
(Even the one’s that are looked as great… have demons)

~Bakugou Pov~

*A Few years prior (Aldera Junior High)*

TW: ⚠️Mentions of R@pe, Abuse, Mentally & Physically, Self harm, & tons more. ⚠️

*Today started like most days. It never ended.. Mentally or physically.. My eyes never shut not even once.. Since they couldn't even If I wanted them to. I was too scared to close my eyes at night.. not because of any nightmares.. because to be honest.. I'd actually much more prefer them.. since nothing compares to the nightmare I had living under the same roof as me.. even when my eyes were open let alone closed.. that's far worse.. so I refused to sleep, but today was different I'd layed In the middle of my hard wood floor. Room emptied looking as If I'd be In a mental asylum. My Body filled with tremors from head to toe, and to top It off my alarm would go off, and this'd make me Jump, and not 'Just' In the I'm scared way, but I 'NEED' to hurry up, and shut it off kinda way so 'they' don't wake up. Now up on my feet I'd b line straight to my alarm quickly turning It off. Before looking around paranoid, and freaked out that maybe I'd awaken 'them', but after Five straight minutes of not hearing anything. I'd decided not to take any risks, and took that time to quickly, but as cautiously as I could LEAVE the house. I slowly opened my door, and began creeping out of my room tiptoeing as fast as I could, but once I'd reached the stairs I'd plant my butt on the railing since I knew the stairs were too creaky to step on. Then with that I'd slide down the railing, and begun making my way downstairs. When suddenly my heart would sink, my face would heat up, my throat would feel as if it was closing on me, and my body would begin violently shaking. He'd be waiting for me.. anyone, but him even mom was better than him the momentum was too strong to stop, and as I'd reached the bottom stair he'd yank me off the railing, and he'd pin me to the floor straddling me as he'd pinned me down with one hand against my chest, and no matter how hard struggled he'd be stronger than me, and he'd not wasted anytime talking he'd just got straight to what he'd wanted to do even though I continued to struggle, and even though I'd be begging him to stop crying out. "NO, NO, NO NOOO PLEASE..!!! GET OFF ME YOU BASTARD..!!!" He'd Just giggle with the sinister grin he'd had written all over his face, and with that he'd flip me over onto my stomach, and he'd pin his heavy hand onto my back pushing my face into the floor, and making me arch my ass back as he'd lowered himself onto my legs so I couldn't squirm as much, now grabbing at the base of my pants causing me too cry out even louder "NO DAD… NOOO PLEASE DON'T NOT AGAIN PLEASE…!!! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT JUST PLEASE STOP…!!!" But he didn't care all he'd cared about was himself at the end of the day, and his reason for doing something so cruel.. was he'd not gotten any In a while. With one flail swoop he'd pulled my underwear, and pants down then his own, and he'd pressed himself again me reached up grabbed my hair covered my mouth with the other, and then 'you know what happens next'