
Robert Baratheon-Lecher King of Westeros

Urien_Gregorios · TV
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36 Chs

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Osha + Val + Osha/Val (See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Despite the intelligence and guidance that he had gained from both Osha's internal knowledge of the Free folk army and the visions that Melisandre had deciphered from the flames, Robert could not help but feel a bit of apprehension as his skiff sailed into the sheltered bay of Hardhome.

Acting against the advice of his seasoned commanders, Robert had decided to only take a modest escort of ships and men with him on his journey to the remote fishing village located of the peninsula known as Storrhold's Point . He knew that the advice of his lords was sound but Melisandre's visions told him that arriving upon his foe's shores under a banner of parley would yield him better results than storming the settlement with massive force ever could.

"I know that my council goes against your battle plans and instinct but I ask that you place your faith in R'hllor," the Priestess pleaded to him. "A peaceful approach and negotiation will not only grant you victory in this conflict, but if the flames speak truly then you will also receive the blessings and gifts from the Old Gods of the North at Hardhome as well."

Both she and her Red God had not steered him wrong so far, and thus he consented to her plan. As he sailed from Eastwatch, Melisandre had hinted that the King-beyond-the-Wall could have a spiritual advisor of his own who would advocate in Robert's side as well.

The Red Woman had also begged his forgiveness and stated that she would not be able to accompany him to Hardhome as the powers of R'hllors's enemy was strong beyond the Wall and it was

not yet time for her to make the journey. She also spoke cryptic words about the significance and power within ancient bloodlines and that momentary mercy might yield greater rewards and benefits in the future.

And so, here his skiff moved towards to the docks of Hardhome with a handful of guards carrying a banner of peace, with Dacey and Osha, keeping him company. Lady Alysane had left earlier that day for Castle Black, to inform Ned and the other lords of Robert's decision to attempt brokering an alliance along with his command to cease hostilities until they received word from him.

Upon nearing the settlement, Robert recalled what he knew about the place. The Wildlings or Free folk as Osha had informed him, her people preferred to be called, considered this humble and modest settlement as their port of trade. That was until some six hundred years ago, a sickness or fire, depending on the story, ravaged the village and left it in ruins. Since then, the place was regarded as haunted and cursed, with no one wishing to dwell within it.

However, the threat of the Others and the need to assemble an army strong enough to conquer the Wall, had caused the settlement to once again become populated with Free folk clans and warbands that had travelled from all over the true North. A fact that was evident by the thousands of people that were moving across the settlement. He only hoped that this attempt at peace would play out as Melisandre had foresaw in her flames.

As Robert's group stepped off the skiff onto the shores of Hardhome, they were greeted by a band of Free folk warriors. The men that greeted fit the descriptions of the people that lived on this side of the Wall provided by the Nights Watch to the letter.

Apart from sporting their trademark furs and grizzled demeanor, most of the warriors wielded weapons wrought of stone, wood, and bronze, such as axes, spears and lances, and bows that were made of wood and horn.

The greeting party were not outright hostile towards them but attempted to intimidate Robert and his companions by a show of numbers and arms. A crude but effective tactic under the current circumstances, if Robert was being honest with himself.

Fortunately, before things could get heated, one of the raiders from the party recognized Osha. To her credit, Osha immediately seized the opportunity and went about calming her people. She informed them that Robert was the ruler of the lands beyond the Wall, who had been made aware of the threat of the Others by herself and other trusted sources. And that after learning of the danger, the King had traveled to speak with Mance and hopefully reach an arrangement that would allow the Free folk clans to survive the approaching winter.

Osha's words were met with suspicion and doubt owing to the thousands of years of bad blood between the people of the True North and those who resided on the other side of the Wall. However, the chance for peace and survival proved tempting enough to earn Robert an audience with King Mance.

And so, Robert's group made their way across the settlement towards the King's tent. As they walked, Robert could feel the suspicious and hostile stares of the residents of Hardhome upon him and his companions. It did not take long for them to arrive at their destination.

The dwelling of the King-beyond-the-Wall was a great tent, made from the white pelts of Snow Bears, which was topped with the antlers of a giant elk. Considering the meagre resources and wealth of the Free folk, Robert supposed it passed off as a symbol of power and status.

The guards that were standing out the tent went inside to inform Mance of Robert's arrival and the purpose of his visit. A few moments later, Robert, Osha and Dacey were granted entry while his guards were asked to wait outside. His guards sought to protest but Robert commanded them to stand down.

"We are guests here and as such we must respect the rules and laws of our host", Robert said to his men before entering the tent.

The inside of the tent was wide circular structure comprised of hides and furs, with a large fireplace at the center. It was a spacious, but cluttered. Its floor was littered with armour, weapons, and a tusk so large that it could have belonged to a mammoth that was stacked along the side of the tent.

Apart from the man who he would later learn was Mance Rayder, there were two more men and women present within the tent, one of whom appeared to be heavy with child.

The first man was a raider by the name of Tormund or Giantsbane as he was popularly known among his people. He truly was a giant of a man with his broad chest, massive belly, and a beard that was white as snow.

The second was a man of lean build and receding hairline, dressed in a leather shirt coupled with bronze greaves and amour called Sigorn. He was apparently the Magnar of the Thenns, the only Free folk clan that had laws and hierarchical structure resembling the society of Westeros.

As for the women, the pregnant lady was revealed to be Dalla, Mance Rayder's wife. She was comely woman, blessed with blonde hair that framed her face and reached to her shoulder. Her pale blue eyes possessed a gleam of caution that was seldom seen in someone of her age.

