
Road to Rogue Ninja

This is a story about a reincarnated person in the Ninja world. He has a happy life then suddenly tragedy struck one after another and he is forced to become a rogue ninja. An adventure of a rogue ninja and his survival. He also has a computer in his mind with cross wold internet. He is born in Konoha in a small declined family. A small happy family but third ninja war is still

UlTiMaTeNiNjA · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

Chapter 021 Three promises

It's been a month since the chunin exam in Konoha concluded. Menma went for some small missions recently and came back to the village to deliver a message from mist borders. His presence has caused many people from other villages to feel the pressure for the future generation. Especially the Cloud Village.

-Cloud Village-

Third Raikage Ai is in his office at this time. He is talking with his officials. One of the elders is talking in a depressed tone. Everyone around him noticed it too.

Ai looked at him and said, " I know you are depressed about your grandson's death. But this is war. We will find a way for the culprit to pay the prize."

They have been friends for a long time. It is nothing like Danzo-level friendship.

The Elder said, " I know the war, my friend. But I lost my whole family in it. That foolish grandson of mine, I told him not to do anything without our permission. But he was very fanatic about our village. And wanted to get an edge on another village by himself."

The Elder is not happy but he accepts the reality. He is older than Ai. And Ai sighed at his words.

Another elder looked at them and said, " Don't worry too much. I heard that no noticeable shinobi is currently in our borders. Orochimaru is pulled back. Yellow flash is called to Iwagakure borders. As they are creating a lot of trouble for Konoha. Jiraya is near Sand borders and beating Sand shinobi onto submission. Slug Princess's whereabouts are unknown during this war. Shikaku is busy handling the war from a distance. And his group is patrolling the mist border for any loopholes. And that kid may have touched someone's bottom line inside the Leaf Village. As his information is leaked easily."

Ai looked at him and said, " You want to say the dark side of Konoha has bared fangs against their kid. Or they wanted to eliminate him to prevent the future competition."

Ai looked doubtful about this kind of thing. He cannot trust root intention.

The Second Elder spoke once again, " I didn't know much but from our intelligence. He offended Danzo with his words face-to-face once. You know Danzo holds a grudge then he always waits for an opportunity like a snake. Second, he wanted to control that child. But he failed to do so due to Hokage. Third, the kid influence is entering the range of White fang inside the Konoha. Fourth, he is a potential threat to Danzo as the boy is very smart according to reports. No one can influence him through words or actions. And that boy is fearless, as you have heard. He directly went for a kill when he met Rasa the apprentice of Third Kazekage. So I think if Danzo tries to threaten him. That boy will not think twice before attacking him."

Many nodded their heads at his reasoning.

Ai looked at them and said, "So what are you trying to say at this time? "

The second elder said, " We can crush this talented boy in the bud. And we can take revenge on him for the first elder at the same time. Danzo sent a message that we can cooperate on this one. Only this one through a secret message. We need to bring our army to the borders. Their army is lax in that area without a comfortable position to strike back. We have to think about our future generation. If that kid grows up, we have to face someone like first hokage level threat. Yellow Flash is already a headache during this time after the three sanins. I asked our spies and they told me that the kid was only 8 years old and he fought Rasa and beat him unconscious. It is also one of the reasons Danzo saw him as a threat. Hokage will not sacrifice everyone for one boy. We just need to assure them that if he sends the boy alone. We will not attack them during this war. After the war, we don't have to follow the agreement anymore."

Even Ai feels the level of threat, this boy will pose to his future generations if he is left unchecked. He is alive right now. But if he is allowed to live peacefully, he will grow and cause trouble after a decade.

Even other officials felt the trouble if Menma was left unchecked.

Ai called even his son and B. And some other important officials. We discussed a lot about the matter. And we all came to one conclusion for future generations of Konoha, they shouldn't have such a powerful person on their side. And he should be eliminated. By hook or by crook.

Somewhere else Oniki has the same thoughts but he didn't act as he came to know Cloud will act. So he decided to put more pressure on and send thousands of men to his border to trouble Minato.

Meanwhile Sand and Mist are already fighting with Konoha on two sides. They somehow stopped attacking other's territory and created a situation like this by mistake.

-A week later-


The Fire Country is under immense pressure from all sides. Menma has returned, having killed many spies on his way to Konoha.

Meanwhile, the Raikage has sent a message to the Hokage that they have captured the borders. He also writes that they have captured many Leaf Shinobi on their side of the border. In exchange for releasing these captives, the Raikage demands that the Hokage send Menma to him as a captive.

