
sun ki

<p>Rihanna finds yourself in a dark space. no matter which direction she cases in, she could see nothing from miles on end. the situation was rather vague and was starting to feel Grimm as she contemplated the events that unfolded all she could remember was losing control and then things going black. nothing else could be recalled. she then started to question if after losing control she died but she doubts. that's the case. although she does feel extremely cold, she's still can feel a pulse of running through her body, although her body felt distant.<br/>Kenji: so you're finally coming around I see. well I guess that would make sense. you did do a number on yourself.<br/>Rihanna looked over at Kenji in his tiny form with spiky hair. the black jacket that he wore as a cape and his baggy pants. she started to wonder what he was doing there. she was very immobilized so she couldn't sit up right and get a better look at him and the best you could do was move her eyes and on her mouth a bit.<br/>kenji: I see your drained that will happen all right. let's get you in moving condition first. then we'll have a chat.<br/>Kenji pointed off into the distance a little out of her range of view Rihanna tried her best to get a peek but her body just wasn't budging.<br/>Kenji: I know you can't see it and I'm not expecting you to but what I'm about to teach you is going to help you out a lot so pay close attention.<br/>she tried to relax while Kenzie gave his explanation but she just couldn't feel this uneasiness of being surrounded in darkness though his presence does help to relax a bit knowing she's not alone.<br/>Kenji: okay, so a little bit that way is a warm spot that warm spot is called sun ki you don't know it but your body is currently in the location where there's not a lot of it. I'm going to need you to really try on this one. you can't move your body so you're going to draw that warm spot near you. you feel cold right? of course you do. you literally drained yourself of all the ki in your body The thing about this energy is anyone can call for it. just focus really hard. it may be far from you but the moment you reach out for it, it will come to you.<br/>Rihanna looked at him. confused. she wasn't quite sure what he was getting at or how it's supposed to come to him. she just tried her best to look at whatever he was pointing at but she could barely move her body.<br/>Kenji: That's not going to work. I'm going to need you to close your eyes.<br/>Rihanna close their eyes obediently.<br/>Kenji: very good. now for the next step you're going to have to recognize that you are cold. that's the first step.<br/>Rihanna took a moment to gather her thoughts as she took a short feel for her body. she felt distant somehow. she couldn't feel anything except a chilling distance which made no sense to her considering she was laying down, which meant something had to have been used as a bed for her. yet she couldn't feel the bed itself thinking about it more her mind began to spiral. she tried to correct the direction of her thought and focused more on her feeling cold, but she couldn't even grasp the concept that was being cold. what do you truly mean there to be cold? was the first thing that came to mind then had a moment. something did start to click with her. while she wasn't sure if she felt cold, she could feel something in the distance that was different than what she was feeling. the more she focused on the thing that she felt in the distance, the more she started to realize that maybe she was cold.<br/>Kenji: Good! you're starting to acknowledge it now for the next step. welcome in the warmth.<br/>she tried figuring it out what was having trouble but if what she was experiencing at a distance was warm and she was to welcome it in, how would she do that? it wasn't like she could control it or anything. she thought about the possibility that she could what couldn't wrap her head around how she would go about controlling it to begin with. she kept going at it more and more focusing on the warmth and how she would get it to move towards her. then before she knew it she could feel what she recognized as warmth right outside of her body touching her but not entering. it was so close yet so far she just needed to know how to get it inside.<br/>Rihanna: I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. no matter what I try it's not coming in.<br/>Kenji: That's fine. what's your lacking? is a simple understanding you see them as separate things. therefore they say separated but if you can see them as the same thing the cold inside of yourself and the warmth outside then eventually they will merge and you too will feel warm.<br/>Rihanna tried to do what he said which honestly to her perspective maintenance sense but was still having trouble. how do you acknowledge something? that's one thing as another. and how does that equal if entering you? she started feeling around more inside of herself to figure out what he was talking about. she acknowledged that this emptiness she felt was cold, so if it's empty how does she fill it up. then she thought maybe there's some way it passes through so as she changed her focus from herself to the warmth around her. she started to feel warmer herself then it's Hit her breathing. if something were to enter the ideal place would be breathing so if she just took a deep breath and then let up the deep breath. she could fill herself with the warm she felt outside. then she gave it a try. she opened her mouth as wide as she could and sucked in the air around her focusing on the warmth she she and handled deeply then focusing on the cold. she exhaled continuing this process at a slow pace. she started to be a change. the hot and cold were starting to mix and the emptiness started to feel full. then before she knew it. something else around her started to change. the darkness she was experiencing was subtly a mixture of hot and cold. there were things there but hard to make out.