can you guys come with me real quick?"

The two boys stood up from the couch and followed Anastatius through the hallway leading outside.

The three boys noticed that everything looked a bit older and overgrown than when they had when the 3 boys came into Anastatius home after school.

They reached the door, grabbed the handle, and twisted it open.

Anastatius stopped walking all of a sudden causing Proteus and Shiva to bump into him.

Proteus and Shiva looked at him confused for a second and Shiva spoke for a second:

"Why did you sto-"

The three boys had all stopped talking and looked outside.

The neighborhood around them was completely different.

The houses around them had crumbled and been overrun by nature while some stood still but barely held on.

The road has been cracked and grass and moss grew between them.

The whole world has changed.