
Road to Hero: Jaune Arc (HIATUS)

Jaune Arc dreams of the day when he will become a hunter... a hero... just like us he has dreams. But what will he do when the universe is cruel? Will, he silently accept...or he will fight?... “[... Is this how my dream ends?... am I going to spend the rest of my life just watching other people follow their dreams while I just go on with my life in silence?...]” … … … “ I refuse”. Author notes: Hi, guys!!! I wrote this story just for fun anyway... I don't know if I'll continue without the feedback... honestly I don't have high hopes, after all, it's my first story I'll write. I was mostly inspired by the fan-fic: Reborn as Saitama in MHA, of the author: Suploly; and for a while, I watched RWBY and liked Jaune's character and his development... Notices: RWBY doesn't belong to me One Punch Man doesn't belong to me either Just like any kind of anime, comics, or whatever. The fan-fic: Reborn as Saitama in MHA belongs to the author Suploly. I apologize for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language... actually I haven't practiced for over eight years... so I'm really sorry.

Ghost_84 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Chapter 6

POV Qrow.

Honestly, I didn't expect much from the kid, he just trained his body for a while... But he didn't have any technique. Generally, preparatory academies like Signal teach the basic postures in combat class, weapons, and combat strategies... but just this. It's inevitable that those who train earlier stand out in combat, because they just need more experience to be accepted in elite hunter academies; very different from those brats who have never trained at all and are waiting for ' classes ' ... It is quite obvious that these are one of the first to die, alongside those who think that because they managed to graduate from a preparatory academy they can hunt Grimm in a forest.

Just seeing the kid's fighting position, I've seen from a distance that he had no training... But why am I hesitating to attack?

"Come on, brat, I'm going to use stun ammo... So relax. Just do your best, and don't feel bad if the defeat is humiliating" I said, smiling.

I've always trusted my instincts; they've never let me down... Except sometimes at the bar, but it's not the time for inappropriate stories.

And finally, the brat starts moving.

Pov Third Person.

Jaune wasted no time and lunged towards Qrow, aiming his fist straight at his opponent's head. Due to the obvious nature of the blow, it wasn't effective at all.

Qrow dodged the blow and kneed Jaune in the stomach, causing him to spit a little and send him flying towards a big stone, which Jaune collided with.

Qrow then had his weapon change from a sword to a shotgun, and so began firing, with stun ammo.

Jaune regained his senses to protect himself behind the nearby stone.

[I can't go on like this... come on, think Jaune].

Jaune then saw a log.

[ Hmm... I can work with this] thought Jaune after some consideration.

Qrow had no vision of Jaune, He only knows that Jaune was behind the stone protecting himself.

[At least he knows that the dust bullets should not be taken lightly... So how He'll get out of this situation?] Thought Qrow.

The answer came through a figure on the right side of the stone, heading towards the trees.

[Good answer... use a denser environment to protect yourself from the sniper's line of sight, not bad brat] thought Qrow with a snort. [But... The trees are way too far].

Then Qrow aimed and started firing, only to realize he was shooting at a small log.

[Smart brat...] thought Qrow.

Jaune had used the log as a distraction, and Crow followed the log, leaving him open for an attack on his blind spot.

[Now!] thought Jaune as he lunged for an unsuspecting Qrow ... It was a good plan.

Or at least... That's what Jaune thought.

Qrow aimed his weapon... at the ground and then fired, raising a cloud of dust.

[?!] Jaune then lost his sight of Qrow and just passed through the dust cloud, and heard a sound behind him of a swinging blade, He had to respond quickly [Two can play this game!] and landed his punch on the ground, making a big crater.

The power behind the punch was enough to raise an even bigger dust cloud.

[ ... I swore I had heard the flapping of wings...] thought Jaune.

Jaune stepped out of the dust cloud and tried to look for any movement.

"Not bad, boy…but your perception sucks," said a voice that came from above a tree that Jaune was standing nearby.

Jaune turned and looked up at the tree, only to see Qrow sitting on one of the branches with his weapon, now sword-shaped resting on his right shoulder.

"I must say, this destructive power is frightening...but it's no use if you have the power but don't know how to use it," said Qrow looking at the dissipating dust cloud and showing the large crater.

