
Robin In Multiverse

Story Follow The journey of male lead Robin Who travel in multivers after dying by truck kun ( I am not good in English so don't mind my grammer mistakes )

Lazy_author_99 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Dead My Life Sucks

( hello there i am one of the most unlikely guy ever wondering why I am saying this just keep reading )

Year 2010 In a business company an employ get the job by giving Favour to Boss ( you guys know what I am talking about ) Every thing was fine until she get something that she didn't wanted but she didn't wanted to kill a new life because of her selfish reason

things continue and she give birth to a child

-- Mother Point Of view --

I am an selfish Person first I get job by doing #### and then I am going to give birth to my baby I don't want my baby to be selfish as me but things wasn't that bad my boss was supportive how can that bastard not be supportive I recorded whole thing , gota fight with family but they didn't reject me but the day of delivery come I was the baby boy was born I keep him with my mother but my mother died in car accident and I can't keep him with me because of my bussy working hours I sent him to orphanage without any regret I don't think my baby will remember me he is just 2 years old better for him

-------------- End P O V -------------

On the orphanage door a boy was laying down in basket with a name written on paper ( Robin )

--------- MC point of view-------

From there my Whole Life start sucking At first my face looks were horrible so no one let me play with them not even caretakers

after spending few years gota job

my boss would take foll advantage of workers

suck them to pulp and make us work to bone

and I was going to a meeting address for our new product launch while I am on The way

I saw a huge truck kun dropping on me from the sky And I am going to die finally going to be free from sucking life and 3 2 1 I am dead

I thought I am dead but still I can feel that I am able to think in this dark place let see if I am move my body ( What The F###) where is my hand how I am gonna touch those heavenly mountains is this a dream and finnaly I hear a voice


God - Hello There My child are you feeling comfortable .

Robin - who are you mister , and where am I what is this place and why this place is so damn dark .

God - First I am someone you Humans call God , second this place is for those soul who have died by truck kun and third you don't have damn eyes you don't even have a body so don't complain

Robin - so how the hell I am able to hear you and what are you going to do with me .

God - I am talking to your soul and second you are selected to get into anime Multiverse those who are selected by truck kun can enter in anime and I am giving you 4 wishes as your karma points chose wisely .

Robin - What the hell for first wish I want ban immortal body From Seven deadly sins and second I want Saitama powers and for remeaning wish I will decide later

God - For first wish I can give you but for second wish you have to earn by your karma points cuz sitama powers are blessings by God of pounch and I am God of system so I am giving you system to guide in your journey

Best Of luck ..