
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · Anime et bandes dessinées
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119 Chs

Chapter 97

After that, Yoru went to see Saeko and the others, Souichiro and Tadashi to tell them what he was going to do. Only after that, Yoru went to the place where he found the treasure yesterday and started taking everything he can find there.

"System, with this, can we lvl everyone until lvl 20?"

[More than enough. We even have enough to make everyone lvl up until lvl 30.]

"That's good then. If everyone is on lvl more than 20, we may have enough power. Just maybe. Because it's all depends on the pawn, queen and king power that we still didn't know."

[I think it's enough. More than enough maybe.]

"I want to be optimists, but, there's still to much thing that we didn't know. We can't even fine where those pieces of sh1t hiding their ass." Yoru look a little angry.

[Emergency Mission : Kill the King

Reward : Tower of Trial]

[Emergency Mission : Win the last war

Reward : Skill - Area Creation

War will start at 6.00 pm]

[Sub-mission : All wife Survive

Reward : Yellow Core*2]

Yoru immediately stop everything he do when the notification appears.

[6 pm, we still have 9 hour, so we didn't really need to rash. Everyone also steadily getting stronger.]

"I think they will attacks us like usual. So, we better prepare the battlefield."

[There's still a lot off thing we can take from here though? Are you seriously will leave them be?]

"We can go back here another day."

[Okay then. I will separate the one that can be immediately exchange and the one that maybe a historical thing.]

"Okay, I will go back while trying to fly above those horde. Maybe we can find some information about them."

Yoru then fly as fast as he can to go back to Mochizuki General Hospital. And just as he expected, he found some pawns when he flew over some horde of zombies that were walking in the same direction as him.


Name : Mami Tomoe

Gender : Female

Age : 15

Level : 30 Force Up

Race : Human (Magical Girl)

Condition : Force Controlled (Bishop)


Strength : D - 917

Endurance : C - 1838

Agility : B - 2392

Luck : D - 1,220

Mana : A - 2989

Stamina : C - 1810

Mana Regen : A - 305

Stamina Regen : A - 298


- Magical Girl


- Holy Mami


- Marksman


- Shoutgun Summon

- Restraint Magic


- Magical Girl Uniform


This Mami Tomoe has very curly blonde hair, usually in twin drills. She has yellow square-shaped eyes. She's wearing beige skirt with black tips, and her top is a short-sleeved white shirt with puffs and arm warmers. In between her skirt and her top, she has a brown corset-like clothing garment. She also has a small brown hat with white fur coming out of it, as well as gray and white striped leggings, and black and yellow, knee-high boots.

"She's look like a gentle and cheerful girl. But because of the force control, she's no more than a doll now."


Name : Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi

Gender : Female

Age : 15

Level : 25 Force Up

Race : Human (Norma)

Condition : Force Controlled (Bishop)


Strength : D - 1028

Endurance : B - 2001

Agility : A - 2496

Luck : D - 1016

Mana : 0

Stamina : C - 1510

Mana Regen : 0

Stamina Regen : A - 252



- Mail-Raider

- Former Princess


- Rider

- Marksman




- Special Equipment : AW-CBR115 Glaive

- Pilot uniform

- Machine Gun


"This one is dangerous."

[Yeah, her special equipment is really dangerous.]


Name : Chiffon Aoi

Gender : Female

Age : 43

Level : 36 Force Up

Race : Human

Condition : Force Controlled (Bishop)


Strength : SS - 4314

Endurance : A - 3598

Agility : A - 3596

Luck : C - 2174

Mana : B - 2887

Stamina : SS - 4305

Mana Regen : B - 289

Stamina Regen : SS - 455


- Stigma 80%


- The Unmatched Smiling Monster

- Legendary Pandora



- Regeneration


- Transformation


- Special Equipment : Volt Weapon

- School Uniform


"System, did force control also change the victim stats?"

[Of course, sometimes the victim stats increase, and sometimes decrease if the victim is to strong to be controlled in normal conditions.]

"So, this one is to strong."

[Yeah, and actually, Ace also to strong to be controlled in normal conditions. If what in my mind is correct, this girl and ace is actually a High Human. Or a higher being then human. Ace is have a full elemental body, and this girl is 80% Stigma. Depends on what kind of stigma it's, it will be dangerous even for you or Rias.]

"What kind of monster is this girl in her original world?" Yoru look a little startled.

[I don't know. Her world maybe a dangerous one like Ace original world. A country destroyer being maybe exist in her world.]

"But, we only see three special pawn and ten normal one. And I don't think this is all off them, there's maybe more pawn that we didn't see now."

[Yes, but where are they hiding? We can't find them anywhere. I can even find them when I scan the entire island]

"That's what I don't know too. They didn't show up on the map too. Are they hiding in another space?" Yoru gave an opinion.

[That's... Maybe so. If it's like that, they can appears anywhere they want, and it will be a big problem for us.]

"Have solution for this?"

[Let me think a bit. Making a dimension barrier is not easy.]

"Why? Didn't you an Almighty Being? The one who control all system?" Said Yoru with a little tease tone.

[That's when I'm still myself. Now, I'm just an administrator of this system. It's true that I still have some of the know-how, but my power is depends on how strong the system's user is. That mean the stronger you're, the stronger I became.]

"Ah... So you mean..."

