
Robin In Multiverse

Story Follow The journey of male lead Robin Who travel in multivers after dying by truck kun ( I am not good in English so don't mind my grammer mistakes )

Lazy_author_99 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Second Day In Fairy Tail

Sunshine Come to my face from the window of the tent so it's time to wake up let's cheek my status before start the day .

( System show status )

[ Status ]

Name - Robin C

Age - 19

Chakra - Genin Level

chakra Control - Genin Level

Strength - ???

stamina - ???

Power - ???

karma Points - 8051

Skills -

1- Shadow Clone Jitsu

<( More skills can be purchased in system store )>

God Wishes -

1 Immortal Body

( Ability To Regenerate Body after being any type of damage body can be regenerated )

2 Saitama strength 5%

( Saitama Physical strength Can be increased by Fusing karma points )

3 - Not used

4 - Not used

Robin - Hey system why my stats are showing ??? mark it wasn't like this yesterday.

[ Host body have immense physical strength which cannot be measured even it's just 5% of total strength ]

Robin - So now I have to wait for certain events in order to save Irene , Ur , and juvia

hey system how many days I have to wait to save Irene .

[ It will Probably take 1 Year for her to completely transform into her dragon form and reach this forest ]

--- Gen Pov ---

( So I have to wait for one year but why keep her suffering can't I do something about her for the first thing I only have strength and shadow clone skill it isn't enough if I do something it will become a stunt in capital or her suffering would increase because of me I don't want that to happen I still have my reamining 2 wishes if I use my wish and she vanish from her prison it my end up in war between country also zerif want to build his country so what if I could summons characters From different univers if I summons natsu it would be fun a clash between original natsu vs my summon natsu Haha )

Robin - Hey system Can I summons different characters From other univers ?

[ Host need to use one of the reamining wishes Because Such Function aren't attached with System ]

Robin - So be it I want to use one of my wish to add summoning function in system .

[ Ok does host confirm to use 3rd wish to add Summoning Function In system ]

Robin - Ok use it .

[ Summoning Function added in system ]

Robin - hey system how much karma points are needed in order to summon characters ?

[ It's up to power rankings The more powerful characters More karma points is needed same vise versa ]

Robin - So how mush karma points needed to summon ( Shadow demons ) From overlord ?

[ 500 Karma Points Per Shadow Demons ]

Robin - Ok system by 3 ( shadow Demon ).

[ Purchase Successful 1500 Karma Points used , 6551 karma points remaining in system ]

Suddenly 3 shadow demons appear with a birght yellow light soon light fade away and attached them self into Robin's Shadow .

Shadow Demons's - My lord what will be our order . ( All Of them Together )

Robin - First I want one shadow Demon to stay with me and second shadow Demon will survey this area and keep searching for magical beast is that confirm .

Shadow Demon 1 - my lord I shall stay with you .

Shadow Demon 2 - Lord let me survey the surrounding

Robin - And for third shadow Demon I want you to infertrate the kingdom of dragnof prison and search for a lady name Irene and report me her condition as soon as possible .

Shadow Demon 3 - As you wish lord .

( Shadow Demons will be refers as SD )

Robin - Hey SD 2 did you found any prey

SD 2 - Yes my lord there is one in South left 2 km away.

Robin - let's go and test my strength .

-- Gen POV ---

( Soon Robin Reach wild lion which was roaring crazy toward Robin With Full of killing Intent

it didn't scare MC because he trusted his strength even it just 5% It's more than enough and there is no chance in body damage due to bans power of regeneration MC Took the first step dash towerd lion without any hesitation Lion Didn't left behind cuz MC doesn't have any killing intet for beast isn't an easy prey in midday but soon understand after reserving some jabs from MC Since Robin wanted To test His strength Levels he only use 1% of total strength in his jabs Beast understand the situation the situation he was in and started to pull back But Robin used this chance and landed a hard punch on Beast face and ended up killing the beast )

Robin - I should Really need to learn hold back , SD Carry the meat with you .