But the true attraction of the tent was Dalla's younger sister, the Spearwife by the name of Val. She was a truly beautiful maid whose long luscious locks of hair, the colour of dark honey had been weaved into a single braid which rested across her shoulder. Val possessed a slender but shapely figure, sharp cheekbones coupled with full bosom that marked as a great beauty. However, her most striking feature were her pale blue eyes that shone with fierceness and courage, a stark contrast to her elder sister.

'By the Gods, if I had known that there were such women to be found beyond the Wall, I would have come here years ago,' Robert thought to himself as his mind began crafting naughty fantasies about the beautiful Wildling Princess.

The object of his attention soon noticed his interest in her and responded to him with a look of disinterest and indifference.

'She's going to be a challenge, but that will only make having her underneath me all the more satisfying,' Robert thought as he eyed his next conquest.

However, before he could give the matter any further thought, his attention was called once gain towards his host, the man that Robert had journeyed so far to speak with.

The King-beyond-the-Wall was just as Osha had described him to be. A slender man and of middling height, with a set of long brown hair which was mostly grey now. He wore a mismatched ensemble of wool and leather, with no crown or jewels to speak to his status. The only article of clothing that Robert felt granted his wildling counterpart a semblance of royalty was a cloak of black wool, lined with fine red silk on the inside.

Once the initial introductions and guest rights had been observed, both Kings had begun their discussions on how best to resolve the current situation while avoiding bloodshed. Just as they were about to begin the discussion, they were interrupted by the arrival of an elderly woman.

She was introduced as 'Mother Mole', an elder leader of the Free folk and woods witch. It did not take long for Robert to realize that she was the spiritual advisor that Melisandre had seen in her visions. The elderly woman informed Robert and his companions of her vision of a King of Storms sailing towards Hardhome with a fleet of ships to carry the Free folk to safety.

"You are no mortal man, southern King. I can tell that you possess the power of the Gods within you. You will be the one who unites and leads men against the Others who bring the Long Night with them," the woods witch said to Robert, keeping her eyes locked onto his and in a tone that could turn even the most cynical of men into a believer.

"He is the salvation of our people. He will not only save us but lead into an age of prosperity that our forefathers could never even dream of," the crone stated with conviction. "And for that future to come about, we need to give him our trust and loyalty."

Despite the elderly crone's passionate appeal and the high level of respect and trust that she commanded among her people, Mance and the other Free folk leaders were hesitant to trust her words completely and believe in the purity of Robert's intentions.

The negotiations continued for a while longer, but didn't make much headway as neither side was eager to make concessions.

The situation was such that the Free folk were willing to peacefully cross the Wall to escape the Others along with providing their aid in the war with their common supernatural foe. But they refused to accept Robert's authority over them and their way of life. As for Robert himself, while he was willing to let the Wildlings settle on lands beyond the Wall in lieu for the aid and support. The King of Westeros knew that if allowed the Wildlings to remain independent it would cause great discord among his own lords and people.

Not to mention, the savage customs and traditions of the people beyond the Wall would sooner rather than later bring them into conflict with the people of the South, if they were allowed to remain independent and autonomous.

As the hour was getting late, both sides decided to retire for the rest of the day and resume their talk, the following day.

However, before excusing himself Robert asked Mance if it would be possible to capture on these 'Wights', so that he could show his lords proof of the true threat. If the Night's Watch and Lords of the North could be convinced in the existence of this enemy, it would be a lot easier to make them abide by the terms of any agreement that they would be able to broker. His request was accepted by his Wildling counterpart.

The King-beyond-the-Wall also informed Robert that while a large part of Free folk army and its high-level commanders were present with him at Hardhome, but a large faction of their people, almost fifteen thousand in number were camped near the Fist of the First Men.

This group was apparently led by two of the most savage and cruel leaders of the Free folk clans. Men who went by the names of 'The Weeper' and 'Lord of Bones' . The fact that their fellow Wildlings spoke of them with such contempt and disgust, conveyed to Robert how great of a threat these men were. Robert learned that even though this Weeper and Lord of Bones had agreed to ally with Mance when the former ranger of the Night's Watch was forming his army, Mance's control over this faction of warriors was tenuous as best.

"As long there was battle to be had and Crow blood to be spilled, I could count on them," Mance said to him, expressing his doubts about getting this group to join their new alliance. "But now with the possibility of peace and this alliance, I'm not sure how the Weeper and his band will react. These are men who value their hate and bloodlust far more than the survival and welfare of our people."

If Mance's fears and suspicions proved to be true, then it would seem that his lords and men might get the battle for which they had journeyed to the Wall after all.

However, the King-beyond-the-Wall chose to be optimistic and arranged to send a messenger to inform the Weeper and his fellow

commanders about Robert's arrival and his willingness to broker a deal, in hopes that they would see reason.

It was no secret that Robert Baratheon was someone who lived for battle, but the thought of slaughtering people who were merely trying to survive, filled him with discomfort. And so, for the sake of peace, Robert hoped that Mance's faith was not misplaced and that this rogue faction would make the right choice.

With matters settled for the moment, Robert made to leave, only to be stopped by Mother Mole who wished to share one of her visions with him.

"Messengers from the Old Gods will soon be here, carrying with them knowledge and gifts meant for you, Stag King," the elderly crone said to him, asking him not to leave even if the talks were unsuccessful.

Robert did not know for certain if he believed the woods witch's claim of receiving boons from the Old Gods or not, but he was certainly not going to leave without achieving his goals.

Not to mention, also provide him with a chance to add a Wildling Princess to his growing collection of consorts.

And so, with Mance's aid, arrangements were made for Robert's stay at Hardhome.

[img: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4c/d7/8a/4cd78a59914383715416e0d7223 bb7a7--game-of-thornes.jpg]

While his men fetched supplies from the ship and readied Robert's own tent, Osha had expressed her wish to explore the infamous

'Screaming Caves' of the settlement with him. It did not take them long before coming across a cave that contained a grotto. The dim

light that illuminated the insides of the cave and the secluded setting inspired Robert with a naughty idea.

