
Robin In Multiverse

Story Follow The journey of male lead Robin Who travel in multivers after dying by truck kun ( I am not good in English so don't mind my grammer mistakes )

Lazy_author_99 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Irene Rage


--------- Irene POV ---------

I woke UP early In the morning to be torched by wips and other methods does the people truly have any humanity left of not .

I told them many time I am pregnant still they keep on hitting me but I am going to protect my daughter so be it and it continues till evening I wasn't thron into my cell my hand were tied up nothing I can do at this movement just lie down and rung enter my cell saying that my excution date is Tomorrow. I beg him to save my child still he attacked me with sward I couldn't hold my self. I give up to my rage and completely transform into dragon form and smash rung like a bug break thru my cell crush thos humans who supposed to be rung subordinate and kill any one who come near me and destroyed the half of the kingdom kill half of its people and reached the nearby forest and something unexpected happen )

----- Flashback End -----

Somewhere in The Forest

----- Robin POV ----

it's Been a year I am living in the forest daily Life isn't easy but not much I can do I need to wait for all the event are going to happen in future and today is the day Irene will visit the forest I just need to wait some more time

with in this year I have grown a bit and my status is also improved And I did transform back into kid I dont wanna be a old man when the plot starts now I am 5 year old kid , all I need to wait for Irene to arrive here and meet here before zerif

but if zerif doesn't make here human I have to do , I can do it by buying Human Human Devil fruit but she whould Become weak to water let's ask system about it .

Robin - Hey system can we remove weakness of debit fruit

[ Host can remove the weakness of devil fruit by buying Medical Pill that remove weakness it will cost 10000 karma Point ]

Robin - So it is possible let's see how much karma points I collected in thes whole year time span ( System show status )

[ Status ]

Name - Robin C

Age - 5 ( 20 Year )

Chakra - Kage Level

chakra Control - Kage Level

Strength - ???

stamina - ???

Power - ???

karma Points - 1,79,080

Skills -

Chakra Skills ( 1 )

1- Shadow Clone Jutsu

1 - Healing Palm Jutsu

And - ETC

<( More skills can be purchased in system store )>

God Wishes -

1 Immortal Body

( Ability To Regenerate Body after being any type of damage body can be regenerated )

2 Saitama strength 5%

( Saitama Physical strength Can be increased by Fusing karma points )

3 - Not used

4 - Not used

Robin - ( Hey system open shop )

[ Shop ]

Jutsu's From Naruto world,

Devil Fruit's From one peace world,

Basic Spells,

Basic system skills,

Robin - system open devil fruit list .

[ Devil Fruit List ]

Each Devil Fruit Cost - 1000 Karma Points

Soul-Soul Fruit (Soru Soru no Mi)

Rumble-Rumble Fruit (Goro Goro no Mi)

Mystical Zoan Type Phoenix Devil Fruit.

Glint-Glint Fruit (Pika Pika no Mi)

Ice-Ice Fruit (Hie Hie no Mi)

Dark-Dark Fruit (Yami Yami no Mi)

Op-Op Fruit (Ope Ope no Mi)

Paw-Paw Fruit (Nikyu Nikyu no Mi)

And ETC .

Robin - Hey system is there Human Human Devil Fruit ?

[ Yes there is does Host like to buy it ]

Robin - Buy it , And buy that Pill to .

[ Purchase Confirmation Devil Fruit & Pill Store in system storage ]

Now it's time to distract Zerif Ox - Bam - Ram ( Shadow Clone Jutsu ) 1 Shadow clone appear besides MC .

Robin - You take one Shadow Demon and distract Zerif

Shadow Clone - You Got it , Ram - Fox - Dog - Ox (Transformation Jutsu)

( Now shodow clone look just like natsu To distract Zerif from MC )

Robin - I kinda feel bad for zerif to make him watch his lill brother this soon , in the plot .

( As MC was talking to him self zerif trace was found by shadow Demon and it started the MC plan to distract Zerif with shadow clone of natsu until Mc meet irene )

At Different area In the forest

Zerif - It's boring to live this long let's see who can kill me or I will probably wait for END to grow strong

Shadow Clone Natsu - approaching zerif said - so You are the legendary Dark mage Zerif .