SD 1 - Yes my lord .

( After waking a while MC reach his Base )

Robin - I really need to Develop this place for living just tent isnt enough for me even if I will stay just for few days .


( Let's First extract magical stone from the beast it wasnt that difficult mostly stone are located in cheast area of the beast and now it's time to disect it most are the part are not eatables only few musels with fat content can be eaten of beast After cooking And having lunch I must start meditation For Increase my chakra Control and to increase my chakra I need to keep empting my chakra to null for its betterment after all the while MC started practicing Leaf spiliting Excercise and time pass on it must time to return of shadow Demon let wait for few more hours soon 3 hour pass by and SD 3 Return )

SD 3 - My lord I have find a lady name Irene in prison .

Robin - So what's your report on her ?

SD 3 - Lord irene Full name is Irene belserion

She is supposed to be Queen of dragons , She was in political Marriage with General Rung after distressed between Dragon and humain she play a huge role In supporting humain side after a while she started to having dragon scales on her skin and blamed for nothing and send in prison soon her death day will be announced in public and her health is not in good condition . That's all for report My lord.

Robin - SD You have done well Let me think for a while

What if I learn medical ninjutsu from Naruto world I could heal her on daily basis it would be a great help - Robin Thought .

Robin - Hey system Can you show me the list of some medical ninjutsu .

[  Medical Ninjutsu List ]

( 1000 Karma Point per Jutsu )

D-Rank. Jutsu Name: Healing Technique. JutsuType: Medical Ninjutsu.

C-Rank. Jutsu Name: Minor Mystical Palm Technique. Jutsu Type: Medical Ninjutsu.

B-Rank. Jutsu Name: Chakra Scalpel. JutsuType: Medical Ninjutsu.

A-Rank. Jutsu Name: Body Pathway Derangement. Jutsu Type: Medical Ninjutsu.

Robin - Hey system Buy D-Rank. Jutsu Name: Healing Technique. JutsuType: Medical Ninjutsu.

[ Purchase Successful D-Rank. Jutsu Name: Healing Technique. JutsuType: Medical Ninjutsu. Is added in skills List , 5551 Karma Points Reamining. ]

Robin - SD 3 Create link with me and reach Irene Prison Cell when No one Around

and SD 2 Follow SD 3 And wait for my Order .

SD 2/3 - Yes My lord .

( Soon SD 2/3 Reach Irene cell Shadow Demon communicate with Robin with link Inform Him that SD reach Irene cell and wating For further orders )

Robin - Thru Link SD 3 Attach Your self whit Irene shadow And SD 2 Keep Guardian area around cell make sure no one reach it until Further Command .

( Shadow Demon 3 Attached himself with Irene shadow and started to MC heal Her with medical Ninjutsu while Irene was sleeping And return to MC after being done with Irene )

Robin - So this will be same routine for me until Irene reach this forest in dragon form let's wait and keep collecting karma points it's must needed thing for me .

------ Irene Pov --------

( It was same as every day for me same voilance , humiliation and torture no mater what I will keep my baby safe , today was the same as usual after all the thing they throw me to the same brutal Shakeel and locked me in my cell but something disturbing my sense there is someone watching me but still I cant see him/her I must me some mistakes and I slept without any proper thing to where ,

Next day I woke up but didn't feal any pain from yesterday torture all my bruses are gone but dame dragon scale are still there I want to be human I am an human after end of day I sense someone just like yearstday my sense can't lie there is someone helping me and I can't not handle my self and slept )

( Every thing was same someone was keep healing me soon rung approach my cell and started talking about my excution date )

Rung - Your excution date is Tomorrow .

Irene - How can you I am pregnant I need to keep my baby safe no mater what i will keep my baby safe .

Rung - Dont lie who took 3 Year during pregnancy let me tear your belly in half and see what's inside .

Irene Pov

( That movement I couldn't handle my self rung sowrd reach my stomach and I become a full form dragon and killed everyone in the country and reached the nearby forest )