
Ronnet Connington SI

Here is the story of an SI in the shoes of a minor character well unknown in the books and completely unknown in the Ronnet Connington series, Jon Connington's nephew, let's see how this new Ronnet will overcome all the obstacles that will stand in his way.

Ghostrider0002 · TV
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57 Chs

-Chapter 12-

Congratulations, you managed to surpass the 100 Power Stone mark this week and reach the 128 Power Stone mark, so here is the bonus chapter of the week.

There is still time to surpass the 200 powerstone mark in order to win the second additional chapter of the week.

I am counting on you all to enjoy your reading


-Chapter 12-

-POV 3rd-

Ronald cast a furtive glance at Bran Stark and Tommen Baratheon, both playing not far away.

Bran, with his tousled hair and keen eyes, always seemed on the lookout for new adventures, while Tommen, gentle and sincere, seemed more hesitant but equally curious.

Ronald approached, taking a bold breath: "Hi, Bran. Hi, Tommen. Want to take on some challenges? I've heard the North is full of brave boys."

Bran raised an intrigued eyebrow and said:

"Oh really? And what kind of challenges do you have in mind?"

Ronald smiled, feeling the adrenaline rise in him, and said:

"Maybe a race? Or… a climb?"

Tommen laughed lightly and said sheepishly:

"Climbing? My uncle Jaime says it's dangerous."

"But that's what makes it exciting," retorted Bran with a mischievous smile.

"Alright, Ronald, show us what you've got. I challenge you."

Ronald nodded, spotting a tower not far away that looked abandoned, as it seemed no one went there often. It was the perfect place for a little illegal climbing challenge.

"That tower," he said, pointing at it.

"The first to the top wins."

Bran nodded, enthusiastic, while Tommen seemed hesitant. "I… I'll watch you," he said.

With a battle cry, Ronald and Bran rushed towards the tower, their feet pounding against the ground as they began their ascent. The cold stone bit into their hands, but the excitement pushed them to climb faster.

Suddenly, Bran stopped, holding onto a ledge, and whispered, "I hear something."

Ronald, who was a bit higher, listened and heard murmurs coming from an open window above him. Driven by curiosity, he climbed silently, peeking inside, and what he saw stunned him, his heart stopping.

There, inside the abandoned tower, he saw Jaime Lannister and Queen Cersei Baratheon in a naked embrace.

They didn't seem to notice his presence, but the small noise of surprise he made caused them to notice him instantly. Jaime stood up abruptly, which scared Ronald, and he tried to climb down, but he felt a hand grab him by the neck, meeting Jaime Lannister's cold face.

-POV 3rd-

Ronnet was distractedly watching the children play, his son Ronald challenging Bran and Tommen.

Even though he was conversing with some northern lords 200 meters away, his enhanced abilities allowed him to keep an ear on the boys' games.

When the climbing challenge was proposed, a dull worry settled in his stomach.

The tower they had chosen was tall, and it was the one where he had seen Jaime and Cersei enter. He excused himself to Lord Bolton and hurried towards the tower, trying to silence the growing sense of dread he felt.

He turned his head in time to see Bran and Ronald freeze during their climb.

His senses on alert, he focused his superhuman hearing and caught murmurs inside the tower.

A shiver ran down his spine; it was Jaime and Cersei. Ronnet knew exactly what was happening inside, and he feared his son was too close to the window.

Unfortunately, he couldn't arrive in time. Once near the tower, the sight that greeted him was his son falling from the tower.

The moment he saw Ronald slip, the world seemed to slow down, his instincts kicked in, and without even thinking, he launched himself at an incredible speed towards the tower, his heart pounding in his chest, adrenaline pulsing through his veins, enhancing his already superhuman abilities.

Every step, every movement was precise and determined, the 4 meters separating him from the ground seemed an insurmountable distance, so using all his strength, he made a prodigious leap, his arms outstretched to catch his son before he hit the ground.

A breath escaped his mouth as he caught Ronald, cushioning the fall with his own body.

The two rolled on the grass, Ronnet protecting his son from any impact.

He quickly sat up, holding Ronald close, looking for signs of injury.

"Ronald? Can you hear me?" he said, his tone filled with worry.

His son's eyes fluttered open, and he weakly murmured, dazed, "Dad…"

Ronnet hugged his son tightly, the fear still palpable in his veins: "Don't ever do that to me again," he whispered in a trembling voice.

Hurried footsteps were heard, Bran and Tommen arriving running, followed closely by guards and other castle inhabitants, but Ronnet didn't notice them and headed towards the castle in silence, without speaking to anyone.

All that mattered was that his son was alive.

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