
Romcom and Relationship [Female Lead]

A collection of different romcom fantasy stories about relationships and romance in a fantasy world or in a fictional world. The stories are ideas that are gather from different people and friends and families. _____________ Note, this is not plagiarism or copypasta. 20% of the story are ideas from people I know and meet, and they are not writers, and 50% are ideas from real world experience, as for 30%, they are ideas borrowed from the Author [B_N_F]. _____________ The Tags is more than just 10 tags The real Tags are: Romcom, Romance, Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure, Modern, Middle age, Isekai, Reincarnation, Regression, Reborn, Vampire, Elf, Beastmen, Relationship, Level, System, Game, RPG, OP, Villainess, Villan, Tragic, Revenge, Music, Highschool, Time travel, Cultivation, Magic, Anime, Novel, Light Novel, Manhwa, Otome, Flag, WeakToStrong, Hacking, Yandere, Tusanderi. _____________ Thanks to [BNF] for the cover. Note: the cover has been Upgrad by Imagine.

B_N_F2 · Autres
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25 Chs

Getting Revenge on my Cold Ex-wife (Part 10) [Fin]



It's been 3 days since my talk with Jun. I didn't go to work, and stayed in my room for 3 days. My parents thought I was sick, so I didn't correct them and let them think that.

"*sigh*, just what should I do?"

Every day, Jun's words kept ringing in my head. Despite knowing very well what was the problem, I still can't fix it. My friend Sally then came inside the room with an angry look on her face.

"Are you going to stay laying on the bed everyday?"

".... maybe."

She got frustrated with my answer, and then cared my body all the way to the bathroom for a bath. I haven't taken a bath yet.

She is so strong. I was a little surprised that she was able to carry me with one hand. she carried me to the bathroom like a sack of potato, and I didn't complain.


I was inside the bathtub, while Sally was sitting on the side while washing my body. She looked happy when she is cleaning me. Out of nowhere, I decided to ask her.


"Mm? Yes?'

"What do you know about the feeling of Love?"

".....Hoo~ did my little princess final decided to reveal her true feelings?"

She smiled with a grin, and my face turned red.

"Just answer me! I am trying to understand it so I can fix my problem!"

She gave me a smug cat smile before answering.

"....Okay then."

She then began explaining the meaning of love, and what it meant, what causes it, the pro and cons, its effect, and what it can do to many different people. And to my surprise, I was one of them with no exceptions.

"For your type, you are what the people call them 'Tsundere'."

My eye twitched when I heard that word. It was the same word Seok-Jin called me. I already know what it's means. After processing the information that I learned, I began to understand more about my problem and myself. I finally realized what I should do, but I decided to ask her first.

"Then... what do you think I should do?"

"Pfft, look at you, acting like a little girl who is asking her mother for help."

I already came out of the bathtub, and Sally was drying my hair with a towel.

"The answer is very simple, just stay true to yourself. Say what you feel and don't be afraid, no matter what's the outcome. Whether the result was good or bad, don't be afraid, and don't get sad if it didn't work. Be brave and stay strong, like what you have always shown to everyone."

My eyes widened when she said those words, and my body started to feel as if a large weight was lifted. I began to remember Jun's words again.

"Stop using Pathetic and Weak excuses for your actions. This is not what the real Hwa-Young would do."

They were both right. I was acting different from what I used to be just because I was unhappy with breaking the engagement. But in truth, I was actually feeling sad, discomfort, worried, jealous, and in love, and that lead me to do meaningless things, and also stupid things. Because I kept denying it and concealing it.

I took a very deep breath, and then smiled at my friend.

"Thanks Sally, I finally know what I should do."

"That is great! Now go to him and tell him your feelings"

I then realized that I was already being dressed up in a beautiful fashion clothes. I was standing in front of the mirror with a confused eyes. How did she do it so fast? She gave me my bag and pushed me from behind towards the door.

"What are you waiting for? Go go go!"

"W-wait Sally. You want me to do it now? Can't I just go tomorrow?"

"Stop being a scared kitty and go confront him like a real Lady."

After she said that, I felt more confident and courage to go.

"Thanks Sally" I said my goodbyes and left.

"Don't lose to him!" She shouted back at me.

A wide smile began to appear on my face.

