
Starting Out

New city, new year, new me. Just kidding! About the me part anyway. I didn't know what to expect moving to a New York at the beginning of the year, but my hometown friends told me I was fortunate to be excepted into a university there. Back in my hometown in Connecticut, I had everything a high schooler desired in a school life, good grades, an abundance of fantastic friends, and loving parents who supported my choice in business school. Well I didn't have a boyfriend but that's not important. That's not why I moved either but it would be nice to make some improvements in my life.

Even though I am only nineteen I am not living with my parents, who stayed in CT, I will be staying with my mom's college friend, Stacy. I hope she isn't some tacky old granny, that was mean, I mean like a boring lump on a log. You get what I'm trying to say... hopefully. I pulled my suitcase close as the cold winter air swirled the small snowflakes around my cheeks and stung my face while I tried to use the key my mom gave me to unlock the apartment I was staying in for the rest of my college years.

I desperately jammed the key in the door until it popped open and I fell inside, literally. I closed my eyes and landed with and oof in the cold floor. But the floor wasn't cold. It was actually a soft landing! Maybe a rug, it's a nice rug. So I laid down for a bit, but just as I was getting comfortable,

"Could you get off me." A boy about my age, it appeared, I mean not to judge or anything, was right under me. I stood up fast and grabbed my suitcase.

"Oh my god, are you okay!" I had just landed on a random dude in an apartment that maybe wasn't mine. Had I broke into someone's house!

"No not really, why are you in my house?" He seemed pissed. I frantically gave my reason that I sort of kind of unintentionally broke into some strangers house.

"Well you see, heh, I'm staying with my mom's friend Stacy while I'm at university so... Is this the wrong house because I'll leave right away, sorry for the intrusion!" I hurled my suitcase out the door and myself with it and slammed the door behind me before he could answer. Though it was cold my face was hot and my mind flustered. That was so embarrassing! I slouched down into the collar of my jacket.

"Wait!" I heard someone yell from behind me. I turned around to see it was the guy I fell on. "This is the right house, Stacy is my mom so... come on before you let in all the cold air!"

"You don't have to hold it open for me! I can open it when I get there silly!" I ran to the door and for some reason already feeling comfortable with this new boy I had just met and I guess staying with.

As I rushed inside by him I gave him my name,

"Hi I'm Sarah!" And I might have laughed a little.

"Hi I'm Alix."

I don’t have a book cover yet as I am not a good artist so if anyone is interested in sending me an artwork please contact me @madiopi21@gmail.com

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