
Roof Top

Uhm yeah no synopsis if you wanna find out then read the story, !❗⚠️uh quick notice contains sucide attempts, curse words, bullying, and possibly later on self harm, please do not read if you get triggered by these⚠️! I really suck at writing so sorry if I spell some things wrong! I'll try and update daily

INSOMNIAC · Sports, voyage et activités
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16 Chs

charecter info

This is not a chapter, I just thought some character info would be nice.

Name: Kaynie Scarring


DOB: October 13th

siblings: Vianna Scarring

pronouns: she/her

sexuality: pansexual

Nationality: Canadian

height: 4'12.5 (5'0.5)

something she likes: cafes.

something she hates: homework.

Short description: Longish brown hair, Reddish brown eyes, tan skin and has freckles.

Name: Leon Lefon

Age: 17

DOB: January 12th

siblings: Crimson Lefon

pronouns: he/him

sexuality: bisexual.

Nationality: Australian

height: 5'10.5

something he likes: Music

something he hates: his father

Short description: Blonde hair, Bright red eyes, pale, has a scar on his face.

Name: Vianna Scarring

age: 18

DOB: May 28th

siblings: Kaynie Scarring

pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: Straight

Nationality: American

height: 5'2

something she likes: M o n e y(who doesnt)

something she hates: the color yellow

short description: Brown hair, blue eyes, fake tan(bet y'all guessed that).

Name: Venessa Torres

Age: 16

DOB: March 3rd

pronouns: doesn't care but is biologically her/she

Sexuality: genderfluid, pansexual

Siblings: has 3 younger

Nationality: Philippino

height: 5'5

something they like: Oranges

Something they hate: Cold

short description: short brown hair with white bangs, yellow eyes, darkish skin and heart shaped freckles.

Name: Tobi Romavski

Age: 18

DOB: March 6th

pronouns: he/him

Sexuality: gay

Nationality: Russian

siblings: 4 brother's

height: 6'5

something he likes: Memes

something he hates: Karens

short description: Brown hair, brown eyes, dark tan and some acne.

Name: Crimson Lefon

age: 16

DOB: August 23

pronouns: him/he

Sexuality: Abrosexual, Transgender

Nationality: Australian

siblings: leon Lefon

height: 5'3

something he likes: Crows

something he hates: White bread

short description: blonde and red hair, purple eyes, pale skin.

That's all the charecters you need to know for now. Have a great day/night! Remember stay safe, wear your masks, and wash your hands. byeee!