'I won't'.


After arriving at the front gate of the SSS company, my heart started beating fast again.


I took a deep breath to calm myself and straighten my back.

"Let's go"

I was able to walk in easily without any problem. The guards that were standing near the gate didn't stop me. I went to the receptionist and told her that I wanted to meet the CEO. She didn't ask if I had an appointment, instead, she just asked for my name and I gave her.

"Please wait for a minute" she then made a call through the telephone, and told my name to the other side.

"Yes. Yes. Okay." That was the only things I heard from her. After she finished the call, she looked at me and gave me a yellow card. She told me that it was the key for accessing the 47 floor where Seok-Jin's office was located. I took the key card and thanked her.

When I arrived in the elevator, I placed the card in front of the scanner near the buttons. It scanned the card and the screen on the top showed number 47 with an up arrow.

This wasn't my first time coming here. I did come here twice for a business meeting between my Shin company and SSS company, and we normal have our meetings at the 35th floor. After waiting for one minute, I arrived at floor 47 and the door opened.

Walking outside, I then followed the sign that shows the direction of the CEO's office and went there. As I was reaching the office, I saw someone was standing on the way. The person was Jun, Seok-Jin secretary. We both stared at each other and didn't alter a word.

She must have came out from Seok-Jin office after finishing her reports or something.

"For what kind of business did you came here, miss Hwa-Young?"

"I am here to meet Seok-Jin"

"Did you get an appointment?"


"Did he call you here?"

"... No." I can tell she is just testing me, but I'm starting to get a little impatient.

"Then why did you come here?"

She began walking towards me while releasing her killing intent at me. It wasn't strong as before, but she is still able to intimidate me. I took a deep breath and then released my cultivation aura before walking forward. We both stopped when we were about 2 feets away.

"For what Purpose do you want to see him?"

She looked at me with her dark eyes, and I looked back at her.

"It's None of your Business."



Both her killing intent and my Aura were clashing violently. But then she stop, and small smile appeared on her face as she passed next to me.

"Then good luck."

I watched her walking away with a confused expression. What was that? Did she just gave me a smile?

My impression on her started to change from what I thought before, but I shook my head and focused on going forward after reaching the office's door. I then knocked on the door.


"Come in!"

I took a very deep breath and prepared myself before going in.



I was laying on my chair with a bored face. After hearing Jun's daily reports and finishing my paperwork, I am starting to get bored again. (He is fast at doing paperwork).

"Huuuuuh! This is so boring." I commented.

Normally, I would find something fun to kill the time, but all the fun things that I do is no fun anymore, like playing gacha on my phone. For me, what makes me not feel bored is doing some pranks and trolls on people.

"I wonder what Hwa-Young is doing?"

During the last week when I was pretending with Jun we were going on a date, which was only to kill my time and trick Hwa-Young. From the reports that Jun gave me, Hwa-Young was suspecting that my Assistant was an untrusted woman who is trying to seduce me and take over my company. And what made her think like that is because her agents weren't able to find a lot of information about Jun or her true background. When I read that report, I laughed so hard. I never thought that my small action would cause her to think like that. It was really hilarious. So, I decided to continue Fake Dating with Jun, just so she can get more stress in her work. If she keeps thinking like that, and worrying about Jun being a villainess while working, she might end up getting a headache in the end, which she did.

The last thing I heard about her from Jun is that she was sick, and that she was staying at her home for 3 days now.

Well, I hope she gets better quickly. Not gonna lie, but I kinda miss her. I want to meet her again and tease her like what I always do.

Heh, it looks like I am starting to like her more when she is not around.


Just then, I heard a knock on the door. Was it Jun again?

"Come in"

But to my surprise, it wasn't Jun, but the woman who I was thinking about just a moment ago.

"Hwa-Young?!" I stood up from my chair and looked at her with my eyes wide.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

"Of course, please have a seat."

I pointed at the coache and she nodded. After she sat down, I asked her if she wanted to drink anything, and she chose tea. My office has everything from a small living room and a small kitchen. That's because I like to rest and eat inside my office instead of going out.

After finishing making tea and pouring it on the cups, I started to ask.

"So, what is the reason for you coming here?"

"I came here to talk to you about something important."

