
character 1 new world

Now the humana have two worlds real worlds and other world will lose it lifespan soon

"Master ! Your helmet will arrived at afternoon ! " The young Buttler Say to his master who was sitting on chair next to window. Looking in space from spaceship

This device can take you to new world were you will feel like your body is reborn in another world and you can start your own journey however you like.

At afternoon the helmet arrived it design was like sic- fic look the front part was mas made of glass it was light in weight . Helmet comes with the gaint capsule " Buttler was wondering how can humans put the entire world in this small device".

Master body was looking were weak like skeleton body all though he don't have any disease his body was weak from the day he was born.

Master was laying in bed Buttler gave the helmet to young master."Thank you "

"Why don't you join me it is good opportunity for both of us".

Buttler" i will join you soon in few days when the one more device will arrive "

"Unnn yes"

"' i will see you later master ,so until then have, fun in new world! " Master lay down in capsule and press the button on left side of helmet. buttler wait for Few movements before leaving the young master alone.

With in few seconds master body in this real world to fall into a deep slumber . The world arround him suddenly turn black where is can hear no noise or smell which was in his room.

Instead, he could feel he was lying down on bed. The world before him was his own small house he never left his room for one time in his entire life.and he could see white number appeared in front of him , slow countdown started.

<30 >

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" I can feel.... I can feel my body's parts they are strong flowing with energy.... I can no longer feel my weak body which was even hard to move.... I can move my hands and legs has much i want " The Young master become emotional and fall down in knees.

Young master was born with the incurable weak body from the day he was was born he spent all his lives in his room where he can't do any thing for last 13 year's.

"So this is the world biggest real Viritual new world with 100% immersion, huu".

When his Buttler told about new world he was amazed by his words but it was hard for him to believe him. A new world where a person can born again without dying. It was unimaginable thing for young master until he actually felt by himself.

Countdown continue

<15 >

<14 >

<13 >

The countdown continue to lower young master was adjusting to his new body.moving is hand and legs in all directions like a small child with smile on his face.

< Welcome to new world >

As the system notice appear his surroundings become brighter a small portal appear in front of him from this portal a small rabbit came with black suit and a long het on his head . suddenly started talking.

"Welcome to new world my name is lighting wolf"

"Wolf...? are you sure about your name"

Young master with confused face.

" I need to report this bug "

"This is not bug it is name granted by my creator "with little bitin angry tone.rabbit take out crystal cube from tin air. slow move towards him and spoke.

"Human place both your hand on this crystal cubes "

Without thinking young master put both hands on crystal and a blue screen appears in from of him.

"We will transfer you into your new body so you adjust more comfortable in it"

"What transfer"


Race : human

Power: 3

Mental strength: 46

Inner energy: 2

Speed : 5

Talente: not available

??? Rabbit was shocked with his status

How can someone be so weak although his mental strength is way to strong compare to to strengthen,inner energy and speed is below low level human's .

"Is some thing wrong? " Young master spoke when he see rabbit in silence and confused expression.

"The new world give equal opportunity to every living being"."What your name boy?"

"You can call me Arjun"

"Well enjoy your New life"

" Hold on wait I need to ask someone too"


Before Arjun can ask someone back rabbit vanish in portal

Loading complete...

Suddenly white flash appear in front him Arjun close his eyes when he opens it again he got a little headache he found himself in capsule and he heard the voice from capsule landing sucessful, body transfer completd, data transfer completd you can begin your new life Arjun .

Arjun thought some thing is not right. when he opens the door of capsule and came out he found open grass field where lot of humans were in similar situations arround him more capsule was landing on this open ground .

There was small bag pack in capsule Arjun took the bag was little heavy for him when he looks inside there was there water bottle and some food in it.

People where whispering to each other i think the status windows is broken it is not working can you try yours.while hearing other people Arjun try to call status windows

"Status windows"

"Status screen"

"Status pannel "

"Is it really broken"

The boy near to Arjun" hmmm this feeling is

really incredible this fresh smell from grass the air quality is really good".

"Hello my name is Arjun can tell me what is going here "

"Well Arjun you can call me billy"

" The people who are confused like you came above spaceships " Billy speaks.

"Well you came from spaceship to you were in capsule " Arjun speaks.


"Most of us came from planet nova, we were born on that planet when be became adult we need to leave our home Planet to join new world because our planet nova lifespan is completed it will be dying soo May be next two years "

Nova is planet 3 light years far away from new world one day it suddenly nova core start lossing it power planet was sin-fic before it loss all his power they started looking for new planet until the found this planet which was habitable for humans but I was far away from our planet so it was not possible to transport all humans so they found a new ways transport us so our people started making a new artificial body from scratch than transfer all our data in it .

It normal take 7 day to grow from bay to adult. Data body transfer was more easy and fast than sending physics body.

Our new body is made in space ship .