[Yeah. You are weak. That's why It's hard for me to do a lot of things.]

Yoru look a little disappointed.

[Don't waste so much time, we have to hurry back. We still need to summon Rias and her peerage. Leveling up Saeko and the others. Setting up the battlefield and so on and so forth.]

"Hai... Hai..."

Yoru then fly toward Mochizuki General Hospital as fast as he can. And after arriving at the Hospital, Yoru immediately went to Souichiro to explain what happened.

"So, what should we prepare?" Ask Souichiro.

"Actually not much we can prepare. Just prepare everything like usual. And don't forget to train your body."

"Okay then. I will prepare it. Nothing new right?" Souichiro ask for confirmation.

"Yes, maybe just some new face that will help us."

"Okay then. I will prepare everything now."

Souichiro then went to see Tadashi and the two of them went about their business as usual.

When Souichiro and Tadashi did their job. Yoru goes to see Saeko and the others to do what he needs to.

"So, what do we need to do? This is the last attack, right? And it will definitely be more dangerous than last time?" Fiona said.

"That's right, this is the last one. Our enemies will be quite dangerous. I still can't be sure that we'll all be safe even with the help of Rias and her peerage. Therefore, I'll force you guys to level up. With this, we'll probably have a better chance of survive."

"What should we do then?" Shirley ask.

"You guys just need to meditate as usual. I'll take care of the rest." Said Yoru with a serious face.

And without asking to much. Saeko and the others immediately went into meditation as usual. And after they meditate for a few minutes. Yoru started the level up process for them.

'System, what do I need to do now?'

[You don't need to do anything serious. You just need to keep their bodies from exploding.]

Yoru was surprised. 'You're kidding right?'

[I am not kidding. Leveling up will change their stats right? Str, agi, end, stm, mana, even luck will increase. But what matters the most is mana. By leveling up, mana that was in their body will increase. Maybe if it was only a few levels, none of that would be a problem. However, we're going to be raising them straight to level 30. So, the difference in stats will be drastic. So take care of their bodies. You just need to envelop and channel your mana into their bodies.]

Yoru was silent. But not long after that, he got straight to do what he needed to do.

When the level up process starting, Yoru was really surprised. He thought that the process of leveling up wasn't that difficult. Because in reality, he leveled up from lvl four to fifty's overnight. So he thought that this process would have no side effects or whatever. However, his thinking was wrong. Yoru needed to use all of his brain power and mana control to protect Saeko's and the others' bodies. Because the level up process look so painful.

Just after a minutes. Saeko and the others screamed in pain uncontrollably, their bodies even inflated like balloons when the level up process took place.

'System, can't you just slow down this process! If we do them one level at a time, maybe the process won't be as painful as this!' Yoru shouted with a very worried face.

[Nope, no can do. If we just level up them as they are now, everything will be in vain. So, I also change their bodies a bit, at least change their potential to "C". So, they will get better stats later.]

'Levels alone are enough! You don't need to do anything else!'

[No can do. As your wife, they must have certain standards. If you force stop this process, they will die. So just shut up and do what you need to do. This is also for their own good. The greater their potential, the stronger they are.]

With a face full of worry, Yoru did what System said.

After a very torturous process for one hour. Saeko and the others looked calm with blood coming out of their mouths, noses, eyes and ears.

'Why does their modification process look so painful? And it only gets to "C". Meanwhile, my process of getting to "EX" was not painful at all.'

[Of course. Besides you are the user and host of the system itself. Your body is made for all of this, so you don't take pain or anything. Even though if it does have a slight side effect on your body.]

'What do you mean by that?'

[Did you forget about the genetic mutation you have. With that mutation, your body is already integrated with the system, that's why the modification process through the system is painless for you.]

'Ah, "Human from different world" genetics. I didn't expect that genetics has such a good function.' Yoru surprised.

[Were it not for the genetics, you would feel almost as much pain or maybe more pain than when I modified your heart and brain.]

'That's will be so scary. But what do you mean by a side effect?' Yoru confused.

[Yoru potential is not permanent. So everytime you evolve, your potential will be reset. But, Saeko and the other also have their own drawback. Your potential can go up to EX but will be reset everytime you evolve. But for Saeko and the other. Their potential is permanent, but only up to B and some reach to A. So, their total stats will still be lower then you.]

'Eh... at least they didn't need a lot of money. But why you not make them up to B and only to C?'

[Their body is their limit. If I force them to have more then what their body can do. That's will be more dangerous.]

'So, if they evolve, you can up their potential again?'

[Yes, but it's depends on themselves.]

'Okay then. For now, let's just heal them first, and then make them get used to their new bodies.'

After Yoru healed all the wounds on their bodies, Yotu then told them all to practice again so they got used to their bodies.

"Ohhh... My body feels lighter!" Shizuka shouted while hopping like a rabbit.

"Shizuka, you better stop." Yoru said.

Shizuka then stopped and said. "Why?" Because she was confused.

"What you do is not good for me now." Said Yoru while turn his head.

After joking around for a few minutes, and because Saeko and the others couldn't control their strength yet. Yoru then told Saeko and the others to familiarize themselves with their new powers.

But not long after Yoru was giving directions for their practice, Souichiro came into the practice room.

"Yoru, there is someone from the military who wants to meet you." Said Souichiro.