"Oh~?" It must be about Jun having a dark motive or something like that. I chuckled at the thought. It can't be because of that right? Hwa-Young is way smarter to think of that conclusion. She must be here to learn more about Jun from me. And maybe, about our fake dates. I brought the tea to the table and gave one to her.


I sat down on the opposite side and watched her drinking the tea. Now that I look at her again, she looked gorgeous by the way she dressed. The light blue coat and the dark turtleneck matches perfectly with her eyes.

"I heard you were sick."

"... I actually was, but I feel much better now."

"That good to hear." We both were drinking the tea in silence.

"So what's the important thing that you wanted to talk about?"

She was looking at her tea for a moment before giving me an answer.

"I... before I tell you, can you please tell me your relationship with Jun."

"Huh?" I was a little surprised by her unexpected question.

I let out a small chuckle. Should I tell her the truth or lie? A part of me wants to tease her and lie, but when I looked at her eyes, I can tell she wants the real answer with no joking around. I sighed and told her the truth, only half of it.

"She is someone who is trustworthy and loyal to me, and the only person I trust the most."

That was true, Jun is someone who I raised and trained since I found her. I taught her everything she needed to know about this world and how to defend herself. I made sure to educate her properly and correctly, and also making sure she doesn't walks a dark path in the future. That is why a trust her not to betray me. And if she did, she won't succeed, because I am stronger than her. And also because of the seal contract that I made for her using a cultivation technique, which she doesn't know about.

(Spoilers: she knows)

"I see... then, what about me? Am I trustworthy to you?"


I was more surprised and confused by her next question. Was she that much worried? I know that she doesn't trust Jun because of my pranks, but still. She looked at me intensely, waiting for my answer. I pondered for a moment before giving a suitable answer. Although I know Hwa-Young very well thanks to the time I spent with her during our engagement, and also in the past life. Other than just being cold, arrogant, mature, smart and so on, she is someone who never lies, and always tells what's on her mind. So I can say that I trust her too.

"To be honest, I do trust you too. You are always serious and straight forward when we talk in a conversation, and you always speak what's on your mind."

She started to get blush a little before lowering her face. Not gonna lie, I really miss her cute reaction of hers when she is blushing.


As I waited for her to calm her emotions, she spoke to me again, but with an unexpected words.

"Seok-Jin... I love you."


I spit the tea that I was drinking. I was caught by surprise this time for real.

"*cough-cough* w-what did you say?"

"I said I Love You, Seok-Jin." Again, she said it clearly, and with a stern face. But I could still see some red on her cheeks. Was she being Serious?

"I am being Serious" she said, as if she read my mind.

"Wai-wait-wait-wait, are you saying that the reason you came here was to tell me about that?"


"...nothing else?"



Did I get it wrong? Have I mistook her for worrying about Jun? I calm my mind and began tracing back my thoughts, trying to find were I got wrong.

"... Seok-Jin?"

"Just give me a minute, I need to process my thoughts."

After thinking fast in 1 minute, I was able to understand one thing. The reports about Hwa-Young were wrong or not complete. Did Jun lied in the report?

I looked at Hwa-Young again. "Please explain to me how and why."

She nodded her head and then began telling me about her story, from when she started to get that weird feeling inside her chest, when we were dating at the fun park, when I smile at her, when I grabbed her by the shoulder, when I carried her like a princess, and when I get close to her. She also explained how she felt when I wanted to break the engagement, and how she felt when she saw me fake dating with Jun.

"When I see you two together, holding hands, laughing, and having fun, I started to feel more upset and anger. Sometimes I feel something uncomfortable in my heart, that's when I finally realized it was my jealousy."

Wow, I did not expect her to admit that so easily. She even told me about how she felt when she saw Jun kissing me on the cheek. Actually, that was not my idea, but Jun's. At that time, she told me she wanted to try something for the couple acting and I allowed her. But I didn't expect her to kiss me. When I asked her why she did that, she told me that she was testing what she read about 'Acting like a real couple' in her smartphone. I was surprised and laughed when I found out that something like that was written in the internet.

"After that, I realized that this feeling in my heart was what the people call it love. And my friend told me to accept this feeling and be true to myself." she placed her hand on her chest.

"That is why I am here, to tell you that I have fallen in love with you." She looked at me with a serious eyes.

