
Road To Happiness

Laying on the bathroom floor, my hands on my head and my face in my laps… The noise from my parents room gets louder by the minute especially my dad's voice, he sounded like a beast whenever he got angry, I really don't get why my mom still stays, she wouldn't leave even if he stabbed her in the chest. I don't know if it's trauma bonding. I was tired of the looks we would get from the neighbors, A look of pity, I hated life … My name is Ella, and I am 18 would be 19 in a few months and I can't wait till I'm old enough to leave this place, I would always dream of a home filled with love and happy children, I wanted to create a life I didn't get… I grew up in a very violent home. I didn't get to know what it was like to have a completely functional home, my dad is what you would call a narcissist and in the world we lived in, it was really an encouraged trait in men. I've always wanted to grow up so fast, I guess it was because I wanted to get away from everything, my mom got married to my dad who was a literal walking red flag, he would beat her even before they got married, shame her and with all that he wasn't even rich I guess she was young and in love but i, I was on a very determined mission to find a man that would love and cherish me and everything I represented, I was going to find him even if it took half of my life…. Hi guys this is my first time writing a story, I've always wanted to but i have been too scared to, but please pardon me if it isn't so professional. Thankyou�.

Benita_Omomhenle · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Chapter Two ~ The Beating

Mom was a bit more relaxed now, Jennifer had gotten a call and I teased her on having a boyfriend, mom had joined in on it, and we all got laughing, My mom never was strict about boys talk, she always wants us to be free about boys with her..... she understood it was a part of our life and that it was bound to happen, so she wanted to be involved in everything. I liked when she was happy with a smile on her face like that, you could never tell what was underneath it. We were snapped out of whatever mood we were in as we heard my dad's firm and loud voice, I turned to look at my mom and sister as we braced ourselves.

Who let your mother in? My dad kept shouting and asking..... The boys were already with him when we got there… I'm going to ask all of you FOR THE LAST TIME WHO LET YOUR MOTHER IN, HE SCREAMED we were all trembling because we all knew what he was capable of. Mom tried talking to him and making him understand, but he wouldn't listen, my dad had a very fixated mind and wouldn't listen to anything anyone says if he already made up his mind.

Everyone just stood there while my mom tried to still explain things to him, he paid no attention to her as he was more fixated on us right now.

Ad mist the whole shouting Jennifer admitted having been the one who let mom in, everyone went silent and my dad's eyes turned to her at this point, I was really scared for her come closer he said to her scared, but obediently she did… that was one thing I had truly admired about Jennifer she was bold even when she was scared she was still courageous enough, I just know she is going to do just fine. The sound of a slap brought me out of my thoughts, and Jennifer was on the receiving end of that slap. How dare you go against me, you little rat, my dad screamed! I specifically said not to open the door for your mother, but you did, By this time he had grabbed her by her neck, choking her…. My mom pleaded with him to leave her alone, but my dad was adamant on punishing her he slapped her again following up with a blow to her stomach, at this point we were all crying and begging him to stop, but my dad lacked feelings I'm convinced.

When he felt he was done with Jennifer he turned to my mom he slapped her making her fall to the ground, dragging her across the parlor shouting how useless and senseless she was he had ripped her dress and her glasses were broken from the first slap he had given her. She was panting and finding it difficult to breathe, I felt extremely powerless and useless, I wasn't able to help my mom in a situation like this.

He had angrily left the house after the whole incident neighbors had come knocking to know what all the shouting was about, this had happened one too many times.

My mom had shifted her knee this time around from the impact of her fall to the ground; it was really swollen....she was in a lot of pain and so was everyone else. I couldn't find Jennifer anywhere in the house, and I wondered if she was doing okay.

I applied some ointment to the knee and massaged it, that was the least I could do for her.

She had fallen asleep after a while, and she looked so much at peace while she slept. I went to check on the boys in their room, I knocked on the door. It's me Ella, please open up… Jonas was asleep already, after all he was still just a child, Ezekiel and Michael were both on each their beds. I asked what they'd like from lunch, and I didn't get a response. I knew they were both furious I understood where they were coming from they were boys, and they must feel completely powerless to not be able to protect their mom but, Ezekiel is 15 and Michael is 13 there's only so much a 15 and 13 years old could do against a fully grown monster.

Jennifer POV

I left the house after dad was gone, I just wanted a change of environment. My face still ached from the slaps I was sure it left a mark, I hated that man so much it made my blood boil anytime I thought of him... how could a person be so cruel and mean?…. I can't help but blame mom sometimes, she was the one who chose this man to be our father, there was literally nothing good about him.


I was headed to the park, the sound of the wind blowing through trees and the beautiful sounds of birds gave me inner peace, it always made me forget about everything whenever I came here. I sat on the cement bench close to the fountain…. There were two kids not too far from where I had sat they looked happy without a care in the world and I wondered what it felt like to feel that way without having to worry about the things going on back at home, I'll be going back to college in a few days and I really can't wait, at least I get to be away from everything for a while, it was getting dark and I decided to was time to head home I really hope he hadn't gotten back just yet.

The closer I got to the house, the heavier my heart felt and I could feel as all the memories of today's events came rushing back. I wondered how my mom was doing because I didn't get to see her before leaving for the park.

I just got home and the house was as quiet as it could get, I headed to the boys' room to check on them, but it seemed they had all gone to bed early, and thankfully the "beast" wasn't home yet the lights in his room were off meaning he hadn't gotten home.

Ella was asleep beside mom she'd always cling on to mom after every beating to make sure she was fine, I guess I'd be sleeping in the parlor tonight. I took off my clothes I needed a long hot bath, I turned the water on and just sat in the tub for a little while, it was therapy to me.

I had fallen asleep in the tub without even realizing it I got out and dried myself I was scared to look into the mirror but I did and there was a sure ass hell of a mark on my face I bit down on my lip I'm sure bruising it, I squeezed my fist tight I felt furious surge through my body I hadn't realized I was crying.

I got into something more comfortable to sleep in and left to the parlor, I wasn't in the mood to sleep anytime soon so I turned the TV on and put on some cartoons yes cartoons I watch them a lot they're funny and are just a different vibe.