( Zerif was shocked to see his brother but no expression on his face reflected he calm down because It's Too Soon To fight END )

Zerif - And how might you be ?

SC Natsu - I am A mage from Fairy tail , people says you died a long time ago .

Zerif - Yes there are rumers every where , and what are you doing in the forest ?

SC Natsu - Yes I am searching For my dad have you seen a great Red dragon ?

Zerif - I haven't seen one .

( As zerif was talking to natsu a flying dragon could be seen rushing toward the forest zerif sensed if but decided to wait for a while to have a little chat with natsu )

( At MC Location )

Irene Reached in deap forest beside a lake reasting a bit after distroction she did in country a Human could be seen relaxing and now approaching toward me

Robin - Hey Irene how Have you been ?

Irene - Do you know me human And aren't you scared of me .

Robin - why would I be scared after healing you from past one year .

Irene - So it was you all this time now move away and never show your self Kid .

Robin - Why would I do that my inishial plan was to turn you back into human , with one Condition .

Irene - Can you make me human again ??

Robin - Yup 100% Confirm I can turn you back in human form wanna do it ?

Irene - is there any condition and don't joke around if you are lying I will burn you alive !!

Robin - Why would I lie ( While talking MC took devil Fruit from storage and place it on hand made same expression as All might and said ) Eat This ( And threw the devil fruit toward Irene mouth )

Irene - ( while eating devil fruit with full of disgust making fase said ) It task like shit !!!

( and Irene started transform back into human form and reach out near Lake to be shocked to see herself transformed back into human & Started to get dizzy )

Irene - What happening to me kid it's better not something fishy

Robin - Shit I forgot to give y Medical Pill to remove weakness ( MC rushed take pill out of storage and put on Irene mouth & She didn't appoose due to weakness of devil fruit her body was dissy )

( The movement Irene sallow the pill puke a bit amount of blood as well as weakness was also removed from devil fruit )

Irene - Whad did you did kid .

Robin - Nothing much just removed the weakness from your human body . ( while waving hand )

Irene - now talk about that condition kid .

Robin - ( Here MC drop a bomb ) Adopted Me .

Irene - Are you crazy or what why would I adopted you .

Robin - ( while making a sad face ) My parents disiced to sell me as slave , from past 1.5 years i am hiding in forest , because of my powerful magic and 1 year ago I found out a dragon wast prisoned in your kingdom so I think you will be a perfect mom for me pleaseeeeeeeee ( While making Puppy sweet eyes )

Irene - Ok But do t expect much from me ( cuz she was also protecting her child by casting spell on her belly all this year's it play an imoshnal roll in desicion )

Robin - Thanks you so much Mom !!!

( Robin was happy because he was also orphan in past life for him getting a mom is best gift for him and he also never have a proper child hood because of his ughy look and hate he received )

Irene - And what about your magic and your name ? ( a bit excited and happy )

Robin - oh ! were is my manners my name is ROBIN and my magic I can make clone of my self and other and heal others ( At this movement Robin decided to lay low not to disclose any skills )

Irene - Then how did you transform me into human Don't Lie to your new found mom ?

Robin - It's a Sickert

Irene - Sooner or later do trust your mom .

Robin - Now mom I want join Fairy Tail Guild let's go to kingdom of Fiore

Irene ( Shocked a bit ) - No Robin your mom need to go to kingdom to reform it now

Robin - Hey mom dont you think it's a bit too soon to go there people mite recognise you and it's not safe how about 20 or 30 years later and it's probably not safe for my sibling don't you think

Irene - if you say like that so nothing can be done lets join Fairy tail for mein time

( And MC and his mom ( Irene ) started journey toward fairy tail , kingdom of Fiore )

in different Location

Shadow clone dispurse the movement MC turn Irene into human form and zerif got confuse

Zerif - was I dreaming it's 2 years to natsu to travel in future I probably lived to long

( and zerif blamed himself )