Jaune wasted no time and jumped on the branch where Qrow was, aiming to hit him… Only for Qrow to jump over the blow and somersault, landing perfectly on the ground.

When Jaune landed on the branch that Qrow was on, he heard a sound.


The branch snapped and Jaune lost his balance but landed standing.

[... What the hell was that?... I should be lighter than Qrow who is carrying his weapon... So how did the branch break? Did I put too much force in my leg?... No, it wasn't that, I know how much force I applied... What did he do?] thought Jaune in confusion.

Jaune didn't take long to think, since he didn't have the privilege of being idle for a long time, if Qrow pulled the shotgun again, it would be difficult to get close.

Then Jaune moved forward again, intending to punch Qrow in the chest. In response, Qrow raised his sword to defend himself with the flat part... However, at the last second Jaune turned his body to the left side of Qrow, aiming his leg.

[Haha! not bad brat] thought Qrow slightly surprised.

Qrow then jumped over Jaune to escape.

Jaune however wasted no time and headed towards Qrow, who had his back to him.

But Qrow sensed the movement, and blocked Jaune's punch with the flat part of the blade, and redirected to the left side by turning his body and counter-attacking with a kick to Jaune's ribs that were exposed due to the arm that was extended at the time of the punch, the impact was enough for Jaune to fly a few feet.

Jaune cough, due to the sudden loss of air.

"You're always off guard when you attack brat" Qrow started to speak, but what was going through his head was very different.

[He's much faster and stronger than a regular hunter, I can't deny it... and even with the off guard in his fighting form, the power behind that punch is frightening ... if I hadn't redirected, I would be the one who was flying a few meters. Also, it seemed like I was kicking a stone... If I hadn't unconsciously coated my aura all over my body I would be limping now...] thought Qrow.

Jaune soon gets up and runs towards Qrow again.

[Same trick?... No] thought Qrow.

Qrow waited again for Jaune's action, which as soon as he saw Qrow putting his blade in front for protection, dodged to Qrow's right side.

Qrow spun so that the flat of his sword was once again in front of Jaune. But then Jaune jumped up and tried to kick Qrow in the face.

[I already knew he didn't have any technique, but that's ridiculous] thought Qrow, dodging the kick and grabbing Jaune's foot to throw him towards a tree.

"Brat, are you even trying? A Beowolf could predict that," Qrow said.

Jaune once again got up from the ground and thought.

[This is going nowhere... there's no way I can fight a hunter with years of experience fighting this way... in that case...] Jaune then raised his fists once more... But this time not attacked.

[Hmm?... choose counterattack over attacking?... But I have a ranged weapon– ] Qrow stopped the train of thought as he looked at the environment they were in [No...We're now in an area with more trees, if I pull out my shotgun he'll probably use this environment to hide and create an opportunity just like before... I will only lose ammo. Okay, brat, you're resourceful like your father, but... playtime is over].

Qrow went on the offensive changing his sword to a scythe, the action surprised Jaune, as he thought his weapon only had two shapes: the sword and the shotgun. Qrow then proceeded to attack Jaune quickly.

Jaune was able to see the movements, which helped a lot when dodging, however...

[... It's a shame, but that's something he'll never have because he doesn't have an aura...] thought Qrow.

[ ?! ] Jaune was startled by a small rock that caused him to stumble while he was dodging and backing away, not falling but losing his balance briefly.

But when he focused on Qrow again... He only saw the scythe making a horizontal slashing move.

Jaune managed to react by dodging in time to avoid the blade, but when he raised his head... He was met by the sole of Qrow's shoe in his face.

"Argh!" yelled Jaune falling to the ground, his eyes were closed due to the dirt on the sole of the shoe got into his eyes.

When Jaune opened his eyes he saw the muzzle of a gun pointed at him.

"You failed," said Qrow seriously.

Jaune didn't say anything as he was still shocked by the result.


Jaune's POV

My return to the Rose-Xiao Long residence was silent. I failed... No matter how much I feel the need to beg for another chance because it was an unfair fight from the start with him having a weapon and I didn't... I knew it wouldn't work.

"Brat, don't get so depressing, maybe that's was the best for you," said Qrow, as he walked forward.

"…How can this be the best? I failed... and now I can't go to a prep academy, and as a consequence, I can't go to Beacon ... I grew up with only one wish, to be a hunter... to be a hero for the people. And now…" I said, not knowing what to do.

