
Road to Hero: Jaune Arc (HIATUS)

Jaune Arc dreams of the day when he will become a hunter... a hero... just like us he has dreams. But what will he do when the universe is cruel? Will, he silently accept...or he will fight?... “[... Is this how my dream ends?... am I going to spend the rest of my life just watching other people follow their dreams while I just go on with my life in silence?...]” … … … “ I refuse”. Author notes: Hi, guys!!! I wrote this story just for fun anyway... I don't know if I'll continue without the feedback... honestly I don't have high hopes, after all, it's my first story I'll write. I was mostly inspired by the fan-fic: Reborn as Saitama in MHA, of the author: Suploly; and for a while, I watched RWBY and liked Jaune's character and his development... Notices: RWBY doesn't belong to me One Punch Man doesn't belong to me either Just like any kind of anime, comics, or whatever. The fan-fic: Reborn as Saitama in MHA belongs to the author Suploly. I apologize for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language... actually I haven't practiced for over eight years... so I'm really sorry.

Ghost_84 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Chapter 4

Honestly, I didn't have a good answer to Taiyang's question ... Yes, when I was younger I had said that I wanted to make a difference, save people, be a hero... How many young people haven't dreamed this? Much more talented young people... What makes me different from them?... By all means, what I was trying to do at that time, for many, seemed like I wanted to kill myself...

Jaune: "I dream of being a hunter since I was a child, I didn't choose to follow this path because I listened to my family's stories... I chose it because I wanted to help people." I said... But from my tone of voice, Taiyang knew I wasn't convinced of my answer.

Taiyang: "... And?...you know, my wife also said the same thing...she ended up leaving this world because of what she did: 'Helping people'; in the end, it brought just pain for me and both my daughters... if you think that answer is enough, you better give up now... it will save your father and mother the pain of burying their child."

Július: " Taiyang ..." spoke in a warning tone.

Taiyang: "What?... you know as well as I do Július, being a hunter is not a fairy tale... Not all students manage to graduate to be a hunter, some die right at the first year... he must know what it means to risk his life for others."

What he said was true... Being a hunter was a dangerous profession, the mortality rate was too high... Few reached the age of 50, and among those who managed to reach that age, some suffered physical injuries like losing an arm or a leg... Or both; others have suffered traumas... With the loss of acquaintances, friends... Lovers.

I was fully aware of that... But was I willing to make that sacrifice? Then I remembered my family... And the people in the village where I lived.

Taiyang kept looking at me until he said.

Taiyang: "…if you don't have your answer, then I guess being a hunter isn't –" Until I interrupted him.

Jaune: "It's true... I still don't know the meaning of risking my life for others." I spoke looking at my hands that were on the table.

Taiyang: "So-"

Jaune: "However..." I continued to speak, now looking into Taiyang's eyes "I didn't come here to falter, I didn't come here because I thought it would be 'cool' to become a hunter, I didn't come here because I had dreams of greatness... I came here because, as long as I breathe, I want to preserve the happiness in each person's smile." And then I stopped talking.

Taiyang looked at me surprised ... It seemed like he had seen a ghost, but my father... I don't know the expression he made. But one thing was certain... This time, I was confident in what I said.

Taiyang: "...May you go outside for a moment? I would like to speak to your father now..."

I looked at my dad, he nodded.

Július: "Wait outside Jaune ... try to make friends with Taiyang's daughters, I promise I'll be brief." I said with a small smile.

Jaune: " Ok ..." said getting up from the chair and directing me to the door.

When I left, I was greeted by Ruby and Yang.

Ruby: "Hey! Have you finished talking to my father? Do you want to do something? I and my sister were thinking about going to town for ice cream, do you want to go with us?"

Jaune: "Ah... I don't know ..." I said uncertainly. My father told me to wait outside.

Yang: "Relax... we just want to meet our father's friend's son, after all, you'll be here for three days, it's good for you to visit our house. Come on, we'll be your guides in Patch!" She said smiling.

My dad also told me to try to make friends.

I smiled and nodded, so we headed towards the village.


Our walk to the village was without a hitch; Along the way, Yang tried several times to start a conversation, I spoke briefly with short answers... And, like me, it seemed that Ruby also had a bit of difficulty in starting a conversation.


Soon, we arrived at the ice cream shop Ruby had been talking about. My mother and older sisters always told me to be a gentleman when I'm with a girl... As I was the furthest in our little group, I went to open the door to the ice cream parlor... It was a glass door... Needless to say, I only recited one thing in my head.

Jaune: [Remember Jaune ... pages of a book... a very, very old book...]


After placing our orders, we sat, waiting for someone to start a conversation... Of course, it was Yang who started it.

Yang: "So… You're going to audition for Signal's academy right? My old man started training me since I was eight years old, and you Jaune?" She asked curiously.

It was a sincere question; she wanted to know more about me... But I couldn't help but notice... Her father has been training her since she was eight years old... It's not for nothing that her father said she would do well on the test...

Jaune: "Oh... well, you see... I started training my body when I was nine... I trained every day, so it's been four years." I spoke the truth.

Ruby: "I've never been much of a body-trainer ... I won't need that when I have my baby!" spoke with pride.

Jaune: "...Baby?" I got confused.

Ruby: "Yes... my weapon!" She clarifies; Now I got it.

Yang: "Maybe we can have a little spar when we get back Jaune? I would like to face someone different from my old man".

Jaune: "Oh…" I don't think I had explained it right "Ah… my father didn't teach me any 'techniques', I just trained my body… that's all." I tried to clarify.

Yang: "Oh I see... so will you learn yet? I know the academy offers combat classes, but it's just the basics of combat." She explained.

Jaune: "Well… it was something I decided. But and you? already have a semblance like your sister?" I asked curiously.

Yang: "Yes, but I won't talk, it will spoil the surprise." He said winking at me "What I can say is that it took me a while to discover my semblance. But better late than never, as soon as I discover my father started training me". She spoke smiling.


Jaune: "Yang... when did you awaken your aura?"

Yang: "Well... It took me almost a year to discover and get control my semblance... but I think I awakened my aura at the age of seven." She spoke thoughtfully. She didn't notice the look of shock on my face.

Jaune: [... the same age as I was when I tried... but could it be... ]

Jaune: "So... did your father awaken your aura at age seven?"

Yang: "No...I woke up alone."

I had been shocked...

By herself?!

... She's one of the lucky ones...

I had to change the subject, I didn't want to spoil it because I couldn't hold back my envy.

But Ruby had other plans.

Ruby: "It was different with me... I had to wait for my father to awaken my aura when I was eight, but I discovered my semblance in less than a month." She said smiling.

Ruby had spoken innocently, but... As long as I didn't let on... In my head, I was questioning.

Jaune: [... That's what talent means? ... No matter how much you want, or how hard you try... will never get over that? Will I ever outperform those with talent and who also struggle?].

Right at that moment, I understood the hard truth... Even if I work hard I will never surpass those talented and struggling like Yang or Ruby.

However... If I can't stand out in talent... I will have to stand out in the effort.

Well... here it is, I sincerely hope you enjoy it.

I would like to inform you now that, due to my college, I will only be able to post an update on the weekend (1 or 2 chapters). Whoever wants to comment on something, please comment; the feedback is always important.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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