"That went as well as I expected," Robert commented as both he and Osha submerged themselves into the pleasantly surprisingly warm waters of a grotto.

"You don't sound too disappointed, my King. I would have thought Mance's refusal to bow to you, would have angered you greatly," Osha inquired, with curiosity filling her voice and features.

"Do not misunderstand me, as the King who has been chosen by the Gods themselves, your people's refusal and stubbornness to bow to my authority vexes me greatly, Osha," Robert said casually, as he allowed the warm waters to soak the weariness from his bones. "But that will only make the victory of the moment when they are on their knees before me, taste all the sweeter."

"I think the thought of seeing certain free folk kneeling before you will grant you more pleasure than all the others combined," Osha stated with a knowing smile. "Mance's good-sister is without doubt a great beauty but I feel that bedding her will not be as easy as you think."

"She has a reputation of being difficult and stubborn. No raider has ever managed to steal her while she has stolen her share of men, only to grow tired and discard them later," the Spearwife added casually.

"In certain cases, the thrill of the chase is often more rewarding than the prize of the hunt itself," Robert said to his bathing companion.

Osha began scrubbing herself with the water before moving in to rub Robert's body as well. The sensual and erotic action of the wildling maid, stoked the fires of desire within him.

A fact that did not escape Osha's attention or interest for very long when she noticed the throbbing of Robert's length from underneath the water. She slipped a hand underneath it and decided to rub

against his crotch. Robert rose up and down underneath the water while Osha's gentle hands worked him over.

"Mmm, my King, this was a good idea," Osha breathed. "Take the tension off, wouldn't it?"

Osha turned slightly, still teasing Robert. Robert washed some of those hard to reach places on Osha and some of the easy to reach places as well. He slowly rubbed Osha's slit and made her moan, while trailing several more kisses trailed down Osha's shoulder.

Slowly, Osha turned back around and disappeared underneath the water. The sight that followed her submersion, caused Robert to rise up even harder. He could feel at tremble deep inside of his loins.

The sexy sight of Osha's underwater blowjob made Robert just smile. Osha rose up from the water, with Robert's manhood coming up with her. Then she sunk down back into the water, squeezing and releasing his manhood several times, worshiping his manhood extremely hard while underneath the water.

"Damn, Osha, so hot right now," Robert breathed.

Robert soon concluded that the so-called savage and wild women of the Northern lands possessed talents and drive that more than compensated for the lack of refinement or courtesies of their southern counterparts.

Osha decided not to let the King explode, at least not yet. The bubbles rising from his throbbing and frustrated member, caused Osha to smile in response. She scrambled to climb on top of Robert, her wet soaked groin rubbing against his, creating a friction that produced even more bubbles. Their bodies moved together, practically merging with practiced ease.

Of course, Osha decided to tease her lover a little bit. Only to milk the moment, only to enjoy his strong, powerful hands pressing

against her lower back. Osha's mouth hung practically almost all the way open as the King's tongue duelled with her own.

"I've got an idea," Robert's words promptly opened up Osha's ears.

He kissed her neck and almost made Osha lose it right there. His hands pressed against her back and slid up to her body that she tilted backwards to edge of their makeshift bathtub. Meanwhile, Robert was beginning to lose himself in his thoughts and in Osha's body, while making her cry out in pleasure.

"Tell me," Osha moaned sensually.

Robert pulled away and motioned for the side of the bath. It was a little bit slick there, but Osha gained enough traction to hold onto it. Her feet spread out, touching either side of the watery enclosure while Robert climbed behind her and caused her body to just shift up against the side, moaning in response.

Osha twisted her fingers up against the stone, scraping the thin layer of moss that grew on it.

"Make me beg, and I swear to…."

Robert did not want to make Osha beg. Well not at the moment at least. He just milked the moment, and she responded by opening up for him. The warmth of her pussy gobbled Robert's cock up, forcing him to reposition his hands. He bent Osha over the edge of the stone walls of their bath and slowly rocked inside of her body.

A steady amount of momentum was soon established as Robert's balls swung back and forth, hitting Osha at an angle. If they were not careful, one or both of they could break a limb. But it was a nice little exercise in balance to keep this position.

Edging further back on her, Robert plunged deeper. In and out, at a very intense angle. Oh, Robert knew all of the ways to make Osha

cry. The pretty Spearwife's writhing body dripped with sweat and arousal.

Her insides contorted to meet Robert's desire. No matter how hard Osha tried, nothing topped the feel of the southern King inside of her. As he slid into her depths, Osha could feel it, the tension ramping deep through her body. The faster that Robert went, the more Osha just closed down onto him, making Robert just push further into her.

The size of Robert's round balls, so full of cum made Osha want to drain them, slowly, and vigorously.

"Oh, we're not done yet," Robert told her. "Not by a long shot."

He mapped out a course on her body. Robert kissed Osha's shoulder blades while sliding all the way up into her. Yes, the tightening grew even more intense. To the point where it seemed as if Robert had been very close to popping off and filling Osha with his seed. The faster that Robert pushed into her, the better she felt.

Osha hung open in an endless cry while Robert rubbed up against her, speeding up.

"Faster, fuck me faster!" Osha yelled.

Robert showed all of his teeth in a grin and picked up the pace to do so. He hammered Osha, riding out her orgasm. She closed in onto him and moaned.

The fact that Osha tightened around him and threatened to drain Robert caused the experienced lover to dial back his thrusts just a tad. He pulled back out of Osha and left her breathing on the side of the bath.

"Why did you stop, my King?" Osha protested. "You'll see," Robert said.

