
Road to Rogue Ninja

This is a story about a reincarnated person in the Ninja world. He has a happy life then suddenly tragedy struck one after another and he is forced to become a rogue ninja. An adventure of a rogue ninja and his survival. He also has a computer in his mind with cross wold internet. He is born in Konoha in a small declined family. A small happy family but third ninja war is still

UlTiMaTeNiNjA · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

Chapter 019 Chunin Exam

Menma spent the next months in the borderlands before being called back to the village to assist in the hospital. He returned alongside several other shinobi and medical ninjas. Menma could sense that many eyes were watching him, but they also noticed that he constantly looked at them and made them feel exposed every time.

He took many jutsu from Hokage Tower as a reward as he made a name for himself and gained a lot of merit. He is allowed by Hokage to take five jutsu. He took a Vaccum blade, Wind shuriken, Water needle, Needle jizo, and lion mane.

He spent two months in the hospital while learning new medical jutsu from the Hospital. New ways of using poison and curing people.

He also learned about the autopsy of dead people. Last time he downloaded many jutsu from Hokage tower secretly. He has about 100 jutsu from different departments. He also gained the Yin and Yang release technique. That was his biggest gain when he went to that place. And his mind-computer took care of the rest.

He even got involved in the Sensory department as they had fewer people to protect the village. The barrier team is also a part of it. He learned many things from that department. When he is not in Hospital he will go to the Sensory department. He made a name for himself in that department as he sensed many spies especially the spies who were disguised as civilians. He even learned their techniques from them and some more secretly. It is a huge improvement for his Sensory and barrier techniques. He participated in both places.

He was even involved in the Interrogation Department for some time as a sensory ninja. He learned something there. As someone who has a less expressive side, he is frequently called upon in that place. He also learned how to hide some of his tracks in an advanced manner.

But the Hospital taught him many medical ninjutsu which are useful during operation. He is frequently called upon by them. Lady Biwa somehow looks at him as a very good person. He is called for operations as he became very adept at them. Sometimes he even relies on his critical thinking to save the patient.

His mind computer also went through changes. It somehow got connected to his old world after a few upgrades. He can now watch videos of operations and animes. And it is free wifi and he doesn't have to pay money for it.

Another piece of good news is that he has received a bounty of 7 million from the Sand Village and 15 million from the Cloud Village. The Rock Village also posted a bounty of 12 million on him for some reason. Following suit, the Mist Village has placed 8 million ryo as a bounty.


In the hospital, Menma is doing an operation on a shinobi. His wounds have got infected. Menma asked for medicinal alcohol. Alcohol is often used in small cuts. So they didn't ask about it and gave him one.

Menma started to make it flow and used it in his open wound as small drops. The infection immediately stopped. It was almost a failed case but Menma somehow stopped it. And then retracted them back and immediately started to heal them.

Somehow Menma saved the Shinobi. Biwa congratulated him later. And she asked about his method. He explained it to her. And even told his theory and how much they have to use. And when not to use the medicinal alcohol. He even wrote it and gave it to her. It was a breakthrough in the medical department after Tsunade left the village due to her condition.

Biwa said to him, "That is a new way to treat such a serious infection. We have never applied medical alcohol to such a large wound. But your way of applying it and immediately withdrawing it before it can go any further is a blessing."

Menma nodded his head and said, "I also wondered why we cannot use the method to cure bigger wounds many times. But we can use it more effectively with chakra. With infection dying immediately, we can treat them as fast as possible."

Another medical ninja kunoichi said, " Last time, you made medicine for more blood creation for the patient's body. It will make all the patients recover blood quickly. Before that, you made bone recovery liquid and it will be a huge boon for bone cracks. And the time spent in the time of making the bones connecting will become less stressful."

Menma made them because he felt that this world has no concept of medicine for recovering from illness. For everything they use chakra and it becomes quite a burden for shinobi. They have pills but many of them are not available for recovery like bone recovery tablets and blood creation speed-up tablets. So he created them for the people and added some boost to it. He already gave this method to the Hospital. And Nara clan has those medicines in their forest and they are happy to help them at a discount rate. Bone recovery liquid is another matter as Bone recovery pill is effective after the surgery is successful. He also created a Bone recovery pill for Konoha. Bone recovery liquid is made from eggshells and some herbs after a thorough process.

