

The world is divded into four kingdoms: Estreia, Avalona, Idzor and Rivakh. The peace between the kingdoms is on the verge to break and needs to be established. Elyana is born and raised in Estreia, the kingdom of the fairies. She is a shapeshifter and while training her ability she encounters two centaurs roaming in her kingdom and immediately reports to her queen. The queen gives her the order to spy on the centaurs in Idzor to get information of the possible upcoming war. What happens when she gets caught during her mission and meets both kings, the centaur king of Idzor and the werewolf king of Rivakh? Will she survive? And what connection does she have with the king of Rivakh? TW: This story contains themes that may be triggering to some person like rape, sa etc.

Tatjana_Russo · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
20 Chs

Chapter Four

"Swear on your blood", the queen said. Her eyes still glowing white.

"I swear on my blood that I will complete this mission", I said in trance. Her eyes turned back to her original color and I shook my head.

"No no no", I frantically shouted. I looked up into the queen's eyes and felt terrified. This person literally forced me to do this mission. She played with her royal power. She used it to achieve this.

I was scared. Tears started slipping out of my eyes. They burned against my skin. I am a fairy. This mission goes against all my morals.

"Tomorrow you will be deported to the Idzor Kingdom."

My eyes widenend. Tomorrow?! I can't even shift properly yet. I can only shift into small animals like rabbits or birds but I can't even shift into a horse how can I master it till tomorrow?

"You can go", the queen demanded. I curted and hurried out of the room. Holding the fabric in my hands to run better. Tears streamed down my face. I ran out of the castle and nearly ran into Meya. She was talking to a lady which was in her 60s. Both looked startled as I nearly ran into them. The woman dodged herself from me. I stopped running and almost tripped over the gown.

Meya looked at me with a worried face. She embraced me and gently scratched my back. It was reassuring. "What happened", she whispered. The moment she said that I cried uncontrollably. I let the tears flow. Meya excused herself from the old lady and pushed me towards the gate.

We walked along the road and I ranted to her about my current situation.

"The queen used her power against you?", Meya asked in disblief. I nodded my head and let out a sigh.

"I forgot about one part..", I started off. Meya looked curious and raised her brow. "The mission starts tomorrow", I quietly added.

"WHAT?", she shouted into my face. She then shouted about that I can't even shift and that centaurs are evil. I stood beside her and hoped that my tinitus wouldn't be damaged from her screaming into my ear. I have never ever seen Meya so furious. She was normally the quiet, calm girl. Talking in short sentences and having a comfortable speed and tone but now. I wouldn't dare to even raise my voice against her.

After five minutes and a lot of curse words she finally calmed down. She took my hand in hers and squeezed it. I smiled at her and I saw the sadness in her caramel eyes. We both started walking again to our village.


I was preparing my favorite meal. Salad. I loved salad. Fairies are vegetarian sometimes even vegan. Shapeshifters can also eat meat when they shift into a carnivore. I put some strawberries, raspberries and blueberries into my salad. After that I grabbed the honey and poured it over the salad. Perfect. I grabbed a fork and began eating. It was a sweet salad. Almost tasting like a dessert but it wasn't one. My last meal in my sweet home I thought to myself. I let out a sigh and went over to my living room. My couch was placed in the middle of the room and I went over to it and sat on it. Looking at the ceiling and thinking to myself.

Some grunting noises woke me up from my daydream. Cautiously I stood up and went over to check. And there he was. Laying on the carpeted floor cursing to himself.

"Fucking furniture!", he loudly whispered. I chuckled. He quickly looked over to me and you could see his cheek redden. His blue eyes staring right into mine. He pushed himself off of the floor and you heard his armour making noises.

He stood there in a metal suit with flexible joints covering Kyllan literally from head to toe, with only a slit for the eyes and small holes for breathing in a of forged metal.

He took his helmet off and sweat droplet were visible on his forehead and nose. He sheepishly grinned and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

"I heard about your departure and decided to visit you a last time", he quietly said. He frowned at me and I swear that I saw some tears in his eyes. This would be probably the last time that I would see him. Maybe I should tell him about my feelings.

I don't think that I. Elyana. Will make it out alive of the kingdom from the centaurs. They'll probably kill me tomorrow.

I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. I gulped. Nervousness started spreading around my body. My knees shook, my lips trembled and I bet that even my eyes began to twitch.

"Are you okay?", Kyllan asked. His brow was raised and looking questiongly at me. I gulped even louder this time and opened my mouth to let out the three magic words. My mouth was open but no words came out.

He smiled weirdly at me and laughed. I laughed nervously. Why was I so embarrassing. I played with the hem of my night gown. My eyes widened as I realised that I was in my night gown. It was inappropriate for a female to show herself in a nightgown infront of a male except her partner.

As he realised that I was in my nightgown he quickly turned around. His armour rattling and making loud noises.

"I'm sorry I should've asked if you were dressed", her nervously said. "It's alright I should've dressed myself before coming."

We both just stood there in the dark hallway which only light source was two candles burning. I didn't know if I should go into my chamber and quickly change into some appropriate attire but I didn't. I stood frozen there. No muscles moving in my body.

"Kyllan close your eyes and turn around", I whispered. There was a pause. No noise was heard. A few seconds later his armour rattled again. I looked at his precious face. His thick long lashes laying on his cheeks. Visible small scars across his face slowly fading away. Then my eyes wandered down to his lips. All I could think now were some inappropriate thought. He wasn't my partner. We didn't have the ceremony. I couldn't do that. But something in me, some kind of emotion that I never felt till now made me do it and it happened.

I planted my lips on his. I quickly shut my eyes and tried to relax but it didn't work.

I pushed myself off from him and looked shocked. My lips parted as I breathed the air in. My mind was foggy. What the hell did I do. I turned around, showing him my back. A feeling rushed through my body. Embarrassement. I acted out of place. He isn't my partner and probably never will be. No he will never be because I will never come back from the Idzor kingdom.

A tap on my shoulder knocked me out of my thoughts. Turning around and facing him? No that wasn't an option for me. I felt his warm breath on my neck sending a shiver down my spine. "Kyllan I'm utterly so-", I start but he interrupts me turning me around. I was now facing him. His eyes flickered to my lips then back to my eyes. Nervousness spread across my body once again, maybe even way more than before. My heart was beating out of my chest. Why was he looking at me like this.

"I'm genuinely sorry", I whisper. Not being able to say more. He looked directly into my eyes. My breath hitched. His glare was intense.

"No Ely, I am sorry", he said and took a step towards me leaving no space between us. He leaned closer. His arms wrap tightly around my waist pulling me impossibly closer than I already was. Every part of my body was pressed against him. I could feel his heat radiate from him. My eyes flutter close as I felt his lips nearing mine. I could feel his hot breath on my lips. Hesitantely he pressed his lips onto mine making every thought rush out of my mind. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck as my response as he slowly began kissing me. All I could think of was this very moment, him pressing his soft lips firmly into mine. His kiss was gentle but yet so passionate. I started moving my lips in sync with his. My muscles relaxed and the nervousness vanished. My whole body melted into his. He grabbed my hips and lifted me up so that I was closer. My legs wrapped around his body. I enjoyed every second of this moment. It was branded into my mind.

A knocking sound knocked me out of my moment. Quickly I pushed myself off of him and nearly stumbled as I tried to keep my balance. Kyllan grabbed my to stabiliaze me but I brushed it off. I briskly grabbed a coat from the stand and wrapped it around my exposed body.

I should have changed, I thought to myself.

Calmly I opened the heavy door and saw a royal soldier standing behind it.

"Miss Elyana I will depart you now to the Idzor kingdom."