
Moving in

It was warm inside and it felt like my house back at home. Alix sat down at the kitchen table, popped out his phone and began to drink his half drunken coffee and read some sort of web novel.

"Sooo, are you in university?" I planned on unpacking later. I wanted to get to know my roommate.

"Yeah, I'm at this one, how about you?" He pointed to his sweatshirt. "I'm a freshman."

"Oh wow! That's the same one I'm going to and I am a freshman as well!" I laughed, I always laugh.

"Well what a coincidence." He returned to reading. He didn't seem very interested in small talk so I decided to go upstairs and unpack my room. I walked down the hall, the up stairs and found a empty room with just a bed, desk, and bureau. I threw my suitcase onto the bed and started taking out my belongings. But when I opened the dresser to put away my clothes there were men's underwear in there!

"What the hell!" I screamed. I heard Alix's footsteps coming quickly up the stairs. The door burst open.

"What are you doing in my room!" He scrunched up his face in confusion. It was kind of cute. I mean no, no it wasn't.

"Unpacking my stuff, sorry I though this was my room. Why is it so friking empty?" I giggled under my breath, maybe he was not one for room decor.

"I don't know! I'm kind of a neat freak and I dont have anything to put in here besides clothes and my personal stuff."

"Mhm, where's all your personal stuff?"

"Safely stored away, now get out!" Was he mad? Because he sounded mad but his face seemed flustered. It was kind of funny actually.

"Okay, okay, where is my room?" I messily chucked all my stuff back into my bag and lugged it into the hallway.

"Down farther to your right. The one with the yellow walls." He closed his door and trampled back downstairs.