He had already received his reward from the Hokage. He was now known as a medical genius after Tsunade. Tsunade had made a lot of discoveries to ease the process of operations and lower the death rate of shinobi. So, Menma wanted to be the next big thing behind her. His discovery shocked everyone when he introduced it.

Biwa said, "I wrote a letter to Tsunade about you. She was happy to hear about your early discovery. She sent her congratulations to you."

Menma nodded his head but didn't say much. Tsunade did not want the medical system she had created to go to waste. She had a huge influence on doctors and medical ninjas in Konoha and the world at large.

Biwa asked him, "Why don't you join the hospital full-time?"

Biwa couldn't understand why Menma was always heading to the battlefield. He could have stayed in the hospital and no one would have stopped him after his recent discovery, but for some reason, he ignored these proposals.

Menma sighed and said, "I have my reasons. I don't want to stay inside the hospital forever. I want to go out and explore the world, and see what it has in store for me at the end."

Menma knows that he cannot stay in the hospital. He wants to be known for more than just being a medical ninja; the universe wants him out of Konoha or else he will change the fate of many people.

Biwa didn't pursue the matter with him about it. Neither is the other Medical ninja as he is still a young boy. People his age want to be free and rebellious.

A few days later-

Menma was chosen to participate in the Chunin Exam which was being held in Konoha. The village wanted to show its strength and maintain its good reputation among the people. Menma wanted to withdraw from the competition because he did not have a team at the moment. However, the Hokage allowed him to participate as a single competitor. Since Kakashi had a team, he would compete alongside them.

-A week later-

Menma participated as a contestant, so he didn't have to wear a chuunin vest during the show for merchants and daimyos.

He entered the Chunin Exam Hall alone. Many eyes landed on him; even Kakashi looked at him. He could understand his current situation. As a Chunin, he had to take the Chunin Exam.

Anko, Kurenai, and even Asuma are here. A large number of Konoha Genin. Everyone wants to become Chunin, except Kakashi and Menma. Many know that this kid is dangerous, and he nearly killed a Kage-level Shinobi. Rasa has gained fame recently, as it was revealed that Menma nearly killed him and put him in a coma for two weeks. However, Menma did not sustain any injuries during the fight.

Obito looked at him and said, " You came just in time. Where are your teammates?"

Obito asked the question of everyone around him. Menma looked at him and said, "I am allowed to participate alone. I would have come with my team, but all of them were dead. So there's no time for me to make a new one. So I am alone, and Lord Hokage thought it would be a good experience for me to be alone during the Chunin Exam."

Obito looked at Menma in shock after hearing it. Kakashi facepalmed his face after he saw Obito's reaction.

A genin ninja approached and pulled Obito backward. He said, "Don't mind him. He doesn't know about you, Menma-senpai. Just ignore him; he's a little immature."

Most of the genin are sweating at the arrival of Menma and Kakashi. No one wants a fight between Kakashi and Menma at this time. Because all of them thought Obito would provoke Menma.

Menma nodded his head walked towards an empty place and slept soon afterwards.

Gai arrived with Genma, and Ebisu came soon afterward. He immediately approached everyone with a smile. However, Obito was not in the mood to listen to him. Instead, he turned to the genin who had pulled him back.

Obito asked him, "Hey, what was that? I was just asking him something." Obito looked at him confused. "Why did you pull me back?"

Kakashi didn't intervene but listened to the 13-year-old genin. The genin said to Obito, "That was very immature of you. You don't know about Menma Senpai. He even went against a Kage-level shinobi and made him unconscious for weeks if not months after their first encounter. You might have been on a mission and haven't heard that Menma Senpai's teammates are killed by the disciple of the third Kazekage. That guy is also a sand manipulator like Third Kazekage. A week later, Menma Senpai met him during a mission and saw him using golden sand. Then he went toe to toe against him. Beating him till he couldn't do anything against him. His comrades have to run along with him."

Kakashi, Gai, Obito, and Asuma looked like their colors faded away after hearing it. Especially Obito after hearing about it, he became nervous.