He used the water as a lubricate for Osha's snug little back passage. Osha closed her eyes, enjoying Robert opening up her ass for intrusion. She could not wait to take Robert deep inside of her.

Like an enticing siren, Osha locked eyes onto him, smiling even more deeply. Robert slid his hands pretty much all the way down her body and slammed deep inside of her tightening asshole. Robert groaned, pushing almost all the way back. He clamped down and established a firm grip on Osha's bouncing, nice and supple cheeks. They moved in front of him and called for Robert to take a deeper, steadier plunge.

"Osha," Robert groaned.

"Oooh, MY KING!" Osha cried out. "Harder… take me in my ass…. hit me as hard as you can…. I'm a woman of the true north. I can handle it."

Oh, Robert knew just how much Osha could handle, but he did get some satisfaction from taking her to any limits. Much like Osha gained a lot of satisfaction from taking Robert to his.

The heat only increased, the faster Robert moved within her. He left not one inch of Osha's body neglected. His fingers eased in and worked Osha deeper, while thrusting away on her. The ripple effects of her body only increased as Osha's nerve endings began sizzling with pleasure. They sang, practically calling for Robert to ravish her. The duel pushing of her pussy and her ass.

Osha's arousal climbed to such great heights that she began pumping out so much juices, that it bordered on the level of obscenity.

"I'm almost there," Robert said as he tore into her, slamming into her tightly.

Osha just broke out into a smile. After being gifted with an orgasm, she intended to gift the King with one of his own. Her firm ass

muscles rippled around Robert, while he held her up by the legs. Always playing with them, always enjoying their soft texture underneath his fingers the faster that Robert buried inside of her.

"OOOHHHH!" Osha cried out with such force, that her scream echoed within the walls of the cave.

"You've become quite the screamer, haven't you?" Robert teased her.

"You the one who made me this way," Osha weakly protested.

Robert slapped down onto her ass and finished. His balls, about ready to burst, strained underneath their own weight. Osha almost slipped over the edge of the bath. At the last second, Robert pulled her back and finished deep inside of Osha's warm, snug asshole. He injected load after load into her body, pressing her up against the walls of the bath.

With surprising reflexes, after Robert pulled out, Osha spun around, wrapped her arm around Robert, and kissed him very passionately. They sunk back into the water, which now contained a good amount of their combined juices within it.

"Let's get you cleaned up now," Osha said.

She moved in to clean Robert's cock, and then sucked it underneath the water. Osha's perfect mouth and excellent throat control skills caused Robert to just relax and enjoy whatever she wanted to do.

After having a little more fun in their secluded grotto, Robert and Osha got out of the water, dressed themselves and headed back to the main camp. On account of being exhausted from their earlier activities, the King and his wildling concubine decided to retire for the night inside the King's tent.

Robert and Osha moved about the Hardhome camp, trailed by his guards as they made their way towards the great hut for a meeting with Mance and the other Free folk leaders. Robert knew that his lords would not be pleased by his decision to speak with the Wildlings and he would need to head back soon to pacify them. His absence might incite some of the foolish and rash lords to disregard his instructions and take certain actions that might damage his entire peace effort irreparably.

Robert was so engrossed in his thoughts that he did notice Val and few other raiders in his path until they were stAlysaneng right before him. Not wanting to turn the situation hostile, Robert motioned for Osha and his men to hang back while he spoke with the Wildling Princess. A task that was quite challenging in itself, as he often found his focus drifting towards more impure notions while he gazing upon the wildling beauty.

"Mother Mole and Mance might believe in your promises of peace and alliance, Kneeler King. But I am not so trusting and neither are most of the people here," Val said pointedly while her companions shot him hostile and distrustful looks.

'It seems that these people are just as eager for a fight as my own lords,' Robert surmised to himself.

"Aye, I understand your suspicions and doubts, Lady Val. To be honest, if I were in your place, then I would act the same," Robert said in an appeasing manner. "But I swear upon my honor as a King and a warrior, that I only seek a peaceful resolution to this conflict among our two people."

"Lady!… I am not one of flowery southern maidens, Kneeler King! I am a Free woman and a true Spearwife of the True North. Your pretty words may have fooled this traitor, but I will not be swayed by them," Val spat in anger, as she chided Osha for choosing Robert over her own people.

"My people have placed faith in the promises of kneelers before in the past, only to be repaid with betrayal and treachery," Val added. "And I refuse to let them make that mistake again."

Val understood why Mance and the other elder leaders were eager to believe in the Stag King's offer of peace and shelter on the other side of the Wall. But they were allowing wishful thinking and desperation to override their common sense.

'Kneelers cannot be trusted, let alone the King of all Kneelers,' Val mentally told herself.

Robert Baratheon both fit and contradicted her expectations of a southern King. His fine furs and silks, crown and jewels, and even his flowery words and manners were what one expected, recalling the few tales and stories of the South that she had heard over her life. However, at the same time, his willingness and humility to speak with and help her people surprised her greatly. Southern lords were supposed to be arrogant and cruel, yet the ease with which King Robert drank and japed with raiders like Tormund was shocking to say the least.

Despite being old enough to be her father, Robert Baratheon seemingly possessed the strength and vigor of a man in his prime and seemed capable of putting most of the seasoned raiders and warriors within the camp to shame. The fact that he so comely, only added to her dilemma.

Val had been with a few men ever since she had come of age. But none of them had ever been able to impress her, let alone steal her away as their woman. Thus, she had always treated them as nothing more than means to relieve her own stress and experience the occasional pleasure. The southern King was different, he stirred within her feelings and desires that she had never thought possible.

Robert Baratheon claimed to be a man of honor with good and kind intentions towards both her and her people. However, the subtle looks and gestures that he sent her way when he thought she was

not paying attention conveyed his true feelings, in regards to her at least.