Hiruzen has called Menma back immediately. He is in a worse position at this time. Danzo is pressuring him and the other council members to hand over Menma as a captive to the Cloud Country as a revenge object. But both know they are afraid of his future potential.

At the conference where Jonins, chunin, clan leaders Elders, and Hokage are all together, Danzo somehow managed to make this emergency meeting to pressure the Hokage.

Danzo said, "I know it is difficult to accept, but we have to send him as a captive to buy our soldiers some time. They even agreed that they would not attack us during the war. Even if they attack us afterward, we will be in a better position to counter them. They only want one person, and we cannot sacrifice everyone for one person."

The jonin, chunin, clan leaders, and elders are all looking at the Hokage. This is a very difficult decision for him. Everyone in the crowd knows it. Even the clan leaders can see that Danzo is trying to get rid of Menma with this advantage.

Shikaku Nara said to Hokage, " I would have given you advice to do something other than sending him as a captive but we have no choice even if we wanted to save him we cannot at this time. We will lose a lot of people from our village. "

Regretfully Shikaku has to advise in the favour of Danzo at this time. Kakashi is also here but he has to remain silent. Minato has gone alone this time for the mission. Gai is also a newly promoted chunin in the village. So he attended the meeting as an emergency meeting.

Even the other two elder shook their head to Hiruzen as they had no choice.

It was at this time. Menma returned to that village. He already sensed something was wrong as many chunin and jonin were missing from the village. So as a precaution, he went to eat a barbecue and packed a few of them. He went to his house and collected everything he needed from his house. No scroll is left. He could feel red flags everywhere as he entered the village. He packed everything in his inventory as a precaution and left to report his mission success.

A man in anbu attire appeared and said to Menma who was walking towards Hokage tower, " Hokage has called you for the emergency meeting."

Menma nodded and left with Anbu Ninja. He entered that place within a minute. He can feel the atmosphere is not right in the room. Some are looking at him with pity.

Danzo suddenly said, " You have arrived, Council has decided with great difficulty that you have to go as a captive to Cloud country in exchange for other Konoha shinobi. And you will obey it."

Danzo made his stance very clear even if others decided under pressure.

Menma looked at him and laughed suddenly and said, " If Lord Hokage had said that, I would have obeyed it immediately. But who the fuck you are, a child dick-sucking pedophile to order me around. You are not my superior either. You should go and live in the darkness where you belong. No one told you before but I have to tell you that you are not Hokage. YOU ARE NOT LORD THIRD YOU FUCKING DANZO."

His words made every chunin, Jonin, clan leader, Konoha elder, and even Hokage get shocked. He didn't say anything but directly targeted Danzo. Danzo felt that Menma struck where it hurt him the most.

Danzo gritted his teeth and said, " I am Konoha's elder. You better respect me. You should..."

Menma suddenly said, " It doesn't matter what you say. Respect some child dick suckers. Everyone in Konoha knows you take dicks in your ass. Your order means nothing to me. You are not Hokage. I take orders only from Lord Hokage. Fuck your elder status, your root foundation can obey your ass. Not me, I am not your lackey Danzo Shimura."

Menma's words directly disrespected Danzo, but it shocked everyone. Even clan leaders didn't speak to Danzo in such a manner; Menma had directly obliterated the dignity of Danzo to shreds, in front of everyone.

Danzo flared his chakra with Killing Intent. But Menma stood there and yawned. It may overwhelm someone else, but for an emotionless pupil like Menma, who had fought in wars and didn't feel anything, it did not affect him. He went beyond that point.

Menma looked at Danzo and said, "Is that supposed to do anything to me?" Menma laughed shortly afterward.

Hiruzen suddenly had a surge of chakra and said, "Enough both of you. And Danzo, don't order someone who is not under you. His team passed away recently, so he is directly under me now. As a rule, only I can order him, not you."

Danzo and Hiruzen retracted their aura together. Danzo doesn't look happy.

Hiruzen looked at Menma and said, "I am sorry, Menma, but we don't have any options. Even if I wanted to save you, we can't do that right now. For your sake, I cannot sacrifice many other Konoha shinobi who might return."

Hiruzen spoke these words with a heavy heart.

Menma said, "I can understand, looks like it is a tradition in our family to get sacrificed. First, it was my grandfather, then my parents, and lastly my grandmother. It's my turn now. I am ready to go. But I don't want to go as a Konoha shinobi, but I want to go as a Satoshi Menma. Can I give my resignation from my post now?"

Hiruzen could only sigh and nod his head.

Hiruzan said, "Okay, but why don't you want to be a Konoha shinobi?" Hiruzan was confused by this statement.