"... I'm not very good at comforting someone brat, do not expect me to say something inspiring" replied Qrow.

I frowned and kept walking... But then I thought of something that popped into my head.

"... During our fight... there were certain coincidences... with the branch of the tree breaking and a rock that made me stumble... What did you do?" I asked with an accusatory tone.

[... Smart boy] thought Qrow smiling, and then replied "... How about a tip? ... In short, it was something that only those who have aura develop during hunter training, an innate and personal power with a unique ability that varies from hunter to hunter. I think you already know what it is" he explained smiling.

I thought... It's not possible.

"That was your semblance?! But how? What kind of semblance is that?" I questioned in disbelief.

" Hmm… Suffice it to say it's a passive skill and its effect is a double-edged sword. I honestly don't have a name for it, but I usually call it 'Bad Luck Charm'" said Qrow smiling nostalgically.

"…That's not the best name…" I said in disbelief.

" Hahahaha … You know, I said the same thing to her," said Qrow laughing.

"... Who?" I questioned.

"You see … It was my old partner who named my semblance … Her name was Summer, Summer Rose" replied Qrow nostalgically.

I stopped.

"… Rose? Like Ruby" I asked with surprise and curiosity.

"Yep, she was the mother of Ruby and ex-wife of Taiyang, she usually said the same thing that you and Ruby say: 'I want to help people'; she died on a mission when Ruby was only four years and Yang was six" responded Qrow continuing to walk towards the house Taiyang.

[... Now I understand why Taiyang reacted that way...] thought Jaune, I started to follow Qrow again.

"Don't get me wrong, if you had aura maybe you could be a good hunter, but the problem is that the aura serves as a life vest in combat. In simple terms, you, at least, don't die taking a shot of dust… But you don't have an aura, so you're unable to defend yourself from dust shots, blades, Grimm's claws... You may even see the movement, but if your reaction time is slower... you will die" Qrow seriously.

I lowered my head and was silent.

"Relax brat, no need to be upset with defeat, maybe it's a sign that you should rethink your choice of profession, at least it wasn't a humiliating defeat; besides, the prep academy is not very fun; thanks to Oum I never studied in that shit". Qrow spoke.

"... Wait… What did you say?" I asked looking at Qrow confused.

" ... I shouldn't have said that... shit, Glynda always told me to never talk too much when I'm not sober," said Qrow closing his eyes and sighing.

"What did you mean by that? If you didn't go to a preparatory academy, so how the hell did you graduate from Beacon?" I asked not understanding.

"... It's a long story; but in a short version, I was forced to be a hunter by my father, and my situation was... unique. So I had to get my transcripts through… questionable methods" replied Qrow.

"How questionable?…" I asked curiously.

"Questionable at the level of illegal, brat" replied Qrow.

"Did you falsify your transcripts?!" I asked freaking out "Wait... How the hell didn't anyone notice?" I asked curiously.

"... Brat, I'll tell you just once... Nothing happens in Beacon without director Ozpin doesn't know about it; he knew my inscriptions were fake, but he still accepted me in Beacon," said Qrow.

"... Why?" I questioned, still not understanding.

"I also asked him the same question when I graduated, he said this: 'I had no good reason to accept you into my academy, but I saw potential in you that I wouldn't forgive myself for wasting; I'm glad that I was right.', It was the only explanation he gave me... I won't go into too much detail, but Beacon ... changed my life... I don't know where I would be now if I hadn't been sent to Beacon, forced or not," explained Qrow looking at me.

"... Well... I'll never know how Beacon would change me; I already lose my chance when I lost our fight... I failed, "I said, crestfallen.

"Hum… not exactly" replied Qrow, smiling.

"... What do you mean? I lost, you said that–" I tried to speak, but was soon interrupted by Qrow.

"Don't remind me what I said to you brat I'm just a little drunk but not that much, I remember perfectly well what I said... And no, that doesn't mean you'll be accepted in Signal" said Qrow looking at me.

"But-" When I went to ask what he meant, Qrow he spoke again.

"Don't interrupt me brat... For Oum, you are worse than Yang. I said that the purpose of the Signal test is to select those who have a propensity to be a hunter and train them to have a good base of experience, to be accepted in a hunter academy like Beacon. You lost the fight, but that doesn't mean you failed, you have potential, kid... But you won't be able to go through a preparatory academy, because external reasons and totally beyond my power" replied Qrow.