Val knew that all men, Free folk and kneeler alike, were mostly driven by their own greed and lust rather than duty and honor. A fact that her conversation with the King's female companions all but confirmed.

"I had never thought it possible that a Spearwife would willingly trade her weapons in exchange for some fancy silks and furs," Val had

said to Osha, when she and Dacey Mormont had come to speak with her in private, asking for her support in forging the alliance, earlier that day. "What price did you place on your freedom, Osha? I hope it was worth enough to have you spend the rest of your days upon

your knees before a Kneeler King."

"Lady Val, our King is not like any other man. The fact that he

journeyed so far to speak with your people and broker a peace, proves that," the niece of the Crow Commander said to her. "Osha

was wise enough to see the worth and benefits of being in service to King Robert. I hope that you and your people will show the same good sense as well."

"Don't count on it, Lady Bear," Val had said adamantly, before storming away.

The Southern King was unworthy and she needed to prove it to her people. And there was only that she could do it. So, she had met the main leaders and chieftains of Mance's army and proposed her own way to test the worth of the Kneeler King's word.

"Here, in the true north, the worth of a man and his word is determined by his strength and actions," Val said. "So, if you wish to have my trust, then you must earn it."

"And the only way to earn anything on this side of the Wall is through a fight," the Wildling Princess added in a challenging tone.

Osha's eyes widened as Val placed her knife underneath Robert's chin, within a flash. The King's guards stirred to action, only to halted by the King's command.

"My lady, are you sure that this is how you want to proceed? I would advise a more peaceful method," the King answered calmly, showing neither fear nor hesitation upon his face.

"What's the matter? Are you afraid to fight a woman?" Val said tauntingly. "I thought you claimed to be a warrior."

Within the blink of an eye, Robert ripped the knife away from her and stared Val directly on the eye.

"Lady Val, you've just made a huge mistake," Robert said in a low growl.

Word of Val's challenge to King Robert had quickly spread across the camp, attracting a huge crowd. It seemed the residents of Hardhome were eager to see how the southern King would fare against the fierce and beautiful Spearwife, Val, who no raider had been ever able to steal as his woman.

"With the blessing and support of several of our elder chieftains, my good sister, Val, has challenged King Robert in order to determine the future of our people," Mance said, as he stood in the centre of the makeshift arena that had been prepared for the duel.

"The terms of this fight as agreed by both sides are as follows. If Val wins, then King Robert has agreed to grant our people safe passage across the Wall along with substantial tracts of lands in the South for our people to settle on. In addition, he and his lords will recognize and honour our independence in exchange for our support and aid during the fight with the Others," Mance stated in a loud and clear voice.

"However, If King Robert is victorious, then the Free folk shall bend the knee to him and acknowledge him as their King and leader, by giving oaths of fealty and service to him," Mance finished.

"In accordance with the principles of southern chivalry, I would like to offer one small provision to my opponent for this duel since she is a lady. Lady Val, if you feel the need, then you have the right to call upon any of your fellow free folk warriors during the course of the fight to your aid while I vow to fight alone so that no one can accuse me of fighting an unfair duel," Robert said in a gracious manner, which only infuriated Val more.

Before the Wildling Princess could refuse the King's offer, she was stopped by her sister who reminded her that she was fighting to decide the fate of all Free folk and thus could not afford to discard any boon that could prove vital in her success.

Dalla had always been the smarter and more cautious one of the two of them, and so Val accepted the King's boon. Not wishing to be seen as weak and petty by her foe and her own people, Val offered a boon of her own in return.

"We Free folk believe in a fair trade, King Robert," Val said out loud and proceeded to inform the King and all present that if Robert won the duel then he would be entitled to demand any price of his choosing from her, including her life.

"Do both parties agree to the terms," Mance asked, to which both Val and Robert nodded in acknowledgement.

"Then let the duel begin," Mance announced as he moved to the side and stood among the other spectators.

Val and Robert surrounded each other, wielding swords. The Wildling Princess was a skilled and experienced fighter, but her attempts to draw blood ended in failure as Robert easily dodged her attacks, using his superior speed and reflexes.

"Remember, you wanted this," Robert said to her, upon blocking a strike from her.

He then turned around and launched an attack of his own, by cracking Val in the ribs with a punch. Robert took care to not put much strength into the attack as he did not wish to seriously injure his opponent. The move payed off and Robert used Val's temporary shock to disarm her.

One of Val's former lovers, Jarl, upon witnessing Val's struggle, decided to intervene and charged towards Robert, while the King's back was turned. However, the southern King was far more skilled and alert than the young raider anticipated. Robert expertly spun around and with one swift and powerful kick, sent Jarl flying to the ground. His axe now discarded, Jarl was left groaning in pain, in the dirt.

Not willing to admit defeat, Val withdrew a dagger and began slashing at the southern King. Her rage and frustration impaired her focus, leading to Robert easily being able to deflect her attacks, before knocking her to the ground.

Robert pressed his advantage and twisted Val up into knots, pinning her arms behind her back. Val continued to struggle, until Robert planted his foot on the back of her neck.

"I thought you wanted to challenge me?" Robert said mockingly. "So much for the fierce Spearwives of the true north."

Val struggled to break free from the attack, eventually managing to get out after Robert decided to end the fight.

Not realizing the King's intent, Val picked up Jarl's discarded axe and aimed it at Robert while his back was turned. Only to have, Robert turned back around at the last second and blocked the blow. He swiftly moved behind Val and grabbed her around the neck.

For one, scary second, everyone thought that Robert might just break Val's neck. However, those fears proved to be pointless, because Robert knew precisely what he was doing. He applied just the right amount of pressure upon Val's neck, causing her collapse down to the ground.