The genin continued, "It is taboo around the genin circle to ask Menma senpai about his teammate's unfortunate death. You don't know when he is in a foul mood. He might beat you out of irritation. Then Kakashi Senpai has to fight for you. Then our exam will be interrupted. You almost made the exam hall go upside down. Do you think any of us can hold him back if he gets angry? And call him with respect as Menma senpai is very kind. He is very kind to let you off the hook without beating you. You made all the genin nervous in this hall."

The genin went back to take his place. Meanwhile, Menma is sleeping at this time.

The examiner arrived shortly afterward. Menma woke up and the seats were distributed by lot. Everyone had a written exam. Menma didn't even try to cheat; he just filled in the correct answers.

Menma finished his test beforehand. There is no tenth question like Naruto. Many have a choice to give up. And some of them quit before the exam is over.

Ibiki is also in this exam. Menma slept after he finished his paper which was finished in five minutes. It made other people more nervous.

The examiner twitched after he saw Menma finish it and slept in the exam hall. Kakashi is bored after he finishes his paper. He saw Menma was sleeping so he did the same thing afterward. Kakashi also slept soon afterward. It made Ibiki twitch for some reason.

Obito and Gai are scratching their head. But still writing something under great pressure.

The exam finished in an hour. Menma and Kakashi woke up just before the exam was finished. Soon they received the news that all of them passed.

The next exam is in Forest of Death.

In the second exam, Menma used shadow clones and it was a reward from the Hokage for his medical discoveries. He also copied Multi's shadow clone technique, but his chakra reserves were too low to use it effectively.

Menma cheated in the beginning and his clone took the Earth scroll when Menma got the Heaven scroll secretly.

As soon as the gate was opened, he ran like teleportation via body flicker. He had two scrolls in his pockets. The instructors and participants were very doubtful about his sudden reaction.

Menma reached the tower before anyone else in just ten minutes and submitted the scroll. The Jonin and Chunin who placed the bet were amazed, but they were shocked that Menma had beaten every record in the history of the competition.

The second team is of course Kakashi, Obito, and Rin who came after three hours. They found that they were still the second team to come into the tower. It was Minato who appeared at this time.

Obito looked at Minato and said, "How come we're second? We got here as soon as possible."

Kakashi and Rin didn't say anything about it. Minato just smiled and said, "Menma finished the exam in just ten minutes. If it was any other year, your team would be first. You still have the record for the second-highest score in this competition throughout its entire history. And Menma has broken that record by taking only ten minutes to get here. He isn't just better than you; he beat everyone who participated in previous Chunin exams."

Kakashi is a little doubtful about this achievement. So he asked Minato," Sensei, how come he came so fast? He didn't even encounter any team to take their scroll."

Minato smiled and said, " The rules never said that you can only take the scroll from Participants alone. They are the only one who has another scroll so they fight in the Forest of Death. But Menma stole from the one who was distributing the scroll without his knowledge. So he ran as fast as possible to break the record. And there is no doubt that he broke other's records. It only takes ten minutes to arrive directly for a jonin at a great speed. I highly doubt that anyone else will break his record. Even your record is unlikely to be broken if no one manages to steal like Menma from the distributor next time."

The answer greatly dissatisfied Obito. He looked at him and said, "How is that fair? We got our asses kicked and had to run all the way here. And still, he's first and we're second."

Rin is trying to calm down Obito. Kakashi didn't say anything but he felt that Menma outsmarted even him.

Minato said, "The competition rules never said anything about not stealing from the Distributor. You've seen that the Distributor has more scrolls than the number of teams. His move is perfectly legal within the confines of the competition."

Kakashi sighed and said, " He outsmarted everyone this time. Even I never thought about such an obvious loophole. It is right in front of my eyes and I ignored it due to rules. But there is no such rule from the beginning about this matter."

Kakashi never felt outsmarted at this moment.

Minato said, "Even I never thought about it in my time. Menma is already enjoying lunch. Go and have lunch, you will need it for the next part. And Team Gai is already near the tower."

Minato said his part and disappeared in a big flicker. Kakashi and his team are escorted by another ninja. They came inside the Cafeteria where Menma was eating bowls of food one after another. He finished and left soon afterward. He didn't stop for anyone. Even when Obito tried to say something.

When Gai and his team came they saw Menma go to sleep. But soon afterward they meet with Kakashi and come to know that Menma came first with a historical record. Obito looked depressed but Gai laughed about it. Gai knows Menma and his habit of exploiting loopholes.