Menma said, " Konoha never traded their comrades. If I resign now. It will completely change the matter if I only go as a Menma rather than a Konoha shinobi. But I want few promises from Lord Third if that is not much to ask."

Danzo wanted to say something but Hiruzen stopped him with a wave of palm.

Hiruzen said to Menma, " Tell me about your promises you want. I will try my best."

Menma took a breath and said, " I want my grandparents, my parents' property should always belong to me. I don't want it to be snatched by anyone else. Not at all under any circumstances. Even if I die it should belong to me for even after death for about 200 years. "

His words made people around the meeting hall feel a little strange. Hiruzen said," Done."

Menma smiled and said, " I heard that Danzo is one of the Hokage candidates for the future. You should revoke it. He cannot become Hokage under any circumstances for another 100 years. Even If he can become Hokage then instead of his face, my face will be carved on the Hokage mountain. "

His words shocked everyone. Chunins, Jonins, and even Elders were shocked. At this time, Danzo was furious. He said, "No way you can interfere with Hokage selection. Not even the Hokage Mountain will have your face."

Menma said to Danzo, "Why not? You dare to imitate Hokage in front of him. I dare to revoke your Hokage candidate status. Let's be real, if we want an older person to be Hokage, it will always be the Third Hokage. Not a person like you who doesn't know how to talk even with an eight-year-old kid like me. Maybe we should give the other two respected elders the same chance. If you somehow manage to become a Hokage, I will never smear the faces of other Hokages with a dark face like yours. My face is quite charming; it will work wonders even if you become Hokage."

Even Orochimaru who is attending is confused by the demands of Menma. But Hokage is quite strained and cannot send Orochimaru at this time to free borders. Casualty will increase. That is why Danzo pulled crowd tactics at this time to surround Hiruzen.

Hiruzen said, " Fine I agree with this demand. Anyway, he is old like me. After me, only a young person can take the Hokage position. If an old person has to become Hokage why would I give it to Danzo."

Now many clan leaders has a smile on their face. Fugaku is the one who has a small smile on his face.

Danzo is silent at this time and quite furious inside. And when he saw other Clan leaders nod their heads along with Hiruzen it became even more unbearable for him.

Menma said, " I want to nominate myself as the Sixth Hokage candidate. Not fourth or fifth hokage but sixth. If I will be alive at that time."

Hiruzen said, "Are you sure about your nomination? Especially as a sixth Hokage candidate."

Even Hiruzen felt a little weird about this demand.

Menma said, "I have never had a dream, but my father had one once. So why not give it a shot for sixth place? The fourth and fifth spots look pretty crowded to me. You can call me an active rooster ninja when the selection happens. Whether I live or die."

Hiruzen felt a deep hidden meaning in his words. But he said, "Okay, as the Third Hokage, I gave you my word. Your name will be brought up for the Sixth Hokage selection, even if you're dead or alive."

Danzo flinched at that time. But he remained silent at that time. He wanted to kill Menma at that time.

Hiruzen asked this time, "The promises are tiring. Is there anything else you want to ask?"

Menma smiled but shook his head and said, "These three are enough. Can I consider myself retired now from Konoha's active service?"

Hiruzen said, "You could have become a great shinobi. I accept your resignation."

Menma removed his headband and chunin jacket and placed them in front of Hiruzen. He said, "Whatever happens afterward, I don't blame you, Lord Third. You tried your best. It's okay to fail sometimes. But I hope you keep those three promises. I don't plan to go down without a fight anyway, even as a captive. I will kill as many Cloud ninjas as possible, even as a retired shinobi. I will give Konoha the edge for which my whole family died. They cannot fault that we breached any contract. Retired shinobi can go rogue sometimes when they face death. Hahaha."

His words brought chills as if Menma was calm about this whole situation. Only Menma knew that he was now free from all the red flags. He could now remain outside and come back only when it was safe. But for the time being, he had to go rogue. And he would go full throttle this time.

His words earned the respect of both Chunin and Jonin squads. The whole hall erupted into applause for him, indicating that he would likely become Hokage at this rate.

Danzo gritted his teeth as he saw people clapping for Menma. But his power is cut by the Third Hokage, he is no longer a hokage candidate and he cannot enjoy the power that comes with it.

Hiruzen summoned his Anbu with a heavy heart and Menma didn't resist. They tied his hands and took him out immediately. Only Danzo looked happy about it. But he became even more sad when he thought that Menma cut his power even before he left.

He immediately left that place. The pitiful gazes that had been directed towards Menma at first now turned towards Danzo.