Mance hurried to check upon his good sister and breathed a sigh of relief after realizing that she was not dead but just rendered completely unconscious.

Val woke up a short while later, her eyes opening up, barely. She was laid up in Mance's tent, breathing heavily, with both Robert and her good brother, standing over the top of her. Tormund, Dalla, Osha and Dacey Mormont were all standing around the tent looking towards her.

"As per the terms of your victory, in addition to us bending our knees to you, you are entitled to claim any prize that you see fit from us," Mance said. "Including Val's life, if you so wish it."

Shame and regret flooded across Val's being. Her pride and foolishness had not only cost her people their independence but it would possibly claim her life as well.

'This was my mistake and now I must be brave enough to face the consequences,' Val told herself while nodding in consent to Mance's statement.

"I consent to anything you wish to do," Val said. "I will not stop you… but… I ask just one promise of you… that you will keep my family and my people safe."

"Always, my lady" Robert said. "As for my prize, I ask not for your life but a single night."

"What?" Val asked.

"From what Osha's told me about your culture, when a man defeats a Spearwife in combat, he earns the right to claim her as his woman. However, I do not wish to force you to be my companion for the rest of your life. So, here's what I propose, that you give yourself to me for just one night. Let me show you how capable and worthy I am and then decide for yourself if you wish to become my woman," Robert explained, deciding to clarify his earlier statement.

"You've already demonstrated your ability with your victory over me," Val said confused.

"Not in that way," Robert replied with a sly smirk.

Val blinked before nodding in consent. It was King Robert's right, and honour dictated that Val grant his request.

"And if you're displeased with me by the end of it, I give you my word that I will leave you be and never trouble you again," Robert added, causing Osha's eyes to widen in surprise while Dacey just shook her head.

"He knows what he's doing," Dacey whispered to Osha, upon noticing the questioning look on her face.

"So, would you be kind enough to follow me to my tent?" Robert asked while offering Val his hand.

Val took Robert's hand, demurely, and followed him back to his tent.

[img: https://i.redd.it/044t8tq80ue31.jpg]

After arriving at his tent, Robert tightened his arms around Val, pulling her into an embrace, and kissed her. Slowly, tenderly, and with affection. Val placed her hands on the back of Robert's head, sickened at what was going on here.

Not because of the fact that he was kissing her, but the way in which he was kissing her. It was in a way which Val felt she did not deserve. He was well within her rights to take her aggressively, to be forceful with her. To use her as he felt fit. It was the culture in which Val had been brought up in, where if a woman had been bold enough to challenge a man and lost in battle, she would pretty much be the man's property from that moment until the day she died.

Val did not deserve tender affectionate kisses, covering her lips, face, and neck, and fingers slowly skimming down her body, making her just breath out even heavier. She did not deserve any kind of love, any kind of affection. She did not deserve anything that Robert was giving her, which made her feel good in this way.

And yet, Robert kissed Val several times, moving behind her, and slowly undressing her. More kisses to the back of her neck, her shoulder, and her collar bone, as Robert felt up Val's body up. His hands drifted lower and lower, going between her legs as they slowly caressed her nether regions.

"I don't deserve this," Val whispered.

"I decide what you deserve, my lady," Robert said hoarsely. "Do you want to stop?"

"No, I don't want to stop," Val said. "I'm saying that I don't deserve this… because you are good… and I hate the fact that you're so good… and if you're this good to me… then you'll be good to my people as well."

Robert spun Val around so he could look her in the eyes. "We're both good, just in different ways. In a far more even fight, without you underestimating me, things might have gone differently."

A sardonic smile spread over Val's face as she realized what the real problem was. She had underestimated her opponent which in turn made her an insufficient warrior.

Val pulled Robert's tunic over his head and caressed his muscular chest and abs. The feeling of such a sculpted male form underneath her hands felt so surprisingly nice. The two kissed each other, with Val momentarily taking the aggressor role, by shoving her tongue into Robert's mouth while pressing her recently bared breasts against his chest.

"Pardon me, my King" Val said after realizing she had overstepped. "No, don't apologize."

Robert replied and gently cupped Val's ass in his hands while she wrapped her legs around him. Robert positioned Val onto the bed, worshipping her body, like such a beautiful frame. These fit, warrior maidens, always seemed to possess such amazing bodies, and Val was no exception to the rule. He kissed down, to her beautiful pussy which Robert planted his lips on and gave a light nip on it.

Val gasped and Robert stopped pleasuring her. An action that Val could not abide by, for very long.

"Continue, please," Val breathed.

Robert continued and it was so good. He dove down, eating her out. Her other lovers had always managed to do a good job, but Robert performed in a way which sent electricity down Val's spine. Perhaps, that was the difference between boys and a real man, Val mused to herself.

She did not dwell on that thought for long and leaned back in order to allow Robert to give her pleasure which she had scarcely earned. But, at the same time, pleasure which Val was all too happy to receive. Her body bubbled over with intense lust, with each movement bringing Robert deeper inside of her core.

"I'm close," Val gasped in pleasure.

Robert rationed out Val's pleasure, making her appreciate it even more. The time came for Val, and she came hard. She oozed all over Robert's face, writhing up and down. The heat in her body increasing the more that Robert pleasured her. The sweet, savoury, juices coming from Val made Robert bask in her presence. They made him throb and harden and want her even more.

Val sat up on the bed, and helped Robert out of his breeches. She had gotten a sense of his size, but seeing Robert's manhood released out into the open caused a heart stopping feeling to spread through Val.

"No, this can't be for real," Val breathed.

"It's very real," Robert told her. "And it's going to be inside you… it's your first time with a real man, isn't it?"

Val responded with a nod, and Robert dragged her onto his lap. He looked her into the eye, while sliding his length against Val's trim stomach. By all rights, Robert could force her down on the bed, roughly take her from behind, until her holes were drenched and raw. And there was nothing Val could do to stop it.

