
Rivals Of Rings

Felsen, a 21 Year-old boy belonged to a middle-class family. A college boy wakes up in the morning, attends classes, and then came back. A normal middle-class boy living a normal life but... something that was not normal with him was his dreaming of a dream again and again that muddle him... He sees that he has superpowers and is a combatant in a big fight against people who are more potent than him. Being grown up in a middle-class family and living simply, it was something weird for him to dream those kinds of dreams again n again. *Who were those people with whom he was fighting? *Why did he dream of the same dream often? *Who was Felsen?!! * Was he only a normal boy or....?!!!

Sumbal · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

Lenna, Luc's sister and Felsen crush.

"Hey Felsen, I am feeling hungry, let's go to the canteen," Ron after the lecture, said.

"Ron! it was just the first lesson, and you are already feeling hungry," Felsen smacks a little on his stomach playfully.

"I had not eaten anything in the breakfast," Ron talked with pouty lips, and when he finished his words, he belches, and got stunned. He was quiet and a little embarrassed.

"You sure... you had not taken anything, Ron?" Felsen queried him. He let out his words gradually.

"Yes, just... 3, 4 sandwiches," Ron in a naive manner retorted.

"Let's go," Felsen said and could not control his chuckle.

"How is Felsen behaving normally after what had happened yesterday?" Luc talked to himself in his mind. His eyes, all on him.

"Luc! The principal is calling you in his office," A boy of his class suddenly appeared in front of him, and conversed.

"Me! why?" he frowned and questioned with narrowed eyes.

"I don't know," the boy said and left.


"Luc, what happened?" one of his friends asked when he get up from his seat.

"Principal is calling me, don't know why. I will be back."

Knock! Knock!

"May I...come in...Sir," Luc asked for permission from the door.

"Yes Luc, come in. I was waiting for you," with a bright smile the principal welcomed him.

"Good morning Sir," said Luc while driving to him.

"Good morning Luc."

"A student told me that you called me. May I know the reason?" Luc, like a virtuous student, asked.

"Yes I know, and I call you because... I am not pleased with your behavior with other students. It was so sad to hear... that you did yesterday," the bright smile on the principal's face seemed to dim as he started telling the reason for him calling Luc.

"What do you mean?" Luc with an inquisition expression. Deep lines had seemed to form between his brows.

"I am chattering about Felsen. You composed Loser on his forehead. This is so disastrous. Her mother called me. That was so embarrassing moment when she complained."

Luc,  when get to know, his puzzled mind and the deep lines between his brows seemed to clear up.

"I didn't do anything wrong," Luc with zero percent regret babbles.

"You did wrong and you have to apologize to him," knocking his finger on the table, Principal voiced.

"I am not confessing for anything. If he has any problem, he can leave. Low-class boy, idiot beggar," Luc got mad in less than a second.

"Uncle, why don't you knock that rubbish out of the school," Luc leaned on the table, and mumbled in a gigantic fierce voice, with a lot of resentment in his sights.

"Luc!" the principal appeared some furious. "Lower your voice, and this college is for everyone. They pay for it! Everyone has equal rights here. This institute is for them and is running because of them," The Principal smacked his hand on the table.

Luc, who was leaning on the table placing his hands far from each other, after hearing the words that reached his ears, straightened his body and sighed.

"Ok, tell me how much that beggar pays," a second later, he spoke and continued his words,

"I will pay on his behalf. As you know and I also, that my father gives you a monthly big amount for college, I will tell him to add that beggar's dues," In a low deep voice, he said with a fierce gaze.

"Luc!! enough!!" the principal came on his feet.

"I know your dad is a good friend of mine, and he gives monthly funds, but if your dad will know about this, he will also do the same.

Stop calling that child beggar and go and apologize for what you did," The Principal ordered him.

"Child...! Seems like you really like him, more than me," Luc smirked.

"This is not true...," Principal communicated, and while he was speaking Luc interrupt him, "I am done. This is enough. Goodbye," and finishing his words, he left.

"Luc! Luc..!" The Principal from his behind staying in his position called him but he did not heed a word.

"So he wants me to apologize, Huh!" Luc with great anger taking steps to the canteen, spoke.

"Where are you? Where are you, Felsen?" standing at the door, Luc's eyes was wandering around in search of Felsen.

"AAA! so there you are," he smirked and went to him.

"What do you think who you are?" Luc kicked his chair when he was about to take his first morsel from his fresh hot hamburger. Luc's act causes his hamburger with some soda on the side, and some fries and burrito to fall on the floor. "I hope my watch is water-resistant," said Felsen while wiping off the cold drink from over it with his jacket.

"Felsen!" Ron stood up quickly. "Luc, what is this? Why did you do that?" Ron screeched at Luc.

"What did you think, by complaining of me to the principal, I will plead for a sorry from you," Luc yanked him from his collar, and said while looking into his eyes.

"How did you believe that I will plead you for a sorry?" Luc shoved on his stomach and uttered.

"Felsen," Ron jogged to him. "Luc! stay away from him," after a push, Ron chatted.

Luc pushed Ron back and he bumped into a table.

"Ron, don't come this way," Luc said but Ron again stood up and this time Luc's friend seized him. Felsen with blank face was trying to find out the reason behind his anger.

"What was the meaning of your name, huh? "Stone!! Felsen means stone."

"Come on Mr. Stone wake up and fight. Come on," Luc said while roaming around him. "Come on Mr. Stone wakes up," Luc clenches him from the hair.

"I think mother called the Principal. I told her not to call him," Felsen mumbled in his mind. Then he gasped and closed his eyes.

"Luc! what are you doing this?" A high-pitched voice thundered in the canteen.

Luc halted and looked in the direction from where the voice came to find out who is the person.

And, when he saw there, he found Lenna there.

"Lenna!! Luc's elder sister. She is the reason that Luc hates Felsen so much. There was not her fault at all. Actually, Lenna was the most beautiful and rich girl in the college. She was Goddess.

"Rich plus Goddess is equal to Richy Goddess."

Not only her looks and style, but the way she was friendly and polite with the other student, with zero percent attitude, anyone could fall in love with her at first meet, so Felsen had.

Felsen had a crush on her, and he told her in front of everyone at the college function, offering her the flowers on his knees. Luc, when saw this, he got so angry and since then he didn't like Felsen that much.

Since then, everyone knows that Felsen loves Lenna because of the way she was, A Lovely friendly Goddess and since then, everyone knows Luc hates Felsen because of the way he thought he was, a low-class beggar.

"What are you doing," said Lenna and started driving toward him until she reached him.

"Lenna, you... here...?" with narrowed eyes,  Luc reacted.

"What about your class?" Luc like a good younger brother implored his sister, Lenna.

"Forget about my lesson, what are you... doing with him?" Lenna crossed her arms and inquired with serious facial expression.

"Who...he?" Luc smirked. "I am showing this beggar his place," Luc again kicked him.

"Luc...!" Lenna shrieked and was shocked at his behavior. Her eyes opened widely and her facials were stunned.

"Have you gone mad?" as an elder sister and certainly a senior to him, she rebuked him for his wrong.

"AAA!" Felsen moans holding his stomach. Hearing his groans, Lenna peeked at him and felt bad. She was so tight-liped at Luc's behvaiour and seeing Felsen moaning, she stride her sight to her little brother.

"Go and wait outside," Lenna ordered Luc.

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