
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · Anime et bandes dessinées
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119 Chs

Chapter 52

After telling Shirley how to use the shower, Yoru went outside and cleaned up the cutlery they had just used.

'System, we still have some points right? What do you think we can buy with what we have now?'

[I suggest you buy mathematic, big memory and fast thinking. If you raise these two skills. Problems about brain performance will be slightly reduced. We have enough points. Do you want to buy them]

'Okay, just buy it.'

System then processed the purchase of the three skills they talked about. After that, Yoru made coffee and sat down leisurely.

'If we don't have any problems, we can arrive at Megurigaoka Private High School tomorrow morning. And we can go to Saint Isidore with the others.'

But amidst the comfort he felt. Screams were heard from the bathroom.



Not long after the screams. The sound of something falling was very clearly heard.

Yoru who heard the it immediately ran to the bathroom. There he finds Shirley passed out with her leg covered in blood.

Yoru immediately took the shower to clean the blood from Shirley's leg, but he found no wounds.

Since he was confused, he decided to use the Eye of Truth, and much to his surprise.


Name : Shirley °¥°÷|{`×

Gender : Female

Age : 20

Levels : 3

Race : Human

Condition : Fainting, Blood Loss, Miscarriage


"Miscarriage?" Yoru fell silent and only came to his senses when he heard System's voice.

[You better take her to the bedroom and dry her body before her condition gets worse]

Yoru then immediately took out a towel and lifted Shirley into the bedroom. There Yoru dried Shirley's body which made him try hard to control himself. After that, Yoru tucked Shirley in and let Shirley lie down.

"Why should there be a problem now?!" Yoru looked confused by what happened. "If only Shizuka was here right now."

[Why not buy doctor skill. Or just use magic to heal her]

Yoru was silent for a moment and then a magic circle appeared above Shirley's body. Little by little Shirley's pale face changed and she looked a little healthy. Yoru then created another few magic circles and finished what he needed to do.

"Why didn't I think in all this way? No matter how stupid I am, I'm still a teacher at a university. So I should be able to think a little calm with all this situation." Yoru looked confused by what happened to him.

[You still have a sealed memories. So maybe that's all blocking your thought process]

"My memory being sealed doesn't mean my thinking speed is reduced. And I also have Fast Thinking skill, so there's no way something like that could happen." Yoru insisted.

[I don't know either. Maybe because you don't have much memory. You are now different from who you should be. That's why the you in your memories is different from the you right now]

"So I'm not who I really am and I should be." Yoru smiled and walked out of the bedroom.

Yoru then sat quietly on the sofa in the living room.

"If what you say is true. The problem regarding my memory is a bigger problem than I expected." Yoru said with a serious face.

[But that's just speculation that arose from the results of the analysis I did. Besides, there is not enough data about yourself. Apart from your sealed memories. The Eye of Truth which is the source of all data has also only two seals that opened]

"I don't know what to do now. I'm not sure myself now."

[I don't think you have any choice. You just need to live as you like and complete all the missions. Maybe one of the rewards from the mission is your memory]

"So I have no other choice." Yoru then lay down on the couch and closed his eyes.

Not long after Yoru closed his eyes, he opened them again and immediately stood up.

[What is it. Why do you look a bit anxious]

"Someone walked over here. 4 people." Yoru said and he then readied his katana and walked out of the hotel room.

[Didn't you make a barrier so no one could get close]

"I'm just making sure no zombies come near. Because I don't think there are any other humans around here." Yoru answered while walking slowly so he wouldn't make the slightest sound.

[So they came from another place. Are they perhaps the remnants of a group that was attacked by zombies]

'I don't know. Let's see first.'

[You can use Magic Creation to create magic with the function of turning you invisible and making no sound]

Yoru suddenly stopped walking and then several magic circles appears. A few seconds later, his body disappeared from where he was standing.


At another place. Four people walked slowly full of vigilance. One man, one woman and two children.

"Yuusuke-san are you sure this place is safe? Aren't hotels usually became a nests?" asked the girl.

"I'm sure it's safe. I saw a room with a light on. And this place looks deserted. I just hope the owner of the room is a nice person." Answered the man named Yuusuke.

The four of them walked slowly until they had to stop at an emergency staircase because they heard a voice telling them to stop.

"You better stop there."

The four of them stopped and looked around them.

After not finding anyone, Yuusuke opened his mouth.

"Sorry if we're disturbing. My name is Yuusuke Takemura. We just need a place to rest tonight. After that we'll leave after sunrise."

Yuusuke looked a little tense. The girl looks a little scared. And the two children who were with them were visibly shaking.

"Are you guys clean?" asked the voice.

"Yeah, we're all clean." Yuusuke answered immediately.

It didn't take long for Yuusuke to answer. Footsteps could be heard approaching them from behind.


"You guys are clean right?" Yoru asked from behind Yuusuke and the others.

Yusuke and the others immediately turned their heads and looked right at Yoru with shocked faces.

"Why are you guys quiet?" Yoru asked because he was confused why Yuusuke was silent.

"Eh... Ah... We're clean. We're really clean." Yuusuke answered a bit hurriedly.

"Okay then. Follow me." Yoru said calmly and he started walking up the fire escape.

Yuusuke and the others then also followed Yoru.

"My name is Yoru Kagami, you can call me Yoru." Yoru said introducing himself to break the silence on the way to the hotel room.

"Ah... As I said earlier, my name is Yuusuke Takemura." Answer Yusuke.

"I'm Mitsuki Fujino. And these are my two younger brothers. The one with long hair is Masaru. And the one with short hair is Takashi." Answered the woman who turned out to be named Mitsuki.

"Are you part of a group?"

"No. I'm actually alone. But yesterday I met Mitsuki and his two younger brother at the shopping center." Yuusuke answered.

"Me and my brother were part of a group at the shopping center. But everyone tried to leave and no one came back." Mitsuki replied in a slightly low voice.


"Eh... It's fine. I'm sorry we disturbed you. Does Yoru-san have a group?" Mitsuki said.

"Yes. But I doing something different from my group. And now I'm alone with someone. She's sick, so we stop here." Yoru replied.

When Yoru was talking with Yuusuke and Mitsuki, without them knowing it they had arrived in front of the hotel room.

Yoru then opened the door and allowed Yuusuke and the others to enter.

"My partner is asleep in the bedroom, so sorry I can't give you the bedroom."

"No need, having a protected place is enough for us." Yuusuke answered.

"If you are hungry, you can eat what's in the kitchen. You can also take a shower if you haven't bathed yet." Yoru said that made Yuusuke and Mitsuki shocked and gaped.

"There's water here?" Mitsuki asked.

"Yes, warm water too." Yoru answered in an even tone.

"You can do whatever you like, the important thing is don't go into the bedroom." Yoru added who then walked into the bedroom.