".....I see, but, didn't you dislike me before? I mean, you did get very upset and annoyed whenever I try teasing you."

She raised her eyebrows for a moment before giving me a soft smile.

"I did, but not anymore. In fact, I kinda miss them."

She kept smiling at me and my eyes widened when I saw that. This was my very first time seeing her smiling. She looked very different from Hwa-Young that I remember in the past.

So she knows how to smile.

"I understand. Unfortunately, I already have someone who I am datin-"

"I already know about your Fake relationship."


I was planning to tease her a little before giving her my real answer, but I was caught off guard when she said that she already knows about it. How?

She then stood up and came towards me while frowning. She leaned a little and placed her right hand on the couch, right over my left shoulder. She was looking at me straight in the eye.

"If your going to deny my confession, then stop running away by making jokes as an excuse." There was some anger in her tone.

I was shocked by her reaction. I didn't expect her to catch me so quick. She really did grown a lot.

"Fine then." I let out a sigh.

"?" She then released her hand from the couch. I looked at her before standing up from my seat.

"I accept your feelings."

"?... R-really?" She looked very surprised and dumbfounded.

"Yeah, we can go out together. Why? Wasn't that what you were hoping for?" Now I was more confused by her reaction.

"N-no No! That's fine! It's totally what I wanted!" She waved her hands with a blushed face. She looked cute again.

"So, how about we go out now."

"Huh? Right now?"

I nodded.

She pondered for a moment before giving her answer.

"Sorry, but I can't. I still have alot of works to finish In my office."

"That's okay, then what about having dinner at night, is that good?"

"Yeah, I think I'm able to finish my work at 7:00 PM."

"Then I will be waiting for you at the front gate of your company."


Just then, I heard the sound of a footstep approaching. An idea flashed to my mind and I looked at Hwa-Young with a smile. She looked confused when I did that.


I didn't answer, but instead, I leaned forward and hugged her tight.

"W-wa-what are you doing!" I saw her ear turn red.

"Just don't move for a moment." I whispered on her ear.

*Door open*

Just then, the door of the office opened, and we both saw Jun with her head bowing a little.

"Boss. there is an urge-!...meeting....."

"....." (Hwa-Young froze while still blushing from Seok-Jin's hug)

"...." (Seok-Jin looked Fake surprised while still smiling)

Jun was staring at us while raising her eyebrows, but it was only for a moment before she went back to her usual calm face.

"Ahem, sorry for interrupting. I will tell the others that you will be late for the meeting." She said before grabbing the door handle again as she closes the door. But before she was out of the view, I was able to get a glimpse of her smiling. Was I imagining it or was she... smirking at us?


Hwa-Young then pushed me away with a red face.

"What was that?!!" She looked embarrassed and cute.

"What? We are couples now, so it's normal to do something like that."

"I know that. But why did you do it when she came? You did that on purpose!"

"What? No way~. I just wanted to hug you so badly. But I didn't expect for her to come in and see us. It was completely a coincidence." I showed her my innocent eyes.

She looked at me doubtfully before turning her head away while still blushing. Just like a Tsundere.

"Hump! Forget it then. I will be leaving now, and don't forget to show up after I finish my work."

"Yes maam" I place my right hand on my chest and bowed my head. "I will not Forget to Pick you up."

My mind again start to work for a new ideas to tease her when I wait in front of her company. I think I will go buy some flowers before that.


Just then, Hwa-Young grabbed my collar and pulled me hard towards her. Without giving me time to react, she placed her lips on mine, and my eyes widened in surprise. It was only for a second before she pulled her face away from me while smiling.

"This is pay back."

she gave me a smirk before releasing my collar and then leaving.

"Don't be late."

*Door closed*

I stared at the door with a blank expression. I raised my hand to touch my lips, and remember the soft touch. Hwa-Young got me for real this time. To think she was able to tease me too.

"She is learning too fast."

A smile appeared on my face. Looks like our relationship won't be boring after all.


[First Story: END]



A/N: There will be One more Chapter for the First story an Extra chapter.

The next chapter will be Jun's POV. And it will be uploaded after reaching 200 power stone, this is to limit my time and make it the writing less tiring and easy.

Note: The pictures of the 3 main characters are in the Illustration chapter 0

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