"I don't get it…" I said not understanding.

"Damn it, I hate to explain... Look, the way you are now, you would pass the test of any preparatory academy in every kingdom without problems... But you won't be able to officially join... Because of the Vale council" Qrow said sincerely.

"... What does the council have to do with this?" I spoke in disbelief.

"Not directly, but if they knew we let a kid without aura participate in the classes, it could be a scandal in the future" explained Qrow.

"…I still don't get it," I said.

"Simply, the preparatory academies do not assess who 'pass' the test due to the candidate's victory in the test, even because the candidates are facing teachers who are experienced hunters, we assess whether the candidate has the potential to be a hunter, and you brat, has a lot of potentials, in my terms you passed the test... But without aura, the Vale council won't let you enter any prep school" Qrow explained.

"... Why?" I questioned.

"Think kid... What do you think would happen if all the 'youth' who had an aura and a semblance, but failed in the test because they had no talent and no potential, found out a nobody was accepted into a prep school WITHOUT AURA ... How do you think they will react?" asked Qrow looking at me skeptically.

"...They won't like it, right?" I answered uncertainly.

"Brat, it's almost certain they're going to question the hunter academies, and if that doesn't work, they're going to question the kingdom's council; and I tell you something, the council doesn't like to be bothered, the result would be you being expelled, besides the conflict between the citizens and the council... That's why I won't let you pass boy, I want to avoid this, Taiyang agrees with me, and your father… Understood our decision, but he even still tried to convince us by coming here with you" Qrow said.

[... So that's why my father came with me...] I thought.

"By the way, your father said he will send the rest of your stuff tomorrow, he wants you to stay 4 years here in Patch, according to him it will be like an extended vacation for you," said Qrow.

I didn't answer and just walk in silence.

We arrived at Taiyang's house and went inside, before I went upstairs to my room I heard Qrow talking.

"Don't feel bad... The result was inevitable... But no one can say you didn't try" said Qrow.

"Maybe you're right…" I started to say, and then looked at Qrow "But I refuse to accept."

"...Are you just going to ignore everything I've said so far?" asked Qrow in disbelief.

"No, you said that they would never accept me to be a hunter because I'm a nobody without aura... So I'll work it out" I said confidently.

"... And how exactly do you intend to solve this?" asked Qrow curiously.

"Just as you, I want to be an exception, I may not have passed the test for a prep academy, but you weren't either because you've never been to a prep academy and yet, you somehow managed to get accepted and graduate in Beacon, I'll get that privilege too; after all, if I give up after so much effort… I wouldn't be able to look at myself in a mirror. I'll say this to you Qrow and to everyone who had been doubted about me or believed they know what's the best for me, remember my next words, it's my decision: one day... I'll be the strongest hunter in all Remnant" I said looking at him, I turned and walk upstairs to my temporary room.

"Hmpf" Qrow scoffed… But in his mind, he was thinking about Jaune's words.

[You are too naive to be choosing this path brat... There will be situations where you'll have to decide who lives or who dies among your comrades, you will have your morals questioned by others and even by yourself... Even Ruby and Yang will be facing the same problem, but... Yang wants to be a hunter to protect her family and find my crazy sister; and Ruby wants to be a hunter to help people too, just like you brat... But different from you, they have everything to become great hunters, either by talent or magic genes... Honestly, you are not meant to be a hunter, brat...] Qrow stopped his train of thought and headed for his room, only to stop before opening the door.

[However... A hero?] Qrow thought for a second before he got the answer.

"...Maybe..." said Qrow with a small smile, before opening the bedroom door and entering.


Notes of the Autor: Hello there, I came here to let you know that, as this is my first fanfic, it's also my first fight writing, so if you didn't like the ending, you can talk freely I promise I will do better. If there are any errors, please speak up too, I am open to feedback.

But that's it guys, Jaune had his first fight; Sure with training Saitama style, should give him some advantage... But it's like Qrow said in the chapter: "It's no use having this power if you don't know how to use it" this is the situation of Jaune.

He gradually trained his body from age 9, until he was strong enough, and trained to control his strength; however, he lacks experience. This, of course, will change in the future.

See you next time!!!

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