In some small respect, Val almost felt disappointed that Robert did not take such an attitude towards her. Not that this method lacked its own merits, with Robert pressing his hands down onto Val's bouncing chest. She ground up and down against him, with Robert brushing deeper and deeper against her warm pussy lips.

Oh, it felt very good, almost impossible, with how good it was. Robert ground against her, and was about ready to be inside of her. Val wanted, longed, wished for Robert to be inside of her.

"I need you now!"

Val exclaimed and tightened her legs around Robert's hips. He grabbed Val and pushed her all the way down. The momentary pain

from such a large intruder entering her caused Val to grab onto Robert's shoulder and rake her nails down onto him.

Very impressive, very impressive indeed. Val closed her eyes and just focused on Robert while he pushed inside of her. Building a steady rhythm, Robert rose and dropped.

"You're so big," Val cooed. "Oh, this is more than I deserve." "No, you deserve this," Robert said.

Val rose up to take Robert inside of her. Every movement that Val bounced upon him, rocked her entire body. Her skin sizzled with desire and the enhanced lust just built up in her body. Eventually, the release came and Val soaked Robert's intruding member. The sheer volume of the release made Val's hair flip over against her face, making her look intense.

"Give me more. I want everything. I want all of you."

The sultry tone in Val's voice, as she had gone from slightly reluctant to all in, caused Robert to go deeper inside of her. Robert pressed his fingers against her body, pumping as hard as humanly possible. Robert thrust away and made Val just tighter on him. Her eyes glazed brighter, burning with desire.

"It's so good!" Val mewled. "It's very good!"

Rising up and dropping down, Val took Robert as deep inside of her as possible. She must have cum at least two more times, with Robert rising up to meet her.

But all good things come to an end, as Robert, after Val rode him through her latest orgasm, felt a tightening inside of his loins. He pushed against her, with Val wrapping him up tightly. She did everything in her power to ensure that Robert came inside of her.

"You're more than worthy!" Val breathed.

"Glad, to see I've won you over," Robert said.

Faster and faster, Val bounced on Robert until she got the gift that she craved. The blast of Robert's seed rushed up inside of her and creamed the inside of her body. Robert kept rocking to paint the inside of Val's body completely white with his seed. She dripped even before Robert was done discharging inside of her body.

Laying Val down on the bed, Robert pressed against her. The heat emitting from this gorgeous Spearwife and the lovely scent of her arousal caused Robert to harden again. But he did not take the plunge just yet, and simply caressed and kissed Val's body. Those soft moans coming from the formerly hostile woman made Robert just want to bust a nut inside of Val all over again.

[img: https://i.redd.it/044t8tq80ue31.jpg] [img:

https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4c/d7/8a/4cd78a59914383715416e0d7223 bb7a7--game-of-thornes.jpg]

After several rounds, Robert and Val drifted up to sleep. And Robert woke up a short time later, with something warm and wet wrapped about his throbbing prick. He thought, perhaps, that Val had gotten a bit bold and was about ready to test her limits.

No, it was not Val who woke him up in such an erotic manner. It was Osha, rocking up and down on him. Robert got a look at Osha completely bare, and her fit and sexy body, caused Robert to throb in desire. He came up and Osha met him halfway with a kiss on the lips.

Slowly moving away, with Robert allowing Val to sleep off their encounter, with a smile on her face, Robert focused his full attention on Osha. She rose high and dropped down, pressing up against Robert.

"I want your Kingly cock," Osha said to Robert in a breathy voice. "It wants you as well," Robert said. "Badly."

Osha just grinned and rocked even more. In her mind, Dacey could not let Val outperform her and become the King's favourite Spearwife. And draining Robert seemed to be a good way to achieve that as her inner muscles worked Robert.

Robert enjoyed the view of Osha sexily bouncing on him. He could never say no to this particular temptress. And Osha, was very tempting, rocking up against him. She shifted after nearly edging Robert to the end. And rode Robert reverse cowgirl style, making him groan.

This brought Robert to an explosive end. Osha's bouncing ass resulted in higher than the normal volume of cum spilling deep inside of her wet pussy. Robert sped up; spearing Osha as deep as humanly possible until he finished up inside of her. So good.

Osha turned around and took Robert's dripping cock into her hand. She kissed it, ran her tongue down onto it, and got Robert nice and hard again in no time flat.

Val woke up just in time to see Osha, with her mouth moving down Robert's member. She watched, in awe, as the dark haired Spearwife not only took Robert all the way down her throat but also managed to squeeze him.

Osha smiling, turned her attention towards Val. "Hello, Val," Osha said. "I tried not to wake you."

"I'm glad that you did," Val said. "I beg forgiveness for earlier words and actions. The King has shown me the error of my ways. Please do not stay upset with me."

Osha's lips that were still stained with Robert's gift, moved in and kissed Val, as if to reassure her everything was well. She reached behind to caress Robert, and made sure he throbbed hard. In the palm of her hand, Osha squeezed down and made Robert just groan in pleasure.

"Not upset, but I do want to see you take that cock in your mouth," Osha said playfully.

Val just frowned, as unfortunately, she was lacking experience in the art of oral pleasure. Squeezing Val's hand, Osha pulled back and smiled.

"Just watch and learn."

Osha had said before driving her mouth down onto Robert's manhood, sucking him off. Robert's body moved, as she showed Val how to use her mouth, and when, how to use her tongue, and well, and how to wrap her hands around a man's balls to milk them properly.

Osha made it look so easy and natural, but Val wanted to have a go at it by herself. She pulled away and Val moved in, putting her lips on Robert's swollen head and giving it a taste test. She gave the rest of him a taste test and came down, a little bit further before sucking on Robert long and hard.