<br/>Kenji: Good, now we're on to the next step Sun ki detection My feeling the warmth around you. you're able to detect sun ki but taking it even further, all of that warmth is being absorbed by the things around you both. stationary and living things by detecting how the warmth interacts with them! you'll be able to detect the things in your surrounding area. give it a try right in front of you.<br/>she tried to really focus on what he was saying. there won't did feel different now in front of her. the area is surrounding. her were cold but there was a rather warm spot right in front of her face above her but weren't itself. gave up a shape but it wasn't as if it was absorbing the warmth, but rather some of the warmth remained while other parts of it were being reflected and the way of the warmth was gathering, gave off a shape or familiar shape One that she had seen rather recently she focused more on it to discover that what she was observing was a sword. there was a sword right above her head. not only that, but below her was a mass of warm. it was both on top of and within it. of course, the area around her had more than the area beneath her. she came to a conclusion that this was a cushion but if there was a cushion beneath her why couldn't she feel it.<br/>Rihanna: Kenji where am I right now. and why is it that there are things around me but I can't feel any of it.<br/>Kenji grind as he enjoyed her quick adaption to his lesson.<br/>Kenji: Good, so your detection skills using ki our developing well. it's explanation time, so after you lost consciousness, you're awareness faded away for a minute I stuck around rather than letting you do your own thing to observe what happened about I'd say 10 minutes in your body on autopilot started to figure out how ki works first you started to understand better how to manipulate the energy leaking out of you. at that point you started to ramp up what was leaking and hopes of shutting down the rampage but that wasn't working because you were also subconsciously recharging what you were using. you can continue this for about 5 minutes. then you started to realize that you were suddenly recharging and shut that down. at that point all the energy that was built up had been expelled and you fell unconscious completely. then for two more minutes some people from the school came out and dragged you and all the other unconscious bodies away. they put you in the nurse's office at the furthest wing away from the other classmates you've been unconscious for about 2 days now and at some point earlier today, the white-haired one that was fighting you earlier had shown up in the nurse's office and has been standing. watch over you for a while now. at some point I guess he detected a change in your body which I also detected. I jumped inside to see what was going on and it looked like you're awareness finally. reformed before you had the chance to regain consciousness, I snatched you away and figured I'd give you a quick lesson for the fight that's about to ensue. also quit heads up before you say another thing. I wasn't able to snatch all of you. so everything you've been saying now you've been saying through your body you're still unconscious. you're just using ki to feel the outside world. PS everything you said has been hitting the ears of our little friend who's been standing over your body holding a sword.<br/>Rihanna panicked. not sure how to take the situation. if she wakes up she might get a sword plunged into her, but if she doesn't wake up, who knows what will happen to her. she tries to think of what to do. recharging her body with the energy from outside got her a little access to move. she could suddenly feel access to her limbs but can't feel her limbs themselves. she knows that that means she could throw a punch but wouldn't be able to feel anything pertaining to the movements or the impacts or damages that come with it. what could she do? she looks to Kenji for guidance.<br/>Kenji: there's only one thing to do first. you need a better sense of the room around you if this does evolve into a full-on battle first psych him out. make him think that you're still not completely there. that'll make him second guest if you wants to commit to fighting.<br/>Rihanna nods to his suggestion. she then focuses beginning inside her body into her spine and forces it to arch upwards. the moment she forces herself up, she could sense the warmth off the blade moving backwards in a quick motion. the heat from the blade was just in range but moving up she could feel more warmth around her. the coldness was given proper shape. now creating walls she could see and I selected room from at least her corner of the area. she was near a window. the heat being generated through the window itself was gathering around giving a shape near the blade. she could finally assess the body of her opponent, though it was mostly a vague silhouette. the body was backed up to a wall assumably his strategy was to stay out of view as much as possible or at least detection Rihanna pretended not to notice getting a better assessment of the area.....<br/>to be continued<br/><br/></p>