Oh, Val pressed her lips all the way down onto Robert's base and sucked him extremely hard. Robert rocked back and forth and pumped Val's mouth.

"She's good!" Robert groaned.

"A natural?" Osha asked. "But I can make this better."

Osha showed both Robert and Val how by sucking on Robert's swollen balls. While also pushing a finger deep into Val's core and pumping her to the orgasm.

Robert bursted after several long minutes of pleasure. Jets of cum fired up, some getting in Val's mouth and some getting onto their faces, after the Wildling Princess pulled away prematurely.

"Well, that could happen," Osha said. "Let's take care of that."

And yet, he was very hard and ready for more. Especially when Val and Osha came at each other and cleaned the excessive cum which Robert fired onto their beautiful faces.

"It's a better taste than you would think," Val commented.

Osha just smiled. "It's damn good… better than I remembered…. but it was still damn good."

Wrapping her arms around Val and putting her to the side, Osha planted several kisses down Val's shoulder. Both women laid on their sides and wide open for Robert to take. Robert pressed his hands against both of them and covered their bodies in sensual kisses.

"Don't hold back," Osha encouraged him. "You know we won't."

Robert pushed against Osha and once again entered her body. While Osha groped Val from behind, Robert thrust deep inside of her. Osha's tightening muscles proved to be a challenge for Robert to not succumb to. Although it was very hard not to succumb to such a lovely and fit woman, and one which would drain every single last drop of cum out of his balls if she had been given the opportunity.

"So good," Osha moaned.

Wanting to make Dacey lose it first, Robert thrust even deeper inside of her. He squeezed her ass and also brushed up against Val's body. The thrusts deepened with Robert almost fit to lose it, if he angled this right.

Osha fingered Val while Robert plowed inside of her. Val enjoyed the dominance, submitting to Osha's fingers, and moaning even more

heavily across the room.

And then, Robert helped Dacey bring Val to a peak, just as Osha had been brought to hers. Everything was intense, and the heat pumping from both of their bodies was pretty intense.

Robert switched out, shoving into Val from behind, while also teasing Osha. Val embraced the intrusion by clamping down onto Robert's manhood.

"Oh, you think you're going to get his seed," Osha breathed lustfully.

That was the idea, at least in Val's mind. She clamped down onto Robert hard, in an attempt to drain every single last drop of his seed out from him. The deeper that Robert slid into her, the more Val felt.

The competition between the two lovely women proved to be to Robert's benefits. He enjoyed Dacey and Val, in pretty much every way possible. Both of their warm bodies, as he entered one and fingered the other.

"Oh, Robert, those feel pretty heavy!" Osha moaned. "Deeper… harder… harder! FASTER!"

Robert pressed his fingers against Osha's nipples and squeezed them hard. Somehow, Val and Dacey had been positioned face to face. Val sucked on Osha's nipples, making her scream out in pleasure.

"You're way too much, both of you," Osha groaned. "Don't pretend that you don't like it," Robert said.

Oh, Osha was not going to pretend, only so far, she would go with deception to be honest. The tension of her insides rushed. She tried, as she might to drain Robert of his seed, but found it to be folly.

Osha's release grew more spectacular, as Robert ran his fingers

against her body from one side and Val pleasured her from the other. The two working in harmony caused Osha to breathe out.

Val crawled over Osha's deflated body as she collapsed down on the bed and climbed on top of Robert, straddling him.

"Looks like it's just the two of us," Val said.

It's amazing how much she grew addicted to him, over the course of a single night. Not that Robert complained at all. Val speared herself down, warm pussy pressing up against Robert's loins. He rose up a little bit further, pressing his crotch against Val which each rise and each drop. She rode him, biting down on her lip.

"One of a kind," Val breathed in Robert's ear.

Robert enjoyed Val's tightening muscles moving in perfect harmony. She bounced onto him, their flesh connecting together. The sensation, the desire, the need to unleash himself inside of Val. It was almost there, almost done. Robert tightened, getting closer to coming undone inside of her.

"One of a kind indeed," Val moaned in Robert's ear.

That made Robert just jump up a little bit further. His balls, about ready to explode, came closer. Val's face, screwed up in pleasure, made Robert just rock up and down.

Off to the side, Osha woke just in time to see Robert about ready to unleash. She got an eyeful of Robert getting a handful of Val's breasts when leaning down. Val moaned, her hot body rocking and Osha matched their movements by fingering herself.

Robert helped her out a little bit with a free hand with the other moving from one breast to the other, and occasional grope towards Val's ass, squeezing it tightly.

Both Val and Robert saw stars at the same time. Val milked Robert's orgasm out of him, when they both came together. The flow of juices splashing out of both of them as they came together echoed.

Osha slid behind Val and grabbed her shoulders before forcing her in deep. All while grinding against Val's ass.

If Val was going to get Robert's gift, Osha would also get her fair share.

The two pulled back from each other. Osha, still with her hands pressed against Val's backside, kissed her on the neck.

"We're just getting warmed up, my dear."

Robert said as he sat up and placed his mouth on Val's breasts, to suck on them. Osha came to the other side and joined Robert in sucking on Val's breasts. They sucked her breasts so hard, that Val thought she would pass out just for that. Oh, they were too good for her, more than she deserved.

But, with each orgasm, any doubts drained out of Val's mind. She finally allowed herself to be ruled by the pleasures of the flesh. Osha and Robert would please each other and her as well, and she would give them pleasure in return.

It finally dawned on Val what the Lady Bear had meant by joining the King's side, during their earlier conversation. And Val hated the fact that her pride blinded her from reality. But one thing that Val was no longer blind to is how good Osha's mouth felt on her nether regions while the King's member